Honoring Heroes


Michelle Malkin has a post up honoring Officer Daniel Faulkner who died 25 years today after being shot by Mumia Abu-Jamal.  She also has a new vent up about the whole free mumia baloney.

The Democrats had a different way of honoring the life of a fallen officer.  They voted AGAINST a resolution in the House that condemned France’s naming of a street after the cop killer.  First the street naming:

The Paris suburb of St. Denis reaffirmed its decision to name a street in honor of U.S. political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal, refusing to bow down to threats and intimidation from U.S. politicians.

[…]The statement from St. Denis officials went on to reiterate that they were “proud to have named a street of this city in honor of Mumia Abu-Jamal, who has become one of the symbols of the struggle for justice and the abolition of the death penalty in the U.S. and throughout the world.”

The statement also noted that “It is not the first time an international mobilization has taken place in favor of American citizens who are unfairly sentenced in their own country. Such was the case for Nicola Sacco, and Bartolomeo Vanzetti in the 1920’s, for Julius and Ethel Rosenberg who died on the electric chair in 1953, and subsequently in 1972 for Angela Davis, initially sentenced for murder, before being acquitted of all charges.”

The text of the resolution:

Condemning the decision of St. Denis, France, to name a street in honor of Mumia Abu-Jamal, the convicted murder of Philadelphia Police Office Danny Faulkner

And who voted against it?

The vote was 368-31, with 8 members voting "present." Here’s a list of what one might call the Cop-Killer’s Caucus, the congressmen who voted against the resolution, all Democrats:

Neil Abercrombie (Hawaii)
Carolyn Kilpatrick (Mich.)
Robert Scott (Va.)
William Clay (Mo.)
Barbara Lee (Calif.)
Jose Serrano (N.Y.)
Emanuel Cleaver (Mo.)
Cynthia McKinney (Ga.)
Fortney Hillman Stark Jr. (Calif.)
John Conyers (Mich.)
Gregory Meeks (N.Y.)
Edolphus Towns (N.Y.)
Jim Cooper (Tenn.)
Jerrold Nadler (N.Y.)
Tom Udall (N.M.)
Danny Davis (Ill.)
James Oberstar (Minn.)
Nydia Velazquez (N.Y.)
Raul Grijalva (Ariz.)
Major Owens (N.Y.)
Maxine Waters (Calif.)
Maurice Hinchey (N.Y.)
Ed Pastor (Ariz.)
Anthony Weiner (N.Y.)
Mike Honda (Calif.)
Donald Payne (N.J.)
Lynn Woolsey (Calif.)
Jesse Jackson Jr. (Ill.)
Charles Rangel (N.Y.)
Eddie Bernice Johnson (Texas)
Bobby Rush (Ill.)

The "present" votes came from Sam Farr (D-Calif.), Al Green (D-Texas), Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.), Sheila Jackson-Lee (D-Texas), John Lewis (D-Ga.), George Miller (D-Calif.), Janice Schakowsky (D-Ill.) and Melvin Watt (D-N.C.).

All Democrats.  Notice John Conyers name on there, he will be the new chair of the Judiciary Committee next month.  Nice to know that he supports cop killers huh?

Meanwhile on Sunday Extreme Makeover will air the episode in which they rebuild the house of LAPD officer Ripatti.  Her story was written about by Jack Dunphy recently:

There are moments, blessedly rare in this country, when the very best of mankind comes into sudden, violent conflict with its very worst. One such moment came the night of last June 3, as Los Angeles Police Department officers Kristina Ripatti and Joe Meyer patrolled Southwest Division, one of the city’s most violent areas. They were driving down a residential street not far from the police station when a man appeared as if from nowhere and ran in front of their car. The officers did not know it at the time, but that man, James McNeal, 52, was a career criminal who moments earlier had robbed a nearby gas station at gunpoint. He had nearly made it to the safety of his home when the officers came down the street.

Though unaware of the robbery, Ripatti and Meyer were experienced enough to know that something was surely amiss and that McNeal needed to be stopped and investigated. McNeal ran into the yard of his home and then onto the front porch with Ripatti and Meyer now chasing him on foot. Ripatti reached him first and grabbed him, but in the darkness neither she nor Meyer saw the .22 caliber pistol in McNeal’s hand. McNeal fired, hitting Ripatti twice before Meyer shot and killed him on the spot. Ripatti was wearing a Kevlar vest, but one bullet struck her in an unprotected area under her right arm and tore through her chest.

Meyer put out the broadcast on the radio, the one dreaded by cops everywhere: “Officer needs help . . . shots fired . . . officer down!” Four members of the LAPD’s SWAT team had just finished their shift and were leaving the nearby police station when they heard the call. Officers Ralph Ward, Gary Koba, Gil Pinel, and Keith Bertonneau, all of whom are trained as EMTs, were at Ripatti’s side in less than a minute, joining Meyer and Sergeant Robin Brown, a plainclothes vice officer who was the first to arrive. Together they worked to stop Ripatti’s bleeding during the seemingly interminable period it took for fire department paramedics to arrive.

Among the many other cops who also rushed to the scene was Ripatti’s husband, Tim Pearce, who was patrolling another part of South Los Angeles a few miles away. He knew the area where the shooting occurred, and he knew Kristina spent much of her time focusing on the street gangs in that neighborhood. He arrived to find his worst fears confirmed. Kneeling at her side, he held her hand and kissed her, fearing it would be for the last time.

By the time paramedics arrived Ripatti was very near death, with her blood pressure dropping quickly. The visible bleeding had been stanched but there was no way of knowing how much she may have been bleeding internally. A firefighter drove the ambulance to downtown L.A.’s California Hospital, allowing both paramedics and an additional firefighter to work on Ripatti on the way. Police cars and motorcycles raced ahead of the ambulance, saving valuable seconds by clearing traffic at every intersection along the route.

And here is a sneak peek of the episode in which this show honors a hero:



A fitting tribute to a hero.

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No justice for Daniel Faulkner

On December 9, 1981, Philadelphia Police Officer Danial Faulkner was newly married and not yet twenty-seven years old. That night he made a traffic stop on a car going the wrong way and a scuffle ensued with the driver. The