As many of you know I will sometimes journey into DummiesU, to get a better understanding of the thought process involved with the left. I came across a thread that I feel must be shared. Its a thread about the upcoming ABC mini-series “The Path To 9/11”.
The first post that piqued my interest was a liberal calling for censorship:
marshall (282 posts) Sat Sep-09-06 08:37 AM
Response to Reply #38
41. Sometimes movies, like books, need to be bannedI’m on a committee gearing up for Banned Book Week later this month, sponsored by ALA. It’s interesting how a turn of events can give one a different perspective. Sometimes material like books or movies that promote wrong ideas have to be banned by proper thinking people. We can’t let people be duped.
On the same thread:
newspeak (1000+ posts) Sat Sep-09-06 12:53 PM
Response to Reply #44
97. I don’t favor censorship, eitherbut, they can do what they did on Fahrenheit 9/11-they wouldn’t show the documentary before an election, so it was sold on DVD. They can sell this on DVD, instead of making it accessible to the masses before an election. ABC are nothing but neo-con apologists, hypocrites!!!! At least Fahrenheit 9/11 was based on actual filming, real people and new clippings, unlike this fabricated piece of shite!!!!
Fahrenheit 9/11 was based on actual facts……whoa boy.
Here is a Clinton apologist on the same thread:
Alacrat (174 posts) Sat Sep-09-06 08:03 AM
Response to Reply #12
30. Who said let it ride?and why are you questioning what side I’m on? My whole point was, all this has been said before, abc isn’t the first to say it. I believe Clinton did the right thing, if he decided not to take the shots at osama. Taking the shot, and killing a bunch of civilians, or a Saudi prince, would have been wrong IMO at that time. Now if the whole Clinton not taking the shot is a lie, why haven’t people been raising hell about it before now, because this isn’t the first time it has been said. The Lewinsky BS is exactly that IMO, I was quoting the A&E, or who ever it was, show. Which again makes my point, why all the fuss about abc, when others have been saying the same thing, and I haven’t heard anyone raising hell about it. I want any and all lies corrected, and the truth to be told, whether it’s abc or anyone else telling it. Did Clinton pass on a shot or not? If so, and the above isn’t correct, what is?
And last but not least in my perusal of the leftist thought sewer is the always present conspiracy theory:
humbled_opinion (113 posts)Sat Sep-09-06 05:53 AM
Response to Original message
14. Rovian StinkStep 1. Controversial mockumentary about how Clinton had opportunities to get Osama Bin Laden.
Step 2. Produce one dead Osama Bin Laden right after the 5th anniversary of 911 making Brush the hero.Result: Good for at least 15 points in the various midterm election races.
This thread had it all. Book burning, apologizing for Clinton not taking out Osama, calling Fahrenheit 9/11 a work of non-fiction, and a conspiracy theory.
What great fun.
I had to go to another thread to find this gem, but boy was it worth it:
Dinger (1000+ posts) Sat Sep-09-06 01:07 PM
Original message
Note To abc: Payback Will Be A Fucking Bitch!
With Congress About to switch hands, you will pay a fucking price you fucks!We will make – not a movie, but a DOCUMENTARY SERIES, broadcast FREE on ALL networks, including your replacement network, which will be called PBC (Progressive Broadcasting Corporation), and it will include the following:
1) “The Replacements” (The story behind the first impeachment and removal of felonious members of the Supreme Court).
2) Election 2000 – A chronology of the stolen election, and how every repuglican politician who stole their political office has been replaced and sent to Planet X in exile. Also included will be the hearings and subsequent imprisonment & exile of all involved. Greg Palast is the new chairman of the FEC. Elections
are now publicly funded. All senatorial candidates get 100K, congressional candidates get 50K, and
presidential candidates get $1,000,000, period. Lobbyists are out of the election process altogether.3) Election 2004 – How John Conyers, a titan for truth, took down the repugs, and begin a renaissance of hope.
