What a world we live in when a Hitler wannabe, who has stated his goal of wiping a whole nation off the face of the earth, gets a ton of applause from a world body while President Bush gets a smattering here and there.
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad launched a scathing attack on the United States and Britain in the UN General Assembly, accusing them of manipulating the world body to further their ends and trying to deny his country the benefits of nuclear power.
“All our nuclear activities are transparent, peaceful and under the watchful eyes of IAEA inspectors,” the Iranian leader said. “Why then are there objections to our legally recognized rights?”
He charged that some of the governments objecting to the Iranian nuclear program “have abused nuclear technology for non-peaceful ends including the production of nuclear bombs” and “some even have a bleak record of using them against humanity.”
“Some permanent members of the Security Council, even when they are themselves parties to international disputes, conveniently threaten others with the Security Council and declare, even before any decision by the council, the condemnation of their opponents by the council,” he said.
Tehran has refused to comply with a Security Council demand that it suspend sensitive nuclear fuel work, arguing that it has the right to conduct uranium enrichment and that its nuclear program is peaceful.
Ahmadinejad more generally accused the United States and Britain of manipulating the Security Council to further their own agendas.
“The question needs to be asked; if the governments of the United States or the United Kingdom who are permanent members of the Security Council, commit aggression, occupation and violation of international law, which of the organs of the UN can take them to account?,” he said.
“As long as the council is unable to act on behalf of the entire international community in a transparent, just and democratic manner, it will neither be legitimate nor effective,” he added.
Of course this report left out HitlerJr’s prayer in which he prayed for the return of the 12th Imam:
“I am emphatically declare that today’s world more than ever before longs for just and righteous people with love for all humanity, and above all longs for the perfect, righteous human being and the real savior who has been promised to all peoples and who will establish justice, peace and brotherhood on the planet. [The Twelfth Imam] Oh Almighty God, all men and women are your creatures and you have ordained their guidance and salvation. Bestow upon humanity that thirst for justice, the perfect human being promised to all by you, and make us among his followers among those who strive for his return and his cause.”
Along with the fact that he again reiterated his opposition to Israel even existing, that he blamed the US for the recent Israeli conflict, and most importantly he disregarded the legitimacy of the Security Council:
“Is it appropriate to expect this generation to submit to[to the Security Council]?”
Why is this important? Because he has now set up the end game. He will defy the UN because “no one should submit” to the illegitimate Security Council. All the cards are on the table now.
And unless the US takes the lead and forces Iran to submit we should all get used to having a terrorist state with a nuke.
Dangerous times ahead my friends, dangerous times.
The fact of the matter is that you could imagine this speech being made in 1939. Dispose of the Jews, allow every nation to gather whatever kind of technology they want…no matter the consequences, and calls for justice from the “one true god”.
Do not doubt for one moment that this guy has the ambition of Hitler.
One last thought, which Lorie Byrd and Sister Toldjah both beat me to, is the fact that HitlerJr used some of the Democrats talking points tonight:
“The question needs to be asked: if the governments of the United States or the United Kingdom, who are permanent members of the Security Council, commit aggression, occupation and violation of international law, which of the U.N. organs can take them into account”..
…about U.S. efforts in Iraq…”the occupiers are incapable of establishing security in Iraq” and every day hundreds of people get killed “in cold blood.”
…”It seems that intensification of hostilities and terrorism serves as a pretext for the continued presence of foreign forces in Iraq,”
Don’t the Democrats feel special?
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