The man who wishes to impeach President Bush for "crimes" has admitted to violating ethics rules of Congress:
Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.) has "accepted responsibility" for possibly violating House rules by requiring his official staff to perform campaign-related work, according to a statement quietly released by the House ethics committee late Friday evening.
The top Republican and Democratic members on the ethics panel, Reps. Doc Hastings (R-Wash.) and Howard Berman (D-Calif.), said in a statement that Conyers acknowledged a "lack of clarity" in communicating what was expected of his official staff and that he accepted responsibility for his actions.
And whats the punishment?
After reviewing the information gathered during the inquiry, and in light of Representative Conyers’ cooperation with the inquiry, we have concluded that this matter should be resolved through the issuance of this public statement and the agreement by Representative Conyers to take a number of additional, significant steps to ensure that his office complies with all rules and standards regarding campaign and personal work by congressional staff.
Representative Conyers has agreed to the following conditions:
1. Prohibiting his personal congressional staff (other than his Chief of Staff) from performing any campaign-related work, including work done on a voluntary basis, during the 110th Congress, unless the staff member takes a paid position on his campaign while on leave without pay status and obtains prior written approval from the Committee.
2. Informing staff members in writing of the prohibition set forth above against the voluntary performance of campaign work.
3. Distributing a memorandum to each member of his personal congressional staff which clearly sets forth all House rules concerning (1) the performance of campaign and other non-official work by congressional staff members and (2) the prohibition against the performance of any campaign-related work being conducted in either his congressional or district offices. Additionally, this memorandum will explicitly state that the performance of campaign or other non-official work by staff members may not be required as a condition of their employment.
4. Directing that meetings of his personal congressional staff be held annually in which the House rules concerning staff participation in campaign activities are discussed and explained. In addition, a description of these rules will be made a part of the orientation for all new staff employees.
5. Continuing to maintain the detailed time-keeping system initiated by Rep. Conyers during the course of the Committee’s inquiry.
6. Requiring that all members of his congressional staff attend a briefing conducted by Committee counsel on the application of, and compliance with, applicable House rules concerning the performance of campaign and other non-official work by congressional staff members.
Provided that the above requirements are complied with, this matter will remain closed, and the Committee will take no further action on it.
All that means is "Don’t you do that again…ya hear!"
And what were Nancy Pelosi’s words again?
This leadership team will create the most honest, most open, and most ethical Congress in history
So you would think Nancy would can the guy right?
A spokesman for Incoming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Conyers will remain chairman of the Judiciary Committee.
Of course not, these are Democrats we’re talking about here. The same ones who have supported Murtha as recent news came out about a charity that is funneling money illegally to his coffers:
It centers on a charity founded by a longtime aide to Rep. John Murtha (D-Pa.), the incoming chairman of the House Defense Appropriations subcommittee. The Washington Post reports that the group has become a funnel for money to Murtha’s campaigns from defense contractors and lobbyists who benefit from legislation he will write.
Now, it seems that the Pennsylvania Association for Individuals With Disabilities (PAID) does good things. But several lobbyists and contractors who have received millions in government largesse from Murtha sit on its board of directors.
In turn, notes the newspaper, those same officials "have kept Murtha’s campaigns flush with cash." Indeed, PAID largely exists through Murtha’s efforts. Fully 80 percent of its income comes from direct government funding arranged by Murtha (who has long been known as the House’s King of Earmarks).
The same ones who have supported Jefferson when bribe money was found hidden in his freezer:
Even a liberal group is calling it "sad" that voters in Louisiana’s 2nd Congressional District have re-elected Rep. William Jefferson to a ninth term.
The Democrat — who’s being investigated for bribery — defeated Democratic State Rep. Karen Carter, 57-43 percent, in Saturday’s runoff election.
Carter was quoted as saying that she guesses the people of Louisiana "are happy with the status quo."
The FBI reportedly found $90,000 in marked bills in Jefferson’s freezer during a raid on his home. Although the congressman has not yet been charged, two of his associates have entered guilty pleas.
Melanie Sloan, the executive director of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), said she believes it is only a matter of months before Jefferson himself is indicted for bribery.
The same ones who have supported Mollohan as allegations about his "sudden" wealth surfaced:
Representative Alan Mollohan, a West Virginia Democrat whose finances are being investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, is in line to take over the House panel that sets the bureau’s budget.
Oh, lets not even get started on Reid. How about that swamp Nancy? Didn’t you promise to drain it?
The Democrats scream and wail at any allegation brought against a Republican while they ignore their own who steal classified information, funnel money illegally into their coffers, take bribes that make them even more richer, and are engaged in suspect land deals.
Their reign of sweeping their crimes under the rug begin any day now….
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This is an unfair and heavily biased article! I mean, come ON! It’s not like Conyers had $90,000.00 in cash stashed in his freezer after being video taped by the FBI while accepting the $90,000.00 in marked bills from an FBI agent. It’s not like Conyers bitch-slapped a Capital Hill cop. It’s not like Conyers crashed into a Capital Hill barricade with his mustang after being lit on pills and liquor at 2am and then tried to get out of it by claiming to be on his way to a vote. It’s not like Conyers took money from Abramoff, front row boxing tickets, etc so he’d shift his position on casino gambling for native Americans in his state. It’s not like Conyers covered up the Foley scandal then tried repeatedly to push it to the press on the eve of a midterm election. It’s not like Conyers lead his party to lie to the American people that they had a plan for “A New Direction In Iraq” then on election night with Congress being seized reveals that there was never a plan at all-just pandering lies to get votes.
Conyers is an angel, a victim of his surroundings, and he needs our support not punishment..
Happy New Year Dems….
I .
until you come to power 😉