More Disgraceful Lefty Tactics

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I don’t know about you but the way the left continues on with their tactic of outing gay politicians makes my skin crawl….is this sexual McCarthyism?

Mike Rogers, who calls himself “the nation’s leading gay activist blogger” has just finished a nationally-broadcast interview on the Ed Schultz Radio Show in which he alleges that Idaho Republican Senator Larry Craig has engaged in same-sex sexual activity.

Senator Craig’s office flatly rejected the claims. “The Senator says this story is absolutely ridiculous – almost laughable,” said press secretary Sid Smith. “It has no basis in fact.”

Rogers said he has talked to three men unknown to each other who all reported in detail their sexual encounters with Craig over the last four years. The men were of legal age, Rogers said.

Craig has denied the allegation:

Senator Craig’s office flatly rejected the claims. “The Senator says this story is absolutely ridiculous – almost laughable,” said press secretary Sid Smith. “It has no basis in fact.”

But that is beside the point. Where in the world does the left believe this is going to lead? To announce to the world that a father of three is a closet homosexual, for no other reason other then to end the political careers of those who don’t vote the way you want them to smacks of something Hoover would have done….

Ed Morrissey:

The Left obsesses over identity politics in all forms, and that obsession comes out in pathological terms. Rogers reveals this in his blog post, demanding that gay staffers on the Hill identify their orientation publicly, or else he will do it for them. Sexual identity is everything to him, and the concept of sexual privacy has no value to him at all. He wants to humiliate gays who prefer to keep their sexual activity private, forcing them to wear the virtual pink triangle against their will to experience obloquy and castigation.

And Jonah Goldberg believes this is going to come back to bite them:

The sort of scorched earth attack liberals have mounted in the wake of Foley is creating precedents I guarantee will haunt them in unexpected ways in years to come.

And this may well be much worse then just a terrible lefty tactic to take over the house. It well could be extortion. Recall this Mike Rogers warning back in January:

Mr. Senator:

Tomorrow you will be faced with a vote that may have the longest aftereffects of any other you have cast in your Senate career.

Tomorrow you will decide if your political position is worth more than doing what is right for others like you. For others like you, Mr. Senator, who engage in oral sex with other men. (Although, Mr. Senator, most of us don’t do in the bathrooms of Union Station!) Your fake marriage, by the way, will NOT protect you from the truth being told on this blog.

How does this blog decide who to report on? It’s simple. We report on hypocrites. In this case, hypocrites who vote against the gay and lesbian community while engaging in gay sex themselves*.

When you cast that vote, Mr. Senator, represent your own…it’s the least you could do.

Michael Rogers

*While votes on many matters are considered, votes “FOR” either the Alito nomination and the Federal Marriage Amendment are enough to qualify legislators for reporting on this site.

Sounds like the allegations he is making against Craig right? He warns him to vote the way he wants “or else”.

This is called extortion people.

Other’s Blogging:

And this may well be much worse then just a terrible lefty tactic to take over the house. It well could be extortion. Recall this Mike Rogers warning back in January

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I don’t know about you but the way the left continues on with their tactic of outing gay politicians makes my skin crawl…

The one telling thing about the conservative reaction is the widespread use of “creepy” language. What’s happened isn’t unethical, or wrong, but “creepy” or “disgusting” – the use of the language of the body belies conservatives’ fundamental discomfort with gays. You can protest, but your language gives you away.