Rape, Mutilation and Murder


A Horror Story Hidden from National Attention

On Saturday January 6, 2007 Hugh Christopher Newsom, age 23 and Channon Gail Christian, age 21, both students at the University of Tennessee went out on a date.

They were driving in Channon’s Toyota 4-Runner when they were carjacked at gunpoint. Suddenly the crime turned far more savage than an armed car theft. Chris and Channon were kidnapped and driven to 2316 Chipman Street where they were forced into the home at gunpoint. While Channon was forced to watch, her boyfriend was raped prison style and then his penis was cut off. He was later driven to nearby railroad tracks where he was shot and set afire. But Channon’s hell was just beginning. She was beaten; gang raped repeatedly in many ways, had one of her breasts cut off and bleach poured down her throat to destroy DNA evidence—all while she was still alive. To add to Channon’s degradation the suspects took turns urinating on her. They too set her body afire, apparently inside the residence, but for some reason left her body there—in five separate trash bags.

The District Attorney General of Knox County later announced the arrests of the following five suspects and the charges they’d face:

Lemaricus “Slim” Davidson, age 25 faces a total of 46 charges. Davidson was indicated on 16 counts of Felony Murder growing out of rape, robbery, kidnapping and theft of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom. Two counts premeditated murder of Christian and Newsom, 4 counts especially aggravated kidnapping of Christian and Newsom, 20 counts aggravated rape of Christian and Newsom and 2 counts of theft from Christian and Newsom.

Latalvis “Rome” Cobbins, age 24, faces a total of 46 charges. Cobbins was indicted on 16 counts of Felony Murder growing out of rape, robbery, kidnapping and theft of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom. Two counts especially aggravated robbery from Christian and Newsom, 4 counts especially aggravated kidnapping of Christian and Newsom, 20 counts of aggravated rape of Christian and Newsom and 2 counts of theft from Christian and Newsom.

George “Detroit” Thomas, age 24, faces a total of 46 charges. Thomas was indicated on 16 counts of Felony Murder growing out of rape, robbery, kidnapping and theft of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom. Two Counts of premeditated murder of Christian and Newsom, 2 counts especially aggravated robbery from Christian and Newsom, 4 counts especially aggravated kidnapping of Christian and Newsom, 20 counts of aggravated rape of Christian and Newsom and 2 counts of theft from Christian and Newsom.

Vanessa Coleman, age 18, faces a total of 40 Tennessee State charges. Coleman was indicated on 12 Counts of Felony Murder growing out of rape, robbery, kidnapping and theft of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom. One count premeditated murder of Christian only, 1 count of especially aggravated robbery of Newsom only, 4 counts especially aggravated kidnapping of Christian and Newsom, 20 counts of aggravated rape of Christian and Newsom and 2 counts of theft from Christian and Newsom.

Eric “E” Boyd, age 24, was arrested in connection with the carjacking, but faces only federal charges as an accessory after the fact.

I wasn’t aware of this incident until a friend brought it to my attention May 9th.

Until then I’d never heard even a single comment regarding this brutal crime mentioned by any of our national news media.

We had the death of Anna Nicole Smith shoved down our throats by ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC and FOX News (if we cared to watch) for hours on end over a period of several weeks. I didn’t give a rat’s ass about some overweight, drugged out, has-been bimbo who was apparently willing to crawl into bed with any man who had anything vaguely resembling a pulse. Yet, I couldn’t turn on the television without some new twist in the Anna Nicole saga being discussed. The only victim in this entire matter is the poor baby who was used as a pawn by everyone with dollar signs in their eyes.

Just about the time the Anna Nicole Smith epic was winding down we had Don Imus and the “Nappy headed hos” comment that grabbed headlines around the world. So, for another two or three weeks we were bombarded with cries of insensitivity and racism while Al Sharpton frantically tried to arouse the fires of racial hatred.

Why wasn’t the nation informed of the brutal rape, mutilation and murder of Christopher Newsom and Channon Christian? Was it because they were white and the suspects black? That certainly seems to be the opinion among thousands who have very angrily commented on this case in daily blogs. There are accusations that the press has a double standard when race is a component of crime. One example given was how often do we hear about a suspect wanted for a crime described as a “white male,” but when the suspect is black no mention of race is made? Like it or not, I’ve heard this quite often from the Baltimore and Washington television stations. Though I will also report that I’ve heard the race given when the suspect is black. I don’t know if it’s station policy or the beliefs of particular reporters broadcasting the news when it comes to the offering of a full description of a suspect or not. But, in my opinion, when you air a broadcast and ask the public to provide information regarding a suspect and his or her whereabouts, you should publish the complete description and that includes race—no exceptions.

