While listening to Larry Elder this afternoon on the way home from work I heard a segment where he played an interview with a former intelligence officer. In it the officer details how wrong the critics are in this port business, and how dangerous the end result can be if the left, and the right continue down this road. I’ve looked all over for this soundbite with no success
It really illustrated the ties we have with the UAE and the harm that this hysteria can do to us in this war. The hysteria being propagated by both sides of the aisle is just mindboggling when all this is is a change of ownership to a company that has been managing ports all over the world for years. Where was this outcry when China took over the ports on the west coast?
Yes, in the past some of the UAE citizens have been the bad guys but to ignore the strides they have made to become our partners is just being ignorant. Dennis over at RedState has some experience in the UAE:
When I was the Chief of the Terrorist Financing Operations Section (TFOS) at the FBI, we maintained direct dealings with the UAE concerning numerous issues. In particular, the UAE Central Bank provided considerable support and was consistently receptive and responsive to requests for information. As the Dubai Ports World story gained momentum, reports indicated that two 9/11 hijackers came from the UAE and bank accounts supporting 9/11 were maintained in the UAE. It should be noted that the UAE Central Bank provided important information concerning these accounts. In addition, they provided significant account information for other matters pursued by TFOS and companion agencies. In one instance, they facilitated the apprehension of an important TFOS subject. Actions such as this clearly demonstrate how important an ally the UAE is and the contribution they?ve made to our war on terrorism. While rightfully showing concern about port security, we should not be irresponsible in our rush to judgment. After all is said and done, the UAE is an important ally.
Yes, they are anti-semetic, as EVERY country in that region is. But in every war you have to ally yourself with those who’s views might not be your own. Unless this country demonstrates it is a threat to us, which it HAS not done, it is just irresponsible to continue down this road of hysteria. The Heritage Foundation weighed in on some of the same points I have made:
Dubai World Ports is a holding company, and it will have little to do with the day-to-day management of these port facilities. Its ownership alone does not entitle its employees to access any classified or sensitive security information unless, as now, they meet the requirements of ISPS and U.S. law. Moreover, almost all of the employees at these facilities are U.S. citizens. As well, with over $6 billion invested, no company would want to see its facilities used by terrorists. Finally, terrorist tradecraft does not involve high-profile purchases of companies. Terrorism infiltration, like criminal smuggling, involves penetration by individuals. That is a challenge for any company.
The UAE Is an Ally. Since 9/11, the UAE has provided unprecedented cooperation to the United States in the war on terrorism, including finding, arresting, and turning over high-ranking al-Qaeda operatives and participating in the U.S. Container Security Initiative to screen cargo bound for the U.S. That Dubai World Ports is owned by the UAE should reassure Americans.
I think the most disappointing thing in this whole episode is the speed and ferocity that the right has began attacking Bush. I mean since 9-11-01 our President has unsheathed the sword and slashed at those who engage in terror and those who support it. He has also sent the message that if you renounce your ill ways and stop supporting terrorism then we can work with you. The only two states in the region who have not heard the word, Iran & Syria, are against the wall. Everyone else who has tried to befriend us have been shown gratitude by this Administration and it’s a great thing. But to now pull the rug out from under a Country that has tried to do right by us, that just sends the wrong message. This is not a deal that will harm our national security.
Gen. Pace knows how important this ally is to our country:
The United States military plans to widen its already extensive access to ports and military bases in the United Arab Emirates which it considers one of its most reliable military allies in the region.
“The military-to-military relationship with the United Arab Emirates is superb,” Gen. Peter Pace, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said. “In everything that we have asked and work with them on, they have proven to be very, very solid partners.”
Pace told a Pentagon briefing on Feb. 21 that the UAE has accommodated U.S. Navy aircraft carriers that patrol the Gulf region. Later, officials said, the UAE’s Jebel Ali port was regarded as the safest in the Gulf region.
“They’ve got great seaports that are capable of handling, and do, our aircraft carriers,” Pace said. “They’ve got airfields that they allow us to use, and their air space, their logistics support. They’ve got a world-class air-to-air training facility that they let us use and cooperate with them in the training of our pilots.”
[…]”We have a port there [in the UAE] where they help us,” Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said. “They have an airfield. We share intelligence and we have a partnership that has been very, very helpful to the things we do in that part of the world.”
Gateway Pundit notices some of the success’s of the UAE:
The UAE held elections this past year and has made serious steps towards democracy and improving womens rights. The UAE also scrapped its “Ministry of Information” which used to control the media. And, the UAE announced in December that “democracy” will start being taught in the first grade!
Even the left’s hero had good things to say about the UAE last December:
Clinton said: ?Dubai is a role model of what could be achieved despite the other negative developments in the region. When I went to Dubai for the first time, I was taken to a technology facility where I hooked up to a bank kiosk and found that one can use a conventional banking service, while at the same time opt for an Islamic Sharia compliant service, which I thought was wonderful. This is a very good example of how cultures and values could be merged and offered to the rest. I was amazed and I have a lot of admiration for Sheikh Mohammed for what he?s doing in Dubai.?
But I’m not surprised at the attacks on Bush from the left, they will attack ANYTHING he does just because it’s Bush. But the attacks from the right are sad. Misinformed scare mongering has brought attacks on this Administration for no other reason then gaining political points, and at the expense of the Republican party.
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- Heavy-Handed Politics
I think the most disappointing thing in this whole episode is the speed and ferocity that the right has began attacking Bush. I mean since 9-11-01 our President has unsheathed the sword and slashed at those who engage in terror and those who support it. He has also sent the message that if you renounce your ill ways and stop supporting terrorism then we can work with you. The only two states in the region who have not heard the word, Iran & Syria, are against the wall. Everyone else who has tried to befriend us have been shown gratitude by this Administration and it’s a great thing. But to now pull the rug out from under a Country that has tried to do right by us, that just sends the wrong message. This is not a deal that will harm our national security.

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