The 24 Controversy & Keith Olbermann

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Misunderestimated recorded this great exchange on Fox News Watch with many great quotes in one 2+ minute exchange.  In this segment they are talking about the controversy involving the show 24.

Eric Burns – Liberals believe that this show is pumping up the case for Bush related anti-terrorist measures

Neil Gabler – Well I don’t know about liberals, Keith Olbermann, who I like very much, has made that case.  I disagree with Keith Olbermann in this situation.  Look it, I look at 24 as being like a 527.

Wha-wha-what!  First Keith Olbermann ISN’T a liberal and now the tv show "24" is a organization that helps get a politician into office or PAC?

A 527 group is a type of tax-exempt organization named after a section of the United States tax code, created primarily to influence the nomination, election, appointment or defeat of candidates for public office.

Best line goes to Jim Pinkerton:

And a attack like that is coming, and we all know it.

Watch it all here: (via Misunderestimated)