The murders of Chris Newsom and Channon Christian have brought a firestorm of criticism directed toward the national media and rightly so. There are glaring gaps in the reporting of crimes when race is an issue. We need only to look at Duke University and the accusations leveled against members of the lacrosse team. The media went wild in reporting the alleged rape of a black woman by white team members. The press couldn’t wait to put Duke University, the players, the lacrosse team coach and the white race in general on trial for this reported atrocity. Not only did the press put them on trial, but also convicted everyone involved before all the evidence had been collected and analyzed and the investigation completed. Of course, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton couldn’t wait to jump in front of any and all cameras available and go on the attack. This was their moment to shine once again by standing tall for the rights of the “victim” and scream racism. They had the privileged white boys of Duke in their sights and were going to mow them, their families and friends down. And seizing the opportunity to hype his political aspirations was District Attorney Mike Nifong. He declared the players guilty and the media was damn near choking on their exuberance to build the gallows and braid the hangman’s noose. Plastered on every televised news report and on the front page of every newspaper across the nation are the photographs and names of the accused players. By God, there’s a good old fashioned lynching brewing and those privileged white boys are gonna be hangin’ by their rich necks. Oops. It seems somebody forgot the evidence. You know, the proof needed to confirm beyond a reasonable doubt the guilt of the accused players. Crystal Gail Mangum, the alleged victim of the rape, had seven different DNA samples on her body and clothing and none of the DNA belonged to even one of the Duke Lacrosse players. The repercussions from the false allegation of rape by Mangum are still reverberating throughout the entire community. But media attention dwindled to almost nothing very quickly when the “race card” died and there was nothing left for them to sensationalize. To the lacrosse players and Duke University the media said, “screw you and the fact that we did our best to ruin your reputations. Our ratings skyrocketed and that’s all that matters.”

As far as the rape, mutilation and murders of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom, some in the media are saying this case doesn’t represent a hate crime. Well, it sure as hell doesn’t symbolize a night of love and bonding between the young couple and those who butchered them. Was the cutting off of Chris’ penis an act of human kindness? Was the cutting off of Channon’s breast and pouring bleach down her throat an act of compassion and love? This was pure hatred, nothing less. How could any person of sound mind and thinking look at this case and say with absolute certainty that hate wasn’t involved in the commission of the atrocities against Christian and Newsom?

Reading over dozens of pages on the Christian and Newsom murders and other cases I noted many angry comments one of which said the media has a recent history of “blacking out” certain news stories when race is involved. The Wichita Massacre was referenced as one of these. The Carr brothers executed four white victims, after forcing them to kneel naked in a frozen field in Kansas. A fifth intended victim lived when a bullet fired toward her head knocked her unconscious instead of killing her. She was able to identify her attackers who were arrested and charged with other violent crimes as well.

Yet, their vicious crimes were treated to a media “black out.” Here cries of bias are raised because the murder of James Byrd, a black man, dragged to death by three white men received top media billing. But the Byrd case was only one of the examples used to point out the disparity in reporting.

I won’t attempt to write a lengthy commentary on this issue. Instead I’ll refer you to the various web sites that can be found detailing all of these cases. You need only enter the names Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom to open the dozens of sites and blogs that tell of and talk about these crimes. But be forewarned that you will find some shocking and sickening incidents of violence. And maybe your views will be similar to mine after you read about these events—the perpetrators, white and black, are indeed a subhuman culture and should be erased permanently from society. They should become nothing more than a bad memory in a faded photograph.

I’ve always believed the motto “No one is above the law, nor is anyone below it.” I’ve held a belief that the law was and is for everyone, regardless of race, religion or ethnic background and when it comes to crime and justice everyone should be treated equally. I don’t care if a person accused of a crime is considered privileged because of wealth and fame or they’re from a row home in the city, the law should apply equally.

I feel the same about media coverage of crimes. If you’re going to beat the drums

loudly, point fingers and cry racism or hate, do it without bias. Bang your drums and point your fingers, but make sure you cover all races with equal fervor. When the media tires to play the game of “politically correct” by concealing facts regarding the race of suspects in a case, they are guilty of inciting racial prejudice. We can find enough of that in our society without the media further fanning the flames of bigotry.

Maybe Doctor Martin Luther King said it best. “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”

UPDATE 7-14-07

This post is getting a ton of attention so I figured I would update it with what’s new.  Which isn’t a whole lot.  The killers attorneys appeared in court five days ago:

Attorneys for the four suspects in the brutal rape and murder of a Knoxville couple appeared in court Monday.

Lemaricus Davidson; his brother, Letalvis Cobbins; and George Thomas were indicted on 46 counts, including first-degree murder.

