Is This Just Posturing?


So the New York Times gets around to printing what I would call common sense.  That being the fact that Iran has been supplying our enemy with weapons in which to kill our soldiers:

The most lethal weapon directed against American troops in Iraq is an explosive-packed cylinder that United States intelligence asserts is being supplied by Iran.

The assertion of an Iranian role in supplying the device to Shiite militias reflects broad agreement among American intelligence agencies, although officials acknowledge that the picture is not entirely complete.

In interviews, civilian and military officials from a broad range of government agencies provided specific details to support what until now has been a more generally worded claim, in a new National Intelligence Estimate, that Iran is providing “lethal support” to Shiite militants in Iraq.

The focus of American concern is known as an “explosively formed penetrator,” a particularly deadly type of roadside bomb being used by Shiite groups in attacks on American troops in Iraq. Attacks using the device have doubled in the past year, and have prompted increasing concern among military officers.

The Grey Lady even prints the fact that those who were skeptical in the past are coming around after seeing the evidence:

The assessment was described in interviews over the past several weeks with American officials, including some whose agencies have previously been skeptical about the significance of Iran’s role in Iraq. Administration officials said they recognized that intelligence failures related to prewar American claims about Iraq’s weapons arsenal could make critics skeptical about the American claims.

My question would be, will the left ever support action against a country that is actively killing our troops?

If, say, the whole Congress looked at the evidence and came to the same conclusion would the left in this country support action?

I have a feeling we all know what the answer will be.

Thankfully we have a man in the Oval Office who will take action, action that is desperately needed, if indeed Iran is engaging us.  We all know this to be the case and word is the Administration is set to start releasing much of that evidence this weekend.  With the buildup in the Gulf region maybe, just maybe, we are planning to tackle this problem as it should have been in 1979:

Over the past month, the U.S. Navy has given orders to the U.S.S. John Stennis carrier battle group, based in Bremerton, WA, to steam toward the Persian Gulf, where it will join the U.S.S. Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Navy sources say the Pentagon is getting ready to announce the dispatch of a third carrier battle group – the U.S.S. Ronald Reagan – from San Diego. That will make three carrier battle groups in the region starting at around the end of January.

Oh, and along with them is the amphibious assault group led by the U.S.S. Boxer, which can land several thousand U.S. Marines to seize and destroy strategic sites near the coast at a moment’s notice. (Busheir, Bandar Abbas, Jask, The three Persian Gulf islands Iran seized from the UAE in the 1990s and has since fortified to harass Gulf shipping. Your pick).

Other recent US Naval and Marine Corp additions to handle/control/kill the Iranian Serial Killers:

USS BATAAN, At Sea (NNS) — The multipurpose amphibious assault ship USS Bataan (LHD 5) and the Sailors and Marines of the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) successfully transited the Suez Canal on Jan. 30 and entered the U.S. 5th Fleet area of operations.

[…]In addition to Bataan, the strike group consists of USS Shreveport (LPD 12), USS Oak Hill (LSD 51), USS Vella Gulf (CG 72), USS Nitze (DDG 94), USS Underwood (FFG 36), and USS Scranton (SSN 756).

"Due to rapidly developing events in Somalia, U.S. Central Command has tasked USS Dwight D. Eisenhower to join USS Bunker Hill, USS Ramage, USS Anzio and USS Ashland to support ongoing maritime security operations off the coast of Somalia," said Navy Lt. Cmdr. Charlie Brown, a spokesman for 5th Fleet in Bahrain.

Iran understands that if they can help the terrorists inside Iraq to kill as many as possible it will erode any support back in the US.  That is the ONLY way we can be beaten, and they know it. 

But we sure can do something about it.

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