3) The Big Lie – How they got away with it, and how they (eventually) paid the ultimate price, even though
no price could be enough. Thanks to the deathbed confessions of pickles and sharon (bu$h), and others
from the “inner circle.” Their impending death finally made them talk, even though it was tragically late.4) The Communications Act Of Nov. 8, 2007. Fairness Doctrine re-instated with a vengeance. All repuglican-
ass-licking “pundits” and their ilk are replaced by REAL journalists. Dan Rather is the new owner of CBS,
Phil Donahue is the new owner of MSNBC, Ted Koppel is the new owner of ABC, Keith Olbermann owns
Fox, Bill Moyers own/runs PBS, . . . you get the idea.5) The lurid secret sex life of bu$h – how his long-standing affair with the secretary of state destroyed
hope of peace, until the 2006 midterms that is. Also, his rape and murder of Margie Schoedinger
( her husband Christopher is finally able to break his silence) is documented. There will be a permanent
memorial established in her name which will benefit women who have been victims, for a long time to
come. More stories included, list too long to put here.6) The path to the path of 9-11 (borrowed from a fellow DUer), and the spectacular fall of ABC.
7) The Gannon Tapes. Bombshell tapes include audio & some video (eeew!) of despicable, illegal,
disgusting antics of bu$h, KKKarl, jeff & the boys, cheney (yes, cheney), and others. Very graphic &
disturbing. watch at your own risk.8) 8-6-01 & the Downing Street Memo.. bu$h’s woman condi, in a prison interview, tells how they (bu$hCo)
worked with terrorists in the month prior to 9-11 (vacation time) to MIHOP. Stunning.9) The failure of rove. Once he came out of the closet, he wished he’d have stayed back in. Directed &
produced by James Moore & Wayne Slater.10) How bu$hCo. planned and executed the assassinations of: Paul Wellstone & his family, JFK, JFK Jr.,
RFK, Mel Carnahan & his family, Martin Luther King Jr., Cliff Baxter, and others. The families of the
deceased will serve as both judge jury, & . . . .– – – – –
I just wrote this quickly. Hope I don’t regret it, but ABC MUST pay a heavy price. Please add your own ideas, and correct me as needed. I am but a peon here- many scary smart people on DU.
I believe someone forgot their meds today.
This one is classic:
Rageneau (653 posts) Sun Sep-10-06 03:31 PM
Response to Original message
10. I wish Saddam was still in power and Bush wasn’t.Better still, I wish Saddam was president of the USA instead of Bush.
Not because I have a high opinion of Saddam, but because the USA needs better leadership than the Moron-in-Chief that we’ve got now, and even Saddam would be an improvement.
MODemocrat (1000+ posts) Sun Sep-10-06 04:13 PM
Response to Reply #11
20. Bush and Saddam are indeed similarWhat in the hell does this civil war in Iraq do for our country?—-Nothiiiiiiiing!
This is the face of the new Democratic party folks.
UPDATE 09/11/06
This one written by Michael Camann, a professor at Humboldt State University in No. California, is a perfect example of what is being taught to our children. He goes by the moniker Mike_C at DummiesU and was a bit upset that someone emailed his employer:
mike_c Donating Member (1000+ posts) Mon Sep-11-06 03:38 PM
Original message
LOL– I’ve been denounced as “anti-American” to my employer…Edited on Mon Sep-11-06 03:44 PM by mike_c
…for my posts on DU! My department chairman recently received an email that included:>I wanted to make you aware of the fact that one of your “esteemed”
>professors is running around the internet making very inflammatory and
>completely inaccurate statements about U.S. Soldiers.
>He is making these statements on this website;
>and here is a sample:
(original post snipped for brevity– it was from March 2005 and discussed the illegality of the war against Iraq)>As a soldier who has served honorably in Iraq and seen first hand the good
>things we are doing there I find this hateful uninformed rhetoric personally
>offensive as well as libelous and slanderous in nature as well as intent.
>Whether you know it or not, Mr. Camann’s kind of radical anti-American
>screeching only helps to bolster help bolster the already numerous reasons
>why people should not vote for the Democratic party in this country.
>The fact that he is able to spew such small minded babble is because of the
>soldiers that he has deemed “war criminals”. A fact that seems to fly
>completely over this supposedly intelligent man’s head.
>Perhaps it would behoove you to remind him to stick to what he knows, which
>according to your website is Biology and stay away from the political arena
>where he seems to be overmatched. One Ward Churchill was enough without one
>of your staff trying to mold himself into a Churchill wannabe.
>Thank you for your time and consideration on this matter.