Vanessa Coleman was indicted on 40 counts, also including murder, in connection with the deaths of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom.


The suspects won’t be in court until July 30th and only one trial date has been set so far.  That one is for Letalvis Cobbins and the date for that one is May 12th, 2008.

UPDATE 8-08-23

I saw this story somewhere and decided to look into what the outcome of the trials were:


The four suspects indicted in Knox County were originally scheduled to be tried separately, at trials scheduled between May and August 2008. However, the trial date for the subjects indicted in Knox County was moved back to 2009 in February 2008. In an apparent attempt to force the prosecution to try the case with the least forensic evidence first, the attorneys for Thomas filed a motion for a speedy trial, arguing there was no forensic link between their client and the crime scene. Thomas was granted the motion and was scheduled to go on trial on August 11. Judge Baumgartner ruled that Thomas’ phone calls made from the jailhouse to his acquaintances were admissible as evidence.

District Attorney Randy Nichols announced that the state would seek the death penalty for both Cobbins (the first to go to trial) and Coleman if convicted. Davidson was also indicted for a second robbery which was committed after the murders. The publicity against the accused led the defense to argue that a change of venue was required in order to ensure a fair trial. However, the state argued that an impartial jury could be found during voir dire, and the presiding judge subsequently denied the motion as “premature”.


On April 16, 2008, Eric Boyd was found guilty in Federal court of being an accessory to a fatal carjacking and for failing to report the location of a known fugitive. Boyd’s was the first case to go to trial, and he was the only suspect not charged with murder. He was sentenced to the maximum of 18 years in Federal prison. He is currently incarcerated at Beckley FCI.

On August 25, 2009, Letalvis D. Cobbins was found guilty of the murders of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom. Cobbins faced the possibility of the death penalty because he was convicted of first degree felony murder in the murder of Christian. He was found guilty of facilitation of murder for Newsom but he was acquitted of Newsom’s rape. The jurors worked about 10 hours Monday and on Tuesday morning before reaching a verdict. They never asked Judge Richard Baumgartner any questions during their deliberations. On August 26, Cobbins was sentenced to life without parole.

On October 28, 2009, Lemaricus Devall Davidson was found guilty on all counts. He was found not guilty on three counts of the aggravated rape of Christopher Newsom but was found guilty of the lesser included charges of facilitation of rape. The sentencing hearing began on October 29, 2009 at 9am EST. The sentence hearing ended the next day October 30, 2009 at approx 3pm EST when a jury, after deliberating approx 3 hours, sentenced Lemaricus Davidson to death on 4 of the conviction counts.

On December 8, 2009, George Thomas was found guilty on all counts, including the ones the other defendants were acquitted of despite his case being based solely on circumstantial evidence and testimony. The sentencing hearing began December 8th, 2009 and ended on December 10th, 2009 at approx 10:45 am EST when the jury, after approx 3 hours of deliberation, returned a sentence of life in prison without the possibility of parole on each of the 4 capital convictions.

The convictions of Boyd, Cobbins, Davidson and Thomas left Vanessa Coleman as the last defendant to face trial. Coleman’s case is complicated by the fact that, while she was granted immunity by federal authorities for testimony in the federal case on the car-jacking, the state courts have ruled that the federal grant of immunity does not extend to the state charges on murder and rape. On May 13, 2010, Coleman was acquitted of first degree murder but found guilty on lesser charges. On July 30, 2010, she was sentenced to 53 years behind bars.

Tennessee Supreme Court denies appeal in 2007 Knox County torture slayings

The Tennessee Supreme Court this week shot down an appeal bid by the fifth and final suspect to be convicted in the 2007 torture slayings of a Knox County couple.

The high court’s decision–made public late Monday–to deny Eric Boyd another appeal of his convictions effectively ends what was a 12-year quest by the families of slaying victims Channon Christian, 21, and Christopher Newsom, 23, to put him behind bars in the killings.

…Davidson and three others–Letalvis Cobbins, Davidson’s brother; Vanessa Coleman, Cobbins’ girlfriend; and George Thomas, Cobbins’ friend–each admitted they were inside the Chipman Street house while the couple was being held captive, but all denied any active role in the crimes.

All four were indicted in the slayings and underlying crimes, including rape and kidnapping. Davidson, Cobbins and Thomas were convicted of all crimes committed against the couple, while Coleman was acquitted of crimes involving Newsom and deemed a facilitator only in the crimes committed against Christian.

Davidson is now on death row. Cobbins is serving life without parole. Coleman is serving 35 years.

