No Su Himno



British music producer Adam Kidron says that when he came up with the idea of a Spanish-language version of the U.S. national anthem, he saw it as an ode to the millions of immigrants seeking a better life.

In that case he should have been all-inclusive and had it sung in multi-languages. But it is still a sucky idea.

Some Internet bloggers and others are infuriated by the thought of “The Star-Spangled Banner” sung in a language other than English.

You’re looking at one of them “internet bloggers”; and I’ve got steam rising out of my head.

A remix to be released in June will contain several lines in English that condemn U.S. immigration laws. Among them: “These kids have no parents, cause all of these mean laws … let’s not start a war with all these hard workers, they can’t help where they were born.”

Oh, for the love of Mary….

“I think the national anthem ought to be sung in English, and I think people who want to be a citizen of this country ought to learn English and they ought to learn to sing the national anthem in English.”-President George Bush

*Phew* Thank you, Mr. President!

In itself, it’s not a big deal, to translate into Spanish and give a different rendition than is traditional. But in the context for which it is made, and for the political motives behind it, I am smouldering at the very notion; the only good out of this, is that the pro-illegals are shooting themselves in the foot just as surely as they did when so many were waving around Mexican flags during the first protest marches.

Other’s Blogging;

In itself, it’s not a big deal, to translate into Spanish and give a different rendition than is traditional. But in the context for which it is made, and for the political motives behind it, I am smouldering at the very notion; the only good out of this, is that the pro-illegals are shooting themselves in the foot just as surely as they did when so many were waving around Mexican flags during the first protest marches.

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“I think people who want to be a citizen of this country ought to learn English …”

And people who become President, too. But I hear that Bush delivers a great line or two in Spanish, when it suits his audience. Viva!

Amen that the pro-illegal folks are shooting themselves in the foot. Since they are most likely the anti-gun crowd too, do you think they might miss and hit themselves in the groin area?

It would be nice if they couldn’t reproduce any more of their kind.