Worthy Posts from “A Soldier’s Perspective”

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Read this from the AP: Police to protect vandalized home of fallen soldier. If that angers you to high heaven, if you care, then channel your feelings into action and show your support for the soldier’s family: Letter writing request. It is the right thing to do for a family who has lost a son defending this country, and then having citizens of this country violate his home. It would be nice if everyone would spread the word and post this onto their blog.

While I’m at it, Rosemary over at The Bos’un Locker mentions that e-mails of support are being sought after on behalf of another military hero. All that is being asked of you is an e-mail. They will be collecting until April 2nd, and arranging them into a gift scrapbook for the family.

Also, take a look at the Iraqi Index of Violence. Apparently, despite even the violence in wake of the thousand year old golden dome of the Al Askariya shrine, February experienced the lowest fatality rate for U.S. troops in 5 months. Reported by Antimedia.