Where’s The Panic Room?

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Up to this point I have felt that the Republicans are still on good footing going into 2006, the idiocy of the left assures us that they will stay on the sidelines. But the fact that the Republicans went into panic mode while the Democrats took advantage of this panic has made me sadly reconsider. This smacks of going along with the polls, and that will not get us anywhere:

In an election-year repudiation of President Bush, a House panel dominated by Republicans voted overwhelmingly Wednesday to block a Dubai-owned firm from taking control of some U.S port operations.

By 62-2, the Appropriations Committee voted to bar DP World, run by the government of Dubai in the United Arab Emirates, from holding leases or contracts at U.S. ports.

Bush has promised to veto any such measure passed by Congress, but there is widespread public opposition to the deal and the GOP fears losing its advantage on the issue of national security in this fall’s elections.

“This is a national security issue,” said Rep. Jerry Lewis (news, bio, voting record), the chairman of the panel. The California Republican said the legislation would “keep America’s ports in American hands.”

What is it with these people? Can they not understand that the ports have ALWAYS been and ALWAY will be in American hands. Our Coast Guard and our Homeland Security still secure them and it won’t matter if it’s a UAE company operating 6 ports, or if the GASP….Chinese, or even the GASP….Saudi Arabians. Those countries operate ports in this country as we speak, where is the freakin outcry?

I mean the Democrats were the ones who allowed those countries to operate the ports in the first place but no one had a problem with a Communist country running our ports. Why is this? The Republicans are looking foolish, and the Democrats must be rubbing their hands with glee. We are handing this victory to them on a silver platter. We could instead be dragging the hypocrisy of the Democrats through the wringer, I mean come on, even a lowly jarhead like myself can see this. How in the world is it ok to profile a Arab company but not okay to profile a Arab airline passenger?

Christopher Hitchens said as much on Fox today:

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Instead the Republicans are abandoning our President while at the same time both sides of the aisle are playing politics with a bill intended to fund our military. Disgusting.

Other’s Blogging:

The Republicans are looking foolish, and the Democrats must be rubbing their hands with glee. We are handing this victory to them on a silver platter. We could instead be dragging the hypocrisy of the Democrats through the wringer, I mean come on, even a lowly jarhead like myself can see this. How in the world is it ok to profile a Arab company but not okay to profile a Arab airline passenger?

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All Things Beautiful

Dubai Ports, The Deal Is Dead…

Bush Administration and their arrogant, cavalier attitude toward this deal does not install confidence, and to have threatened with a veto had to be the biggest ‘icing on the cake’ blunder of all. Karl Rove, who seems to have the instincts of a turtl…