The Frisch Saga Continues


For background on this nutcase go here and here.

Deb Frisch is at it again: (via Protein Wisdom)

A reader sends along the following, pulled from a comment by Frisch (now “word warrior") on her site:

Ephu, Count Cockula. Jeff – I really encourage you to have Mrs. Cockula google Satchel so she can see what you do while she’s at work all day. Trust me on this, Jeff. Cunt Cockula really needs to google Satchel.

For those who don't know, Jeff's son is named Satchel.  She is now sounding more and more like a stalker who will seriously go off the deepend sometime soon.  Thankfully Jeff has contacted the police on this one.

Meanwhile her site is down, unknown the reasons. But before it disappeared she posted this at Villainous Company:


I am looking for a forum to post a report of my experience trolling at protein wisdom. Some day, a troll or blogger (probably a troll) is going to piss someone off so much that he gets killed or some other horrible thing will happen. This was a learning opportunity for the rough n tumble blogosphere.

In this case, I was publicly humiliated by having the story on the front page of the Arizona Daily Star, the local Tucson paper. My boss was called by 300 people. My picture was posted on websites. My home address was also.

This is not fair fighting. It wasn't Protein Wisdom that escalated the battle – it was BlackFive that did it. S/he posted my boss' contact info. Not to mention my home address for a while. BlackFive's an a-hole.

My deed was dishonorable – joking about the demise of a toddler. My ephing bad. But the dishonorable behavior of Jeff Goldstein, his anklebiters, BlackFive and even the Ace of Spades needs to be acknowledged.

I am wondering if you would consider hostessing a discussion about the incident here at Villanous Company.



Posted by: word warrior at July 14, 2006 11:39 AM

I highlighted the part of this response that needs to be seen far and wide.  That's an indirect threat made after she referenced Jeff's kid once again.  The rest of it is the typical lefty response, take no responsibility, it's all the fault of others.  She threatens the life of a child and then proceeds to claim she is a victim.  The only one who escalated this battle was Deb Frisch.

This whole thing started with the threats to his child, now she brings up his child once again in one more insult which can be taken as a accusation that Jeff molestes his son (Woody Allen's son Satchel).  This woman is out of control.  


A reader at Protein Wisdom found this comment Deb made at a site that defends her:

Thanks Bustard. There's even more to be said about the vileness – BlackFive posted the dept head info. I'm not sure if any of the other rightwingnut blogs did. He got 300 emails on saturday about me.

Even though I resigned from the UA on Saturday, donors are still calling the president threatening to withdraw their donations. I DONT WORK THERE ANYMORE, WINGNUTS. YOU CANT FIRE SOMEONE WHO HAS QUIT.

It was like CALLING ALL WINGNUTS: WE'VE GOT A WOUNDED MOONBAT PROFESSOR. Please drop what you are doing and help take this uppity dyke bitch DOWN.

Ironically, this issue – the blogosphere challenger disaster – will call attention to:

a. how utterly nutty the rabid right blogosphere is
b. stay at home dads shouldn't spend all day posting as count cockula. This guy should not be a stay at home dad. Google satchel goldstein to see the icky blue dress daddy's made for junior even though the kid is only two years old.

Poor Satchel. Imagine how he will feel in kindergarden when everyone in the class googles themselves.

Mrs. Cockula REALLY needs to google Satchel ASAP.


UPDATE 1710hrs PST

Her site is back up and it looks a bit different, I suspect more then a few passages were cut out.  This comment at Protein Wisdom should be framed when talking about this lady:

She apologizes, retracts, posts, reconsiders, deletes, reposts, shuts down, comes back. She's up, she's down, she's all around. She's batshit crazy but a hero in her own eyes. Everybody knows her name and and she will continue doing anything THAT WORKS to extend getting the attention she craves.  

I would say that pretty much describes Deb Frisch. 


This is a comment Deb made in 2004 that I missed during the first go around:

One day, some cheeky blogger is going to be offed by a psychopathic blogger. Will it be a scuffle@left2right? idunno.

i hope to hell it ain't me, i gotta tell ya.

but i feel kind of guilty for not blowing myself up on the steps of the lincoln memorial when i lived in d.c. while i was doing out pork for in a way, i WANT some futhermucker A-hole to off me because i pissed him off in the blogosphere.