Thomas was serving a 127-year sentence in the case–until he secretly agreed in 2018 to testify against Boyd in return for a 50-year sentence. Knox County District Attorney General Charme Allen then did what her predecessor refused for years to do–seek a murder indictment against Boyd.

Thomas’ agreement to testify came as the direct result of lobbying by Newsom’s parents, Hugh and Mary Newsom. Newsom’s parents had long believed it was Boyd who raped their son, put a dog collar around his neck and forced him to walk barefoot to nearby railroad tracks, where he was then executed. They enlisted the help of a private investigator, repeatedly begged prosecutors for an indictment and directly appealed to both Cobbins and Thomas to turn on their co-defendants.

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Bees, I hear ya…. LOL! Have no fear…..He’s just Another “arm chair warrior” heard from! A quick Google search of the Crime there, and all the areas I mentioned would tell the tale, to the rational man. Richard isn’t all there I think…
Richard, you crack me up! But Your Locale says it all… let me guess, you TEACH at Berkeley?? LMAO!!

Richard and Hankster,
The “morality ” surrounding the use of the word “racist” is a scam invented by Leon Trotsky in about 1930. There is nothing wrong with preferring to associate with your own race more than other races, just as there is nothing wrong with preferring your own family over others. Racial hatred on the other hand is definitely a bad thing. Interracial violent crime rates are a pretty good general measure of racial hated. A publication entitled “the Color of Crime” by the New Century Foundation provides a very good analysis of interracial crime in the US and it uses verifiable statistical information provided by the United States Department of Justice. I believe that publication can provide much more useful information than you could discover with your experiment and it is available online for free. There is no need for you to buy a plane ticket or endanger your life to learn about this subject. I hope this is helpful.


Hankster, hi, you are probably right, HE doesn’t know what is going on outside
his parking lot, he proove it everytime he show up, just like his side is telling him
to obey and don’t question leave the thinking to the GOVERNMENT,
good we have CONSERVATIVES in there now, checking for the people

Hankster Ck. your geography.Berkeley is a long way from S.Cal. Marine Corps put me here and 13 months as a platoon commander in V.N. prepared me for a lot worse than E. St.Louis. Many years ago I dated a lovely African American school teacher from there.Offer stands.

Darryl Thanks for your input.My guess is black on black and white on white crime rates are higher than inter-racial crime rates.

Ms.Bees Did you get my Valentines Day wishes?

richard wheeler, go get yourself kill in AFGHANISTAN if you want to die, at least
your MARINE’s training will save other MARINEs

Hankster, , it just happen I was listening to UTUB once upon a time in the WEST,
is in it appropriate, HENRY FONDA was so great and what’s the name of the other
I realy like in all his movies too, AH shut IT’s on the tip of my tongue,

ENNIO MORRICONE is directing a msterpiece there, beautifull music of all the parts of once upon a time in the west, a must see and listen too

Got the DVD here…. Ennio Morricone composed a TRUCKLOAD of Movie soundtracks… VERY famous guy in his field…

my first time, and not the last, he is a genius

@ Richard….The topic was how Racism is reported very one sidedly, yet the LEVEL of inter race hate is tilted more to one side than the other….. believe it or not. I don’t care. And I’ll be honest, A Marine you might be.. but one against a city full.. be real! Macho only goes so far, a SMART marine knows when yo go in, when to call in backup/support, and when to NOT engage….. he doesn’t WASTE his men mindlessly..or needlessly…. Or so i was taught. Your opinion may vary…

Bees.. yeah, I know! My dad in law was a pro musician.. I’m learning guitar from him now… at 53! Working on Pride n Joy by Stevie Ray Vaughan! You like music that’s a bit different?… Search you tube for “Lady Fantasy” by “Camel”… there’s a live version on there… guy is wearing a white “dress jacket” on the pic on the video, give that a listen to……..

YES I will and thank you,

If “black on black” crime were higher in every category than “black on white” crime, would that in any way make black on white crime any more acceptable? If you read the publication, you will see that it is not that simple anyway.


Let’s assume that rattlesnakes are dangerous because they are likely to attack us when we are near them. If they also attack each other a lot, should we disregard the danger they present to us?

daryl, hi, I think you pinpoint the best analogy, to make
anyone understand, I thank you

Daryl Interesting read.One thing noted was whites commit crimes at 4x the rate of Asians.Your thoughts on that.What can we as whites learn from this?

