Russia Told Saddam Our War Plans

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As usual Ray Robison is on the ball with the translation of these Saddam documents. The latest is a bombshell, but not too surprising. It details what may very well be Russia giving Iraq our attack plans and the size of our forces prior to invasion (Dated Mar 5th – 8th, 2003). With friends like these:

But again Sammi provides a full translation of the document CMPC-2003-001950. Parenthesis are the translators:

Office of the Presidency
Mr. Secretary (of the President)

Subject: Meeting with the Russian Ambassador

Best of our salutes,

We would like to inform you that the Russian ambassador met this evening with the general director of Foreign Economic Relations and the General Director of the Grains Trade and told us the following:

1- Provide the necessary facilitations for the travel of the Russian experts working in the projects of our ministry (probably grains or trade experts) without any delay for the period of time between the 5th and 8th of March. The last plane will take off on the 9th of March. He mentioned (the ambassador) that the request of evacuating the Russian citizens follows an order from the Russian president.

2- He said that Russia, France and Germany and both Syria and China were expected to join the three of them, have prepared a project of resolution opposing the Anglo-American project submitted to the United Nations. Voting on both projects will take place on the 9th of March. He pointed that some countries of the Security Council might refrain from voting, like Pakistan, Chili and Kenya.

3- During the meeting the ambassador gave us the following information about the US military presence in the Gulf as per the 2nd of March:

Number of troops: 206,500 out of which 98,000 naval forces and 36,500
infantry. 90% of theses forces are in Kuwait and on the Navy ships.

US troops have reached the island of Bubiyan (Bubiyan is largest Kuwaiti island in the Kuwaiti coastal islands chain)

Number of tanks: 480
Number of armored cars: 1132
Number of artillery: 296
Number of Apache helicopters : 735
Number of fighter planes: 871
Number of Navy ships: 106. 68 in the Gulf and the rest in Oman (State of Oman), Aden (Yemen), the Red Sea and the Mediterranean Sea.
Number of air carriers: 5. One nuclear powered. Three in the Gulf one in the Mediterranean and one on its way.
Number of Cruise missiles: 583 based on the US Navy and distributed on 22 ships.
Number of Cruise missiles on planes: 64
Number of heavy bombers B-52 H: 10 in the Indian Ocean.
Number of B1-B: 8 present in the US base of Thumarid in Oman.

4- The ambassador pointed that what worried us (most probably ?us? refers to the Russians) was the increase in the number of planes in Jordan where the number of planes in Al Sallt base was as follows:
24 planes F-16
10 planes Tornado
11 planes Harrier
He also mentioned that there were 10 A-10 tank destroyers in the Jordanian base of King Faysal.

5- The ambassador also pointed that a certain number of the 82nd Division (82nd Airborne) which was deployed in Afghanistan started coming to Kuwait. The number of troops has reached 750 soldiers.

Translator?s note: The original Iraqi document is made of four pages. The released document shows only three pages. It is not improbable that the fourth page could have been lost or might show up in a different release.

ABC news has picked up on the story:

Two Iraqi documents dated in March 2003 ? on the eve of the U.S.-led invasion ? and addressed to the secretary of Saddam Hussein, describe details of a U.S. plan for war. According to the documents, the plan was disclosed to the Iraqis by the Russian ambassador.

The first document (CMPC-2003-001950) is a handwritten account of a meeting with the Russian ambassador that details his description of the composition, size, location and type of U.S. military forces arrayed in the Gulf and Jordan. The document includes the exact numbers of tanks, armored vehicles, different types of aircraft, missiles, helicopters, aircraft carriers, and other forces, and also includes their exact locations. The ambassador also described the positions of two Special Forces units.

The second document (CMPC-2004-001117) is a typed account, signed by Deputy Foreign Minister Hammam Abdel Khaleq, that states that the Russian ambassador has told the Iraqis that the United States was planning to deploy its force into Iraq from Basra in the South and up the Euphrates, and would avoid entering major cities on the way to Baghdad, which is, in fact what happened. The documents also state “Americans are also planning on taking control of the oil fields in Kirkuk.” The information was obtained by the Russians from “sources at U.S. Central Command in Doha, Qatar,” according to the document.

This document also includes an account of an amusing incident in which several Iraqi Army officers (presumably seeking further elaboration of the U.S. war plans) contacted the Russian Embassy in Baghdad and stated that the ambassador was their source. Needless to say, this caused great embarrassment to the ambassador, and the officers were instructed “not to mention the ambassador again in that context.”

Every day comes new information from these documents. Information that is obviously making the lefties heads explode. Just yesterday came proof that Iraq and Osama had obviously entered into a agreement to cooperate with each other, and now proof that Russia had actually given our war secrets to our enemy. Amazing.

Now what do you think about those claims that Russia helped transport tons of chemical weapons to Syria?

So how was Saddam able to use his ?cheat and retreat? tactics without being found out? He had help, according to a former U.S. Defense Department official.

?The short answer to the question of where the WMD Saddam bought from the Russians went was that they went to Syria and Lebanon,? said John Shaw, former deputy undersecretary of defense, in comments made at an intelligence summit Feb. 17-20 in Arlington, Va.

?They were moved by Russian Spetsnaz (special ops) units out of uniform that were specifically sent to Iraq to move the weaponry and eradicate any evidence of its existence,? he said.

And also makes me wonder what was in that convoy that was hit by fire in April of 2003:

National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice, in Moscow to discuss the war in Iraq, met with Russian officials Monday to allay concerns following a Sunday attack on a Russian diplomatic convoy as it attempted to leave the war zone.

The convoy of 25 diplomats, including Russia’s ambassador to Iraq, Vladimir Titorenko, was hit by ground fire near a western Baghdad suburb Sunday. Five diplomats were reported wounded, some seriously, Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Yakovenko said on Russian television.

[…]News reports said the vehicles, some with visible bullet holes, arrived safely in Syria on Monday, but had left at least one wounded official behind in an Iraqi hospital.

“I saw six cars with Iraqi diplomatic number plates including the (Russian) ambassador’s car,” a Reuters cameraman reported from the Tanf border crossing in Syria. “He was driving his car which had two bullet holes in it, one in the glass and one on the driver’s side. The other cars also had bullet holes.”

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New Judge appointed to FISA court to replace Judge Robertson:

via C-Span:

Thought you might like to know.



Teterenko was in the convoy who was hit by ground fire. He was also the guy named in the aforementioned documents as providing the Iraqis with the intel on US assets in the region, plus the US battle plan.