>CPL John S. Wollaston
>Ft. Belvoir, VA.Interestingly, a Google search for Mr. Wollaston turns his name up first, on– wait for it– Free Republic (although not as a poster apparently, but rather as a source). He has an article on a site called “Defend America– U.S. Department of Defense News About the War on Terrorism.” He appears to write for a variety of military publications. At best, he appears to be a paid cheerleader for the war against Irag and at worst a domestic psyops specialist. Interesting that he’s trolling for year old comments and sending them to peoples’ bosses. I wonder if he’s doing it on his own time, or whether this is a DoD op.
I suppose this is something of a badge of distinction– he even compared me to Ward Churchill, LOL! A note to Mr. Wollaston: I’m a tenured professor at a state liberal arts university– collectively among the most unabashedly liberal institutions remaining in America– where free speech is highly respected. This sort of denouncement might have been effective in the stalinist Soviet Union, and maybe even in some professions in the U.S., but don’t be holding your breath waiting for department chairmen to censor professors for expressing views you regard as “anti-American,” especially when we express them as private citizens. We are not yet back in the days of the blacklist!
Here’s the part that will really infuriate Mr. Wollaston. My job is to help young men and women develop critical thinking skills, i.e. to encourage them to question conventions, including the ones that separate “Americanism” from “anti-Americanism.” An educated populace is a curious populace that doesn’t reflexively accept ideals simply because they’re “American,” or “Christian,” or anything else. We produce students who are capable of arriving at a wide range of personal viewpoints, including views similar to Mr. Wollaston’s, but the truth is that the more their education “takes,” the more they tend to question such simplistic perspectives. I count that as a good thing. I’ve succeeded when my students analyze their Kool-aid before they agree to drink it. And my institution encourages that professional standard.
Notice he cuts out his original message “for brevity sakes”….sure thing. Here is the original message:
mike_c (1000+ posts) Fri Mar-18-05 12:33 AM
Response to Original message
5. let me make it clear to any freepers trolling for juicy quotes….
Edited on Fri Mar-18-05 12:33 AM by mike_cMy name is Michael Camann– I have no need to hide behind a DU moniker– and I consider all U.S. troops in Iraq to be war criminals simply by virtue of their being in Iraq, since their presence there is an international crime against peace. The Iraqis have every right to resist the occupation, and kill their occupiers, and in that respect I consider the Iraqi insurgents freedom fighters struggling against an illegal foreign occupation. The best way to protect American troops is to get them out of Iraq, immediately– and prosecute them for war crimes if appropriate, along with their leaders.
You can quote me on that if you like.

See author page
He’s a troll, don’t let him suck you in.
Reasic: I don’t know about Curt, but I’ve seen plenty of loony lefy nuttiness at Think Progress too.
But since I’m not a regular reader perhaps you can tell me if they, or any of the other Dem sites you visit, have posted apologies to the nation for promoting the Joe Wilson/Valerie Plame/CIA/Bush Lied fraud these past three years.
That conspiracy on Bu$hco almost made me lose my lunch in laughter. That was pure gold, bro.
I’m not sure who those idiots you quoted represent, but I don’t think they represent any of the liberals I am familiar with. You might want to try a more prominent site like or, to find a better representative sample. Again, try not to take some kook examples and generalize them as if they represent the entire Democratic party.
The Anchoress » 9/11, Iraq, WMD, Clinton’s “birthday” and more
[…] Wretchard has a post full of despair that you will not want to read…but you should: If I had to find one word to represent the mood five years after September the 11th it would be resignation. Whatever the campaigns in Afghanistan and Iraq have signified, they did not, as some on the Left might think, represent experiences which foreshadow a return to the 1990s. What they have proved is that the cracks in the world run too deep for anyone to predict where they may lead.[…] Our tools have converged but our souls have diverged. And intentionally too, for if the multicultural policies of the last century meant anything it was that we got to keep our own prejudices. The result is that while we all have cell phones some use them to call their friends and others use them to set off IEDs; where we can all fly but some to earn a living and others to make a religious statement. […] But the greatest event of all of the past five years has been the slow hardening of the human heart, as each of us sets his face against the unknown, our household goods and gods sheltering pitifully behind; an event undetectable save for the slow, crepitating sound of walls setting solid across the expanse of our global and tribal world. I thought AJ was off-track when he said that Rockefeller wants Saddam back in power…but then I read this stuff from DU at Flopping Aces. Instapundit has more on Rockefeller’s flip. […]