Depends how you read it… whites commit 4X as much as Asians?? OR do Asians commit crime only a fourth as much???? Words alter the entire “spin” don’t they???? Now, were these stats based on “total numbers of crimes committed?? Or was is based on per 100,000 people?? The way the numbers are derived makes a HUGE difference in what they mean….. What “possibly true” things can we note here?? Whites are lower in Crime and less violent than most. Blacks, and Hispanics are more violent than most. Why? Is it the “have nots’ take it out on those that have?? Why is Black on Black crime so high??? Inability to leave the “hood” easily?? Without being noticed? Why are Asians so low on the list?? Perhaps their WORK ETHIC, and Family oriented lifestyles makes them NOT NEED to rob, steal and kill?? Most of them excel in education also…. too SMART to need crime to live? Maybe intelligence brings integrity with it?? THESE questions need research.
One thing then, from Darryl’s cite I do come away with… The ethnic groups who are most VIOLENT, and who Commit the MOST CRIMES…. are both LEFT leaning, and the most likely to have the ENTITLEMENT MENTALITY!! HMMMMMMM……. on the Dole…. feel they are OWED stuff (talking Illegal Hispanics here, NOT the legit ones) and I think if you separate the two, legal Hispanics will prove to be Similar to Asians in this respect, LOW on Crime!!
So it’s then, possible to conclude both life situation, and what you’ve been TAUGHT/TOLD in life, colors your view of CRIME as a tool! Maybe if J J and Sharpton and the NAACP quit preaching how badly they’ve been shit on, and instead focused on how via education and hard work , the Black man could rise and event TRUMP others…. the attitude, and these Crime stats, would/could change! But as long as the “poor us” leaders keep telling their people that, as long as OUR LIBERAL LEADERS keep “feeding the pig”… the piglets will remain, and act, the same…. too bad. Democrats of today would rather see their party members DIE of violence, than than see the light, and change their ways….
Well that’s how it looks to me, at a “quick glance” anyway…

Hankster A couple of things.In 2008 pres election Blacks went 92% Dem. Hispanics 67% and Asians 61% BHO VS 35 % Mac Whites favored Mac 53%-47%. I’d suggest both level of education and economic conditions play major roles in crime rates.
A misconception exists among some that illegal Latin immigrants are more likely to commit crimes than their legal brethren. Statistics show this to be false.My lovely Latin wife points out this is partly from knowledge that if caught they will be deported.

I grew up in N.Y and my brother lives in the heart of the city in a neighborhood about 60 % latin 25%white 10% black and 5% asian.I feel safe in his neighborhood and throughout the city.Admit this wasn’t true 30 years ago.Hopefully cities like E. St. Louis can improve in the coming years


Reading about the facts of this case is awful.
It makes one wonder how the idea of parents abdicating the teaching of everything their children learn to union, leftist, amorals is working out.
These killers are 24 and 25.
The female among them was 18.
How did their group dynamics work that allowed them to be so brutal in front of one another?
I have seen nothing telling us that.
But all 5 were found guilty of charges against them.
1 got the death penalty, two others got life w/o the possibility of parole, the female got 53 years and the last man got 18 years.

Tonight I saw an ad for a new movie.
The lead is a little girl…..maybe 11 0r 12.
She is a killer.
Oh, goody.
A role model.

NAN G “union,leftist,amorals” your definition of our teachers?You’d prefer right wing, gun totin,bible thumpers?

post #118 F.A. reader’s thoughts?

@rich wheeler:
RW, Have you noticed that over all the years since the crime and trial there has been NOTHING about the motivations, or even the intelligence of the perps?
How did they become so low?
Parents all too often abdicate teaching their children anything at all.
Because the schools are going to do it.
That leaves teachers.
Obviously some of this ran in a family, as a brother/sister were convicted.
Lousy, lousy situation.
But yeah, the NEA wants to teach sex ed from K through 12.
The NEA has made each mini-culture equal with every other value system.
The NEA has dummied down learning so that Ebonics and other black ”culture” is not graded down…even while not fully understanding what it is they are tacitly approving.
The NEA gets it panties in a collective twist over even a prayer before a ball game.
Whether they mean to or not NEA union members are teaching ”morals” even in their inactions.

Let’s not forget:
Obama/Arne Duncan wish to force all children into 12 hour school days 12 months a year.
They want teachers influencing them during class ans well as through all three meals.
Parent would get to watch them sleep.

Obama Continues to Support Year-Round School [Video]

EDU in Review
Obama Proposes Longer School Days, Extended School Year

Obama’s pal, Bill Ayers…. Domestic Terrorist… BOMBER, killed people….. NOW he’s
A> Still in Prison
B> Was Executed for his crimes
C> Is now a SCHOOL TEACHER!!!!!!
Case Closed. Look at all the Liberal COLLEGE PROFESSORS we have, spewing their nonsense to “fresh minds”…. Nan is right, sorry! And Yes, I’d RATHER someone who advocates “Thou shalt not KILL or STEAL etc over what they come out of school with now, wouldn’t YOU?