A ticking time bomb

UPDATE II 07/15/06 1600hrs PST

And she's back: (Mom is meant the blogowner, the comment below was left at Motherhood)

Hi Mom. Someone's knocked my website down (I have stumbled into a very rough and nasty not to mention stupid and hypocritical) crowd of rightwingnuts.

My latest communication to Mr. Goldstein was meant to encourage him to ask his wife to google [insert child's full name here] so she could see how the child's name has been pulled into the protein wisdom blog.

Because of PW, when SG goes to kindergarden and learns to google, he will find disgusting comments about himself. Check out this one…og/entry/20595/

Poor Satchel Goldstein's first appearance on the www is in a sentence where his name is in the sentence
“Why Daddy, why does Jeff Goldstein have to make Satchel grow into a cockslapping faggot?”


I am trying to end this saga with an attempt to alert Satchel's mother to the disgusting things Jeff writes on the web and how this inevitably contaminates Satchel's presence on the web, especially since Jeff is a stay at home dad.

I am trying to help Satchel here but getting Jeff to stop his Count Cockula shtick. How is Satchel going to feel when he sees Count Chocula in the grocery story and Count Cockula on the web?

This is a recipe for a VERY screwed up child. Given his genetic makeup, this is VERY VERY VERY SCARY.

I encourage Mrs. Goldstein to google her husband and son. I cannot believe she knows what is out there for her son to discover when he learns to surf the internet.

As for the Cunt comment, it was a joke. He calls himself Count Cockula. Doesn't it follow that his wife would be named Cunt Cockula? The count without the O?

The count without the O REALLY needs to google the men in her life. That's all I'm saying.

Whoa boy….. 

And here she goes at Villainous Company commenting how her "4 days of hell" being attacked for threatening the life of a two year old child was not as bad as being in combat, but close:

"another from a dear friend whose son has survived three combat tours sent all too familiar tears coursing down my face."

I do not know anyone with family members fighting in the war on terror, but your message resonates with me. I was stalked for four days in a metaphorical war in the blogosphere. The fear and stress and the ripple effects to family and friends in my case was short-lived and mostly white-collar threats. I really cannot wrap my mind around being 24 and in a real war zone.

These people will never be the same. Children of soldiers will never experience their parents 100% whole. This is cruel punishment to the children of the men and women brave and honorable enough to volunteer to defend our country.

War is hell. 4 day virtual war is hell. I really cannot absorb what it would be like to be sent to a war zone three times. Leave your wife and children three times. See the grief and fear and sadness and resolve on their faces three times.

This is crazy.

My agenda is not to inflame. I am not a troll here at VC, I am a fellow word warrior on the other moonbat side of the aisle. I honor and respect Cass as a word warrior, the most honorable and eloquent on the right that I have yet to meet.



UPDATE III 07/15/06 2215hrs PST

And here she goes again, this time commenting on Jeff's blog:

Jeff – I see you’ve started cleaning up the icky [insert name of Jeff’s two year old son here] trail you’ve left on the web by erasing the time that other troll (Lo Po Pheh or something like that) said icky things about him. That means you heard me and so I’ve got nothing else to say.

[Yeah. Cleaned it up.  If by “cleaning up the icky …trail” you mean made it into a post – ed]

It’s been real.


P.S. Good luck cleaning up the icky google trail you’ve left for when your son googles his dad!

[Good luck with the Feds.  And don’t post here again]

Lets recap on this soap opera we will call Deb Frisch's life.  She got demoted at the U of Oregon, denied tenure.  Went to Arizona where she took a faculty job.  Her relationship with her "life partner" went kaput.  Got bested by someone waaaayyyy smarter then her (Jeff Goldstein).  Took to threatening Jeff's son.  Lost her faculty job at U of Arizona because of the threats along with her name printed all over the papers and the blogosphere….

This lady is at the edge of a cliff and doesn't know how to pull herself back up….it appears she is letting gravity pull her over the edge. 

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