A Million Visits


Flopping Aces is fast approaching it’s one millionth visitor.  Yup, 2 years and 5 months after it’s inception we will finally hit the million mark.  To honor this occasion I have started a little contest.  The best caption, as voted on by readers, for this picture below will get any 3 items you want from the Flopping Aces store.  Post your caption in the comments below.  After enough time has passed to allow everyone to put their’s up I will put up a poll and everyone can vote on the best.

Good luck all.


One million mark passed!  And we had 44 entries for the best caption, check it out here.

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“You want to do WHAT with that cigar ??!!”

No, you are wrong sir. Satan is my bitch.

You want to be Bill’s Intern!

“why yes, yes young man – you MAY kiss my arse for a quarter – and, as a discount – five times for a dollar.”

“Sorry if I appear a little cockeyed… Donna banged me on my head with her ‘Shilala’ back in the hotel room.”

Yours bigger than mine?

You slept with him?

What do you mean, “Stick with the dark pantsuit”?

Mrs. Clinton, surrounded by adoring fans, autographs a wounded slodiers discharge papers after he explains that he is disgusted with the Presidents narrowminded and arrogant policy in Iraq.
~Dana Priest Washington Post~

Yes… spelled I-M-U-S.

It’s for Monica… and she said sorry for taking the orange pantsuit last week while you were away.

You want ketchup with those fries sir?

Senator Clinton get PUNKED. This week, one of Senator Clinton’s campaign staffers decided to play a practical joke on the the former First Lady by putting a sign on her backside that said, “Wide Load.” Some staffers were amused, others disgusted, some even appeared to be aroused, but the joke was short lived for as soon as a Reuters photographer caught the moment on film, the staffer was fired, and the subsequent cover of TIME magazine included a clearly photoshopped version where the sign on the Senator’s rear end had been changed. The sign on the cover photo read, “If you can read this, you’re still in Iraq, follow me to Okinawa and victory!”

I couldn’t resist doing one more…..

Jamil Hussein gets an autograph from Senator Hillary Clinton.

“So, how do you spell your name, Bill?”

“Why are you even asking me a question like that? You KNOW the reason why I didn’t divorce my husband after the Lewinski scandal!”

What do you mean? I’m already wearing a pearl necklace.

In Thought Bubble: “Blah, blah, wah, wah! I can’t wait until I can just have these annoying guys shot!”

Yes, I understand that one of the hardest parts of my job will be connecting Iraq to the War on Terror.

PS – I vote for Ken! Hilarious Dude!

sure hope the dude in the back with the camera is using his wide angle lens…

Hillary, holding court with her harem of concubines, insists that they are all only “just friends”.
Meanwhile Stewie stands in the corner wearing his best black suit feeling like he’ll never be clean again after joining the Clinton campaign.

This autograph is worth at least $5,000, and I will not come down one penny… C’mon, you know you want it… It’ll probably double when I’m the President…

“You ask me that question again and I’ll have your balls for breakfast!”

“Did you just call me “Hitlary”?

“I understand that you were a witness to the Virgina Tech killings, I’m sure you can agree with me, we all have bad days every once in a while, we just caught him on a bad day……and please tell me…..did he ask about me?

“I understand you were a witness to Virginia Tech killings, I think you’ll agree with me, we all have bad days every now and then, this young man must’ve one those bad days……..and do tell me…..did he ask about me?

sorry for the double…now triple entry, it didn’t post right away, so I re-posted it.

Why, yes, I do occasionally wear a blue dress. Why do you ask?

No, it’s NOT true that every time I lie my thighs get fatter.

edit please:

“I don’t believe it would be presidential to write “Monica Sucks” on your program, however, if you would like me to write something about Al Gore’s lunacy…….”

At a recent town meeting, Hillary Clinton signing impeachment papers has an global warming methane attack

Fate intervened that day for Chester when during his sixth period Greek Mythology class he became the target of Ms. Clinton’s attempted demonstration of the technique used by the Gorgon to turn it’s enemies into stone.

“No, no, no! Anal costs extra!”

or how about:

“You do realize that once I sign this your life is forfeit? And you still won’t promise me your vote? Foolish man! Mwahahaha!”

What the Bill doing here and no I don”t want your phone number

Oh my gosh thats! thats really big.

I’ll sign this “To Curt & the boys at Flopping Aces…Great Site!”

Thought Bubble: “After you vote for me … I WILL FEAST ON YOUR SOUL!!!!!”

That’s Senator Douchebag to you!

“That’s right, I just hired Rraul Yzaguirre, former president of “la raza” to co-chair my campaign and lead its outreach to Hispanic voters. Take that you Republican!”

There’s a snuke in my WHAT??!!

Gee Bills bends the other way!

I don’t have a caption, but I did notice that the cameraman behind the First Witch is aiming a WIDE ANGLE lens at her ass.

That’s Lewinsky, Bob Lewinsky

Yes, I can do the Arkansas handshake ?

Why yes indeed I will be looking for an intern – probably several

It’s getting to feel like New Year’s Eve waiting for the ball to drop:

Ten, Nine, Eight, Seven, Six, Five, Four……

Any hour now!

Shhhh. The cameras are on me – I have to pretend that I’m interested in you for a moment.

BTW – Congrats on the soon to be million mark!!

Celebrity judge Hillary Clinton evaluates candidates for raucous reality show Who wants to be a White House Intern?.

For the last time, I am not joking. I really think I could be the Commander in Chief.

So, based on what you are telling me, if I go with the platinum package – I’ll get the “Monica-Look” AND a free cigar?



Yeah…very cool!

And the one millionth visitor was from a Navy Base apparently

gate5-sandiego.nmci.navy.mil from this IP =

doing a image search for Navy SEAL James E. Suh in this post and viewed this image of James:

Gonna be putting up the poll in a few minutes and have closed entries for this contest.

Very good site. Thanks!