Or this attitude…..”“Despite what some among us would like to believe it is not because of our creative ideas. It is not because of the merit of our positions. It is not because we care about children and it is not because we have a vision of a great public school for every child. NEA and its affiliates are effective advocates because we have power.”

Bob Chanin, NEA Union LAWYER…..

NAN May I assume you feel extended teaching of our children by these “leftist,amoral” teachers is an Obama plan to further radicalize our kids.
Gotta believe you are also against collective bargaining rights of teacher,police,firefighter’s unions?
Would you have unions outlawed?

I’m Not Nan… but PUBLIC WORKER UNIONS ?? Yes. Should never have been allowed in the FIRST place!
How can it be “fair” when the Union gets to “negotiate” (HA!) with the very guy THEY gave his job to??? Union elects these guys, so they DO get a better “deal”…. and the DEAL, is OUR TAX MONEY…. crooked to the core. You see Public Unions disbanded, you’ll see the Democrats lose most of their “union Contributions”.. because there’s no “payoff” for them now! or, the BRIBE is gone!

Richard Wheeler, that happen when the union members don’t let the UNIONS do what they are being paid to do themself and not the members doing their jobs,
and everyone knows that they all cross the line, now with the death threats to

rich wheeler, more of is that many moderate union’s members want out of their union and are being force to stay in, they are a silent groups who know to stay silent because they know the violence could touch their loved one, but they know now which way their votes will go in 2012
rest assure

Bees Union members stay in so “violence won’t touch their loved ones.” Really believe that?
#124 Liberal college professors “spewing nonsense to fresh minds.”
#118 “Muslims,Lationos,Couloureds can’t say noth’in but they rape and murder White Christians.”

Thoughts from THE FAR RIGHT

Really?? you explain it then….. from a FAR LEFT mind.
By the way, everything said there was factual, too bad you cannot accept it or deal with it.. another “trait” of the LEFT! DENIAL!

Hankster says “everything said there (where?) was factual.” No opinions?
btw Ayers is retired.

THAT is your comeback?? He’s RETIRED?? Why was he even ALLOWED to “influence minds”??? That IS the job of a teacher is it NOT? You are textbook Lib.. duck and change the topic, never answer the QUESTION! LOL!

Um, how about these for starters???
Union members stay in so “violence won’t touch their loved ones.”
#124 Liberal college professors “spewing nonsense to fresh minds.” AYERS perhaps?? etc etc?
#118 “Muslims,Latinos,Couloureds can’t say noth’in but they rape and murder White Christians.”

PROVE them wrong or flawed…. not your opinion, PROOF. Over…

Hankster If you’re stupid or prejudiced enough to believe those statements are all facts then so be it.

My offer (bet) to walk E. St. Louis
still stands. #98

Semper Fi

Far from Stupid sport.. Prejudiced?? I’d honestly say a bit, from personal experiences. But, not at all… I’ve had some Good black friends… I’ve KNOWN some who would cut your throat for .50 cents! I’ve been attacked by some…AND I’ve known Whites who fit the Bill JUST as well. I’ve known some European Muslems, who act nothing like the Mid East variety… So take that however you may…
As to Liberal education and STUPIDITY?? Watch an Episode of “Jaywalking at UC @Berkeley….nuff said.
Union members and VIOLENCE?? Watch videos of Union guys ATTACKING non union protesters in Wisconsin………. or check out the history of their LEADER..One cite here……………

AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka’s History

Google more if you desire……
as to the fact “minorities” can crap on us whities, but if WE speak, it’s Racist etc?? Ask Beck, Rush, or even JUAN WILLIAMS! A “liberal” of color who dared to be TRUTHFUL……. “Uncle TOM I believe is the moniker used??? facts are all over if you care to look.
East St. Louis?? hey, knock yourself out! On YOUR dime. I assume you are a combo of Chuck Norris, Bruce Lee, and Rambo eh?? None of them are Bullet proof however….. but what the heck! It’s your butt…… you may be combat trained… but dropped unarmed, in an ARMED enemy territory is suicide in my book… and foolish. Do a Google of East STL crime and stats.. even the COPS don’t want to go in there! LOL! suit yourself. “Macho” does NOT = Bulletproof….

One more thing… the story above that sparked all this, is the SANITIZED version, the ACTUAL account is MUCH more graphic, and a lot SICKER than what they wrote here……. Why don’t you explain to us, what spawned these SUB HUMANS?? And EXACTLY why CNN, MSNBC, and NPR….etc all let this one “slip under the radar”…. um, who were THEY “protecting”???

