Osama And Saddam

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And the finds keep coming. Today we have a memo that CLEARLY shows a link with Osama Bin Laden and Iraq: (Translation by Jveritas)

(Translation of Part of Page 1)

In the Name of God the Most Merciful and the Most Compassionate.

The Saudi Opposition and Achieving the Relation and Contact With Them

(Translation of part of Page 4)

2. The Comission of Reform and Advise

Lead by the Saudi Osama Bin Laden who belongs to a wealthy Saudi family with her roots go back to Hadramoot and connected strongly with the ruling family in Saudia, and he is one of the leaders of the Arab Afghan who volunteered for Jihad in Afghanistan, and after the expulsion of the Soviets he moved to stay in Sudan in the year 1992 after the arrival of the Islamists to power in Sudan.

And because of his stands against the Saudi Royal family because of the foreign presence inside it, the Saudi authorities made a decision to withdraw his Saudi citizenship, and we moved toward The Comission from our side and through the following:

Translation of page 5

A. During the visit of the Sudanese Dr. Abrahim Al Sanoosi to the country and his meeting with Mr. Uday Saddam Hussein on 13/12/1994 and with the presence of the respectful Sir the Director of the Apparatus he indicated that the opposition person Osama Bin Laden who is staying in Sudan and who was cautious and fears that he will be accused by his opponents that he became an agent for Iraq, is ready to meet with him in Sudan (The results of the meeting were written to the Honorable Presidency according to our letter 872 on 17/12/1994).

B. The approval of the Honorable Presidency was granted to meet with the opposition person Osama Bin Laden by the Apparatus according to letter 128 on 11/1/1995 (attachment 6) and the meting with him was completed by Mr. M.A ex-4th Directory in Sudan and with the presence of the Sudanese Dr. Abrahim AL Sanoosi on 19/2/1995 and a discussion occurred about his organization, and he requested the broadcasting of Sheikh Sleiman AL Awada (who has influence in Saudia and outside since he is a known and influential religious personality) and dedicate a program for them through the station directed inside the country and make joint operations against the forces of infidels in the land of Hijaz ( the Honorable Presidency has been notified with the details of the meeting according to our letter 370 in 4/3/1995 attachment 7).

Translation of page 6

C. The approval of Mr. President the Leader God protect him was granted to dedicate and program for them through the station directed and we leave to develop the relation and cooperation between the two sides what open in front of it in discussion and agreement through other cooperation doors. The Sudanese side was informed about the approval of the Honorable Presidency above through the representative of the respectful Sir the Director of the Apparatus our ambassador in Khartoom.

D. Due to the latest conditions in Sudan and accusing her harboring of supporting and harboring terrorism it was agreed with the opposition person the Saudi Osama Bin Laden to leave Sudan to another place where he left Khartoom in the month of July 1996 and the information indicate that he is Afghanistan at the present moment. There is stil relation with him through the Sudanese side and we work in the present moment to activate this relation with him through a new channel in light of the current place where he stays.

But of course the citizens of the United States should not be surprised since this link was established and reported on many times during the Clinton years. Just a small case of amnesia now from the left.

The world’s most wanted man, Osama bin Laden, has been offered sanctuary in Iraq if his worldwide terrorist network succeeds in carrying out a campaign of high-profile attacks on the West over the next few weeks.

Another interesting note about this document is how it spells out Iraq and Bin Laden can work together to hit America forces:

The approval of the Honorable Presidency was granted to meet with the opposition person Osama Bin Laden by the Apparatus

[…]a discussion occurred about his organization, and he requested the broadcasting of Sheikh Sleiman AL Awada (who has influence in Saudia and outside since he is a known and influential religious personality) and dedicate a program for them through the station directed inside the country and make joint operations against the forces of infidels in the land of Hijaz

One year later the Khobar Towers is hit in Saudi Arabia killing 19 of our troops.

Me thinks this will be getting more and more interesting.


Jveritas has translated another document that has the Iraqi Communist Party accusing the Government of harboring Al-Qaeda:

Page 3 Translation:

In The Name of God the Most Merciful The Most Compassionate

Directory of General Security

Directory of Security Ninevah Province

No: 10106

Directory of General Security/ Director Section 1

Subject: Information

Date: 24/8/2002

The confident (1253) declared the following:

1.In the date of 21/8/2002 an American delegation who is visiting the Northern Region has paid a visit to the headquarters of the Iraqi communist party in Shaklawa. And the representative of the communist party presented accusing the Iraqi government of hiding members of Al Qaeda organization in the region of Salman Pak in addition to members of the Turkish Workers party and the Iranian Moujahidee Khlak and that they are trained to use chemical weapons and that Iraq will use them in case there is military strike directed toward it.

1. The Kurdish communist party did inform the Norwegian authorities about the existence of inside the Norwegian territories called (Malakrikar) from the residents of Irbil and in charge of the Al Qaeda organizations there and upon the attempt of the Norwegian authorities to arrest him he fled to China with his family.

2. In the date of 15/8/2002 and common meeting was held between the two Communist Iraqi and Kurdish parties.. and this to unify their political position in regards to the international situation and the Iraqi dossier.

End of translation.

Other’s Blogging:

But of course the citizens of the United States should not be surprised since this link was established and reported on many times during the Clinton years. Just a small case of amnesia now from the left.