Back We Go To FoleyGate

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Gateway Pundit is reporting that he has been told who the FoleyGate spy is:

This much was revealed- “There is very strong speculation that Brian Smoot is one the high ranking democrats who knew of the Foley scandal months before the news broke on September 29, 2006.”

He then points us to this Redstate analysis done last week:

Let’s follow this chain of events, which may be coincidental and may not be coincidental:

In August of 2004, Rodney Alexander’s Chief of Staff, Brian Smoot, and five other staffers abruptly quit because Alexander switched to the GOP. National Journal reported on August 13, 2004, that the Chief of Staff “sharply criticized Alexander for switching parties.” The Chief of Staff and five staffers were promptly hired by minority leader Nancy Pelosi.

In November 2005, Alexander is notified by a couple in his district that the couple’s son had gotten emails from Mark Foley that were not really kosher.

In October of 2006, we find that Alexander’s former Chief of Staff is now running the congressional campaign of Ron Klein in Florida’s 22nd Congressional District against Republican Representative Clay Shaw — a district that shares a major media market with Mark Foley’s district.

I do believe the FBI will be knocking on Smoots door sometime soon, as they will be at CREW’s office also:

A leftist group with strong ties to the Democratic Party and to radical billionaire George Soros may have engaged in criminal obstruction of justice in the Foley case. FBI investigators have accused the group CREW of concealing evidence of Rep. Mark Foley’s sexual misconduct over a period of several months.

George Soros’ Open Society Institute contributed $100,000 to CREW in January 2006.

“CREW is little more than a front for George Soros’ Shadow Party,” charges David Horowitz. “CREW has been withholding this evidence for months, apparently in order to release it just before the election. It is well known that Soros keeps a tight rein on groups that he funds. He and his Shadow Party cannot evade responsibility for CREW’s actions.”

The Shadow Party is a network of private political groups, organized and led by George Soros, which exerts a powerful but hidden influence over the Democratic Party, according to Horowitz.

And The American Spectator reports that this Shadow network of leftist groups was not ready for the Foley story when it first came out. Oh, they knew about it and planned for it, but they wanted to wait a bit before pulling the trigger:

One of the stories going around Democrat Party circles is that party operatives like Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) and American Family Voices weren’t quite ready for primetime with the opposition research materials they had gathered for the 2006 election cycle.

According to one political consultant with ties to the DNC and other party organizations, “I’m hearing the Foley story wasn’t supposed to drop until about ten days out of the election. It was supposed the coup de grace, not the first shot.”

So why the rush? According to another DNC operative: bad polling numbers across the country. “Bush’s national security speeches were getting traction beyond the base, gas prices were dropping, economic outlook surveys were positive. We were seeing bad Democratic numbers in Missouri, Michigan, Washington, Arizona, Florida Pennsylvania, even parts of New York,” says the operative. “A month before, we were looking at launching an offensive against Republicans who according to polling barely held a five-seat majority if the election were to be held at the end of August. That was doable for Democrats from September 1 to November 7. But by mid-September, Republicans were back to having held seats for a 15-seat majority. In the Senate, it looked like a wash. We held seats in Florida, Nebraska, picked up seats in Pennsylvania, but that that was about it. They were holding in Missouri and possibly within reach of Maryland and Washington. We were looking at a disaster in the making.”

So how to remedy? “You pull out the bright shiny things that distract the average American voter away from the issues we all know they care about — national security, anti-terrorism — and focus on the ugly: Foley and Iraq.”

Macranger is hearing the same thing from his sources:

Sources today tell me that the ethics committee IS, along with their “who knew what and when”, is looking at whether or not there was any “evidence” witholding on the part of Democrats or of their operatives. Again, Foley’s activities aside, if it comes to light that Democratic operatives, or as it is believed at least one member of the Democratic Leadership had prior knowledge of Foley’s activities, the recoil would destroy democratic “momentum” in the last few weeks of the election. As I was told, “There is a gag order”.

The public hates a coverup, but they specifically detest a dishonest coverup. At this point the evidence is becoming more clear on the left than on the right. We’re all glad Foley was found out and is out of office. But if it turns out that – as it is now appearing – that Democratic operatives knew more than the Republican leadership about Foley but failed to inform them, look out.

The big story in this whole thing isn’t that Foley liked young men (men….not boys) and was gay, it’s the story of this network working behind the scenes to CREATE a scandal. CREW knew that there was no crime involved so they gave the FBI edited versions of emails. They knew the FBI couldn’t act on emails that were edited so when the story broke they could tell the world that they TRIED to get the FBI involved but they wouldn’t do anything.

This allows the media to report that Foley and the GOP was under investigation by the FBI.

Meanwhile the FBI is reporting that they will be talking to a page who received sexual IM’s….of course the media won’t print the pages name because that would mean they would have to admit he was an ADULT:

The FBI is expected to interview a former congressional page Tuesday who may have received suggestive electronic messages from former Florida Rep. Mark Foley, his attorney said.

“They (FBI) will question [the page] concerning his knowledge, if any, about former congressman Mark Foley,” the former page’s attorney Stephen Jones told The Oklahoman. The meeting was to occur in Oklahoma City where the former page has been working on a gubernatorial campaign, Jones said.

The MSM can try to hide this fact but the name of the page has been out there for quite sometime:

FBI special agents will question a former congressional page today in Oklahoma City at an undisclosed location about the recent sex scandal, said Enid attorney Stephen Jones, who is representing the man.

“They (FBI) will question Jordan Edmund concerning his knowledge, if any, about former congressman Mark Foley,” Jones said.

Foley, 52, stepped down recently from his House seat after he was confronted by “ABC News” with sexually explicit electronic messages he had sent teenage male pages. Through his attorney, Foley has said he is gay but denied any sexual contact with minors.

Edmund, who hails from California and was a U.S. House page from September 2001 to June 2002, is believed to have been the target of some of Foley’s salacious messages. He is a campaign aide to Rep. Ernest Istook, R-Okla., who is running against Gov. Brad Henry for the governor’s seat.

Still more spin from our MSM and the Democratic party.

Other’s Blogging:

The big story in this whole thing isn’t that Foley liked young men (men….not boys) and was gay, it’s the story of this network working behind the scenes to CREATE a scandal. CREW knew that there was no crime involved so they gave the FBI edited versions of emails. They knew the FBI couldn’t act on emails that were edited so when the story broke they could tell the world that they TRIED to get the FBI involved but they wouldn’t do anything.