Hankstersays “Prejudiced.Honestly I’d say a bit” YOU THINK

At least I back MY claims up!! You want info on the Unions?? Read here…

Here’s an excerpt….
Milwaukee radio host Charlie Sykes reports that Wisconsin businessmen are now receiving letters importuning them to oppose Gov. Scott Walker’s efforts on behalf of Wisconsin’s taxpayers:

The undersigned groups would like your company to publicly oppose Governor Walker’s efforts to virtually eliminate collective bargaining for public employees in Wisconsin. While we appreciate that you may need some time to consider this request, we ask for your response by March 17. In the event that you do not respond to this request by that date, we will assume that you stand with Governor Walker and against the teachers, nurses, police officers, fire fighters, and other dedicated public employees who serve our communities.

In the event that you cannot support this effort to save collective bargaining, please be advised that the undersigned will publicly and formally boycott the goods and services provided by your company. However, if you join us, we will do everything in our power to publicly celebrate your partnership in the fight to preserve the right of public employees to be heard at the bargaining table. Wisconsin’s public employee unions serve to protect and promote equality and fairness in the workplace. We hope you will stand with us and publicly share that ideal.

In the event you would like to discuss this matter further, please contact the executive Director of the Wisconsin Professional Police Association, Jim Palmer, at [phone number redacted].

Palmer’s union is the first of the seven “undersigned groups”; the others are two more police unions, two firemen’s unions and two teachers unions.

>>> UNION POLICE are threatening the PUBLIC now!! Now read the WHOLE article, then tell me i’m wrong. YOU WILL, but the REST who read it will get it…THANK GOD!
You know, I’m tired of talking to Liberals… you can SHOW it to them,make em READ it.. make them TASTE it, SMELL it, SEE, it, and EAT it, and they will still argue it DON’T EXIST! “You can’t Fix STUPID”.. i’m done trying… have a nice Liberal life in your bankrupt and dying state……Bye!
Oh yeah, again, in Liberal style, you didn’t answer the question of WHY these subhuman scum did this, if it WASN’T RACE HATE! And why the LIBERAL MEDIA protects THEM??

Hankster You have a problem with unions asking for support from businesses in their fight to keep collective bargaining rights.O.K. Bees suggested union members would invoke “violence on the families” of those who left the union.Her OPINION. Would note the majority of Wi. voters support the right of collective bargaining for all unions.
The scum that carried out this car jacking and rape and murder should be,and have been, fully prosecuted under the law.PERIOD.”Liberal media is protecting them” WTF
What we do know for sure is that you are admittedly prejudiced which can color your vision.IMHO additional blurring occurs when you’re a lemming of Beck and Limbaugh.
As mentioned I’ve walked Harlem,I can walk E.St.Louis.Go Birds

rich weeler you have twisted my reply, and used the words in a diffrent context,
that’s why you have to be constantly watch when you come here, and do it all the time to favor you side
which you’r ready to fabricate lies to have them gain support, read my comment and refocus on the truth that many union members do not agree with the bullying tactics of the UNION ORGANISATION AND WHAT THEY ASK OF THEIR MEMBERS TO DO, INCITING VIOLENCE TO HAVE A RESOLUTION,

Wheeler.. there is a DIFFERENCE between “asking support” and being THREATENED with actions to DESTROY YOUR BUSINESS! Did you READ the Cop Unions letter??? THAT is what it says they will do… Quote…”In the event that you cannot support this effort to save collective bargaining, please be advised that the undersigned will publicly and formally boycott the goods and services provided by your company.”
In other words, do as we say, or we’ll (Us and all our SISTER Unions) act to ruin you…. also, the “implied threat” is “the next time you call for police help, we”ll REMEMBER this”………yeah, thats right. Cops are putting the UNION above the Citizen here, and THAT sir is WRONG! You’re in the Military? Did YOU fight to defend these MAFIALIKE tactics?? Strongarm, and now “protectionistic actions??? What the hell DO you “stand for”?? except telling us what a “bad ass” you are?” I’m confused here…. this stuff, and the “Red White and Blue” do NOT MIX!

Those threats are the same crap Jesse Jackson uses to strong arm business into giving HIM money…. you now saying JJ is ok too?? Same deal, same tactics, same political party and affiliations…..

Further, I’ve gone back and re-read what you wrote… don’t try and paint me as some sort of racist hater… I just deal in REALITY! Frankly, I don’t care if you are Black, White, Red, Yellow or GREEN!! If you work, do your share, pay your FAIR taxes, take care of your family and kids etc, and “keep your nose clean”… your aces in my book! ANYONE can fit that profile….. just be a good citizen, and obey the law! Now, is THAT too much to ask?? Racist my ass.

