Got home from work and got a chance to read what our resident peanuthead did recently:
President Carter personally called Secretary of State Rice to try to convince her to reverse her U.N. ambassador’s position on changes to the U.N. Human Rights Commission, the former president recalled yesterday in a talk in which he also criticized President Bush’s Christian bona fides and misstated past American policies on Israel.
Mr. Carter said he made a personal promise to ambassadors from Egypt, Pakistan, and Cuba on the U.N. change issue that was undermined by America’s ambassador, John Bolton. “My hope is that when the vote is taken,” he told the Council on Foreign Relations, “the other members will outvote the United States.”
While other former presidents have tried to refrain from attacking the sitting chief executive, Mr. Carter’s attacks on President Bush have increased. The episode he recounted yesterday showed how he tried to undermine officials at lower levels in an effort to influence policy.
The story, as Mr. Carter recalled, began with a recent dinner for 17 he attended in New York, where the guests included the president of the U.N. General Assembly, Jan Eliasson; an unidentified American representative, and other U.N. ambassadors from “powerful” countries at Turtle Bay, of which he mentioned only three: Cuba, Egypt, and Pakistan. The topic was the ongoing negotiations on an attempt to replace the widely discredited Geneva-based Human Rights Commission with a more accountable Human Rights Council.
“One of the things I assured them of was that the United States was not going to dominate all the other nations of the world in the Human Rights Council,” Mr. Carter said. However, on the next day, Mr. Carter said, Mr. Bolton publicly “demanded” that the five permanent members of the Security Council will have permanent seats on the new council as well, “which subverted exactly what I have promised them,” Mr. Carter said.
“So I called Condoleezza Rice and told her about the problem, and she said that that statement by our representative was not going to be honored,” he said. But despite Mr. Carter’s assessment that there are “a lot of people” in Washington who oppose Mr. Bolton on the Human Rights Council, Mr. Bolton’s opposition to the proposed new structure became American policy.
I hope Condi hung up on his stupid ass. Amazing to think he has the balls to believe he speaks for the United States. He is one of the worst, if not THE worst, Presidents to ever be elected and now he thinks 25+ years after getting booted from office that he speaks for us?
I do love Bolton’s response tho:
Mr. Bolton’s spokesman, Richard Grenell, told The New York Sun yesterday that it is “naive” to think that Mr. Bolton has “a different position than the rest of the United States government on this issue.”
Not content to not only undermine our position on the Human Rights Council he also take a swing at Bush:
Asked yesterday about his views on religion, Mr. Carter said, “The essence of my faith is one of peace.” In a clear swipe at Mr. Bush’s faith, and to a round of applause, he then added, “We worship the prince of peace, not of pre-emptive war.” Mr. Carter then went on to attack American Christians who support Israel.
He also reiterated his known view that most of the problems in the Israeli-Arab front derive from Israel’s settlement policies and its building of a defensive barrier in what he insisted on calling “Palestine.”
“From Dwight Eisenhower to the road map of George W. Bush, our policy has been that Israel’s borders coincide with those of 1949,” Mr. Carter said, adding, “All my predecessors have categorized each settlement as both illegal and an obstacle to peace.”
From the official transcript:
So I devoted one evening in New York, and I think 17 of the most recalcitrant and powerful members came and had supper with me. These were ? the United States was represented there, plus Cuba and Egypt and Pakistan ? the whole group of them who have ? (laughter) ? who were somewhat troublesome. (Laughter.) I felt at the end of that evening and President Eliasson did too that we made great progress, and one of the things I assured them of was that the United States was not going to try to dominate all the other nations in the world in the Human Rights Council.
Well, the next day, our ambassador to the United States came out and demanded that in the new council, that all the permanent members of the Security Council would be permanent members, which subverted exactly what I had promised them. So I called Condoleezza Rice and told her about the problem, and she said that that statement by our representative was not going to be honored.
Well, we reached a good compromise, in my opinion, not what I wanted and not what Kofi Annan wanted, not what the United States wanted, not what Egypt wanted, not what Europe wanted, but it was a very good compromise and a great improvement over the existing debacle of the present Human Rights Commission.
Who is he to reach a compromise with the representatives of other countries? And this compromise is nothing but a sham. Even the NYT’s has come out against it, you know you are WAAAAYYYYY left of center when your left of the NYT’s.
The Commission has been nothing but a anti-semitism cheerleading squad, and this “compromise” will do nothing to change it. They have focused ONLY on Israel while they fight for their survival against suicide bombers and mortars killing civilians.
Thank god for Bolton, Condi, and Bush.
Not to be outdone by peanuthead, Kofi “I should Be In Jail” Annan had to make it known how disappointed he was over the US making a stand against the UN’s anti-semitism:
UNITED NATIONS: Secretary-General Kofi Annan voiced frustration at the United States on Thursday and urged it to join other nations in hammering out a plan for a new, more credible UN Human Rights Council.
?I?m chagrined about the US position,? Annan told reporters. He praised the United States for a ?leadership and moral position? on human rights? but hoped it would ?find some way of associating itself with the other member states.?
?It is important that the decision be taken as soon as possible. And I think the member states should find a way of bringing this issue to closure,? Annan added.
US Ambassador John Bolton on Monday announced Washington?s opposition to the draft resolution and said he would vote ?no? if a vote was called.
At the same time Britain distanced itself from a European position on a new rights council, saying that US opposition had to be taken into consideration before a draft resolution, drawn up by UN General Assembly President Jan Eliasson, was adopted. The 25-member European Union late on Wednesday said they considered that the draft met ?the basic requirements for the establishment of a Human Rights Council.?
?The EU could therefore accept this text as a compromise,? it said, adding that it supported efforts by Eliasson.
But British Ambassador Emyr Jones Parry said that for the council to be effective ?it will need the support of the United States.?
He’s chagrined over the US huh? He should be chagrined over how he has presided over a organization that is the most corrupt, most dishonest, and most incompetent body in the last century. He should be chagrined over how he obstructs every effort to turn this organization around and bring some honesty back into it.
But noooo, he will continue to allow the “Human Right Commission” to be controlled by evil men such as Castro, Mugabe, and Chavez.
This whole thing stinks to high heaven
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Who is he to reach a compromise with the representatives of other countries? And this compromise is nothing but a sham. Even the NYT’s has come out against it, you know you are WAAAAYYYYY left of center when your left of the NYT’s.
The Commission has been nothing but a anti-semitism cheerleading squad, and this “compromise” will do nothing to change it. They have focused ONLY on Israel while they fight for their survival against suicide bombers and mortars killing civilians.

See author page
Hey, thanks for the link!