Flight 93 Memorial, Update III

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Good news:

Designers of a Flight 93 memorial have made a circular, bowl-shaped piece of land its centerpiece, replacing the original crescent-shape design that some critics had said was a symbol honoring terrorists, officials announced today.

The new design features most of the same details of the original, which was unveiled in September after a worldwide design competition. A tower with 40 wind chimes welcomes visitors to the site near Shanksville, Somerset County, where they can then walk to a large circular field ringed by 40 groves of red and sugar maple trees, symbolizing the 40 passengers and crew who died on the plane.

Officials say the circle enhances the earlier design by putting more emphasis on the crash site, according to details in the Flight 93 National Memorial’s November newsletter. A break in the trees will symbolize the path the plane took as it crashed.

In September, Rep. Tom Tancredo, R-Colo., criticized the design in a letter to National Park Service Director Fran Mainella. Mr. Tancredo said many questioned the shape “because of the crescent’s prominent use as a symbol in Islam — and the fact that the hijackers were radical Islamists.”

Paul Murdoch, president of Paul Murdoch Architects, which designed the memorial, had called the criticism of the crescent an “unfortunate diversion,” but said they were sensitive to the concerns.

My sceptical side is wondering how these moonbats will sneak something else into the design. You have to know they won’t give up this easy….it’s a inbred gene carried by these folks that they must capitulate to tyrants, dictators, and terrorists.


Flight 93 Memorial, Update II
Flight 93 Memorial, Update
Flight 93 Memorial