Ms Bees You reiterate your belief many union members won’t come out against their union in fear of “violent retribution” against their families.Your opinion.Agreed?
Never claimed to be a bad ass. Just a very fit former Marine Officer who enjoys long runs or walks as the case may be.
I’ve always believed in the historic role unions have played in support of the American worker.

Whatever…. got better things to do.. Bye! You are a Liberal tho, aren’t you?? It shows.

You said “I’ve always believed in the historic role unions have played”…… well Dinosaurs are part of History too, Much like the USS Missouri!! But, their time has PASSED, and they are now just that, HISTORY….. Unions fit that bill. You made up my mind for me, Right to work is coming up in Missouri, I’m Voting FOR IT! Thanks for the help….

In home health workers didn’t used to be organized.
And, being in unions now only means they lose some income to dues.
So, it was interesting to see videos of the way the different unions fought over the ”vote” for which union would win in CA.
One set of videos showed ladies who had not voted or intended to vote but whose ballots were sent in somehow AS IF they voted.
Another video showed interviews of ladies who were obviously foreign-born recounting intimidation techniques used to force them to fill out their ballots for the union they opposed.
YES…..their families were threatened!
Wish I could find all of them now.
The fear rising off of some of those ladies was palpable.

Hankster, Yes, I like STEVIE RAY VAUGHN on PRIDE AND JOY, too,
better than LADY FANTASY from CAMEL, thank you for the link

Anytime.. Music is very special!! Not everyone likes the same type.. as to Pride n Joy.. that’s the Song i’m working on learning now… Stevie Ray was the best!

Watch this one, note the chord changes he makes with his left hand during the 1st 20 seconds or so…. faster than you can see him form the chords!! Unreal!

You know, if more people just listened to, and focused on things like GOOD MUSIC and such, there’s be LESS WARS! LOL!

Hankster and Ms Bees Music brings people together.Skooks and I are often singing favorites.

Stevie Ray was and still is great! Lower the lights and hear “Please Come To Boston” by Tennessean Dave Loggins.Gotta put a smile on your face.

WHOA HO!! Something we can AGREE ON!! Yep, Like the rockers, but Loggins on an Acoustic is awesome. I can remember, when it was a HIT! Dating myself now!! LOL!!

Video of my Guitar teacher.. my Father in law! He played R&R shows in St. Louis in 1954! Has the paper clippings etc to show it.. YEARS before anyone ever heard of Chuck Berry! Who he knew… also played Lead for Jerry Lee Louis at one time. Albert King… has Christmas cards from ELVIS even! LOL!
Was taught the intro licks to Folsom Prison Blues by Johnny Cash’s lead player.. some real history in that guys head and hands! We DID boof the Sound tho… his son Rob was playing Rhythm there, and we had the mike too close to him, so he overpowers the Lead a bit, why it sounds a bit off, MY BAD!

Bad TYPO!! Jerry Lee LEWIS!! AARRGGHH!!!! Won’t let me EDIT!
I need to get more of him posted to You Tube while I can. Would you believe a few years ago, he had a STROKE and his Fretting hand was screwed up?? Had to RE LEARN how to chord with it!

Chuck Berry still living in St. Louis and playing regularly.Did 2 shows in NYC New Years Eve and duck walked in Chicago New Years Day.He had big hits as early as 1955. Dennis Quaid played a great Jerry Lee in Great Balls Of Fire.

Yep, down at Blueberry Hill in the “Loop”…, plays monthly there… “Berry farm” is out in Wentzville I believe… Got a copy of the Gibson 335 he plays..(tho it’s white and not red).. good deal, couldn’t be “choosey”……great “early rock” tone… are you a “player”?

Boy THIS thread has taken a twist!

Hankster Not a player but I can dream.Got a buddy who says he’ll start teaching me.CK.back in 6 months.

A few years back, I was playing the rhythm part to the song in that video! But, I quit practicing, and am now back to beginner… you got to stay with it…. THAT was at 50-51… 54 and going back at it again!! You’re NEVER to old to Rock and Roll!!! LOL!!! One tip… if you go looking for a guitar, don’t know what type your going for… buy the BEST you can afford, a GOOD guitar is EASIER to play, by FAR! Second, take your pal WITH you. Let HIM check out the guitars for “playability” etc.. they are NOT all the same! Bill took another student of his to Guitar Center, to look for a good Strat.. #22 he tried, was the one he told the kid and his dad to buy!! All same model, all AMERICAN MADE… just some are BETTER than others, so look carefully, and be picky! It’ll pay off in the long run…..