The Corrupt Annan Family

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Poor widdle Kofi. He knows his legacy is heading to the sewer as everyday passes and today he let the anger simmering inside him out. First when asked about the traits needed by those who succeed him he said:

“They need a thick skin. They need a sense of humor, and they should laugh a lot inside and outside and at themselves … and be able to reach out and work effectively with leaders across the world,” Annan said.

But when a reporter DARED to question him about his corrupt son and their corrupt dealings:

His frustration showed when a British journalist, James Bone of the London Times, began questioning him about reports that Annan’s son, Kojo, imported a Mercedes-Benz car into Ghana using his father’s diplomatic status to avoid taxes.

Annan interrupted the reporter when Bone said, “Your own version of events don’t really make sense.”

“I think you’re being very cheeky,” Annan said. “Listen James Bone, you’ve been behaving like an overgrown schoolboy in this room for many, many months and years.

“You are an embarrassment to your colleagues and to your profession. Please stop misbehaving and please let’s move on to a serious subject,” Annan added.

The president of the U.N. Correspondents Association said that Bone had a right to ask a question. Annan said he agreed with that “but I think we also have to understand that we have to treat each other with respect.”

There’s that thick skin. You can watch the video here.

Funny how he didn’t let the failure of the UN in Rwanda get to him, nor the failure in Somalia, or the failure in Kosovo….but this reporter asking a question about his corrupt family get’s to him. Isn’t that curious.

Funny how he didn’t let the failure of the UN in Rwanda get to him, nor the failure in Somalia, or the failure in Kosovo….but this reporter asking a question about his corrupt family get’s to him. Isn’t that curious.