What A Mug


On ebay you can find this choice offering:


NOTE: You are bidding on a print out from my computer of three emails and an unforgettable picture (see below) of Clinton defender and professor of law Susan Estrich arranged in a frame and signed by Doug from Upland (my screen name on FreeRepublic.com and caller name on talk radio).

Juanita Broaddrick, known as Jane Doe No. 5 during the Clinton Impeachment, appeared on an historic NBC interview with Lisa Myers, broadcast on Feb. 24, 1999. Yes, NBC delayed the broadcast until after the Impeachment vote in the Senate. In the interview, Broaddrick discussed her accusation of rape against the then attorney general of Arkansas, Bill Clinton. Overwhelmingly, those who saw the interview believed her charges.

Democratic political operative Estrich, as you may recall, was responsible for the hilarious photo-op of Michael Dukakis in the tank looking like a silly little boy playing grownup. Political pundits are still debating which is the silliest photo-op ever. Is it Dukakis in the tank or John F. Kerry crawling out of the space capsule looking like a little blue bunny or, as some have suggested, a blue sperm character from a Woody Allen movie?


1. Email challenge to Estrich to speak with fellow rape victim and Bill Clinton accuser Juanita Broaddrick.

2. Email of the good news to Estrich that Broaddrick contacted me and was looking forward to a meeting with Estrich.

3. Email from Estrich responding: “not interested”

4. Unforgettable picture of Estrich

Note: from the emails, I reserve the right to redact my personal phone number and cell phone number.

BACKGROUND: There is a chance that this offering could become historic memorabilia. On Oct. 11, 2005, Estrich was plugging her new Hillary book on the Sean Hannity show. Hannity confronted her about Broaddrick’s very credible rape accusation. Estrich, herself a rape victim, didn’t believe Broaddrick. In her eyes, Broaddrick is apparently a liar. How does Estrich know? Well, she had a conversation with Clinton, and he told her he didn’t do it.

Let’s see if we have this correct. Clinton lied to his wife, lied to his daughter, lied to reporters, lied to his supporters, lied to the grand jury, lied to his secretary, lied to his cabinet, lied to his dog Buddy, and lied to all of us while pointing his finger at us and telling us he was going to get back to work for the American people. Gee, Bill, what kind of work would that be? Defending this nation? Despite all of the lies, by some cosmic miracle that is beyond the comprehension of man, he would never, never, never lie to Susan Estrich. Is that reasonably accurrate?

I attempted to set up a conversation between Estrich and Broaddrick because of the comments made by Estrich on the Hannity show. Certainly, the fair minded law professor Estrich would want to hear Broaddrick’s side of the story, wouldn’t she? After each of two phone conversations with Estrich’s secretary, I followed up with an email. Broaddrick was willing. Unfortunately, Estrich would have nothing to do with it.

You can make your own determination regarding why Estrich refuses to speak with Broaddrick. Could it be that Estrich will be forced to confront the truth? If she confronts the truth, what would she do about her support of Bill and Hillary? We all know that, behind the scenes, it was Hillary working feverishly to destroy the women who dared come forward to tell their stories. That threatened her political power. You might have never seen it on Brokaw, Jennings, and Rather, but many of those who came forward to tell their stories were audited by the IRS.

Estrich is a lawyer and a law professor who trains prospective lawyers. She knows the importance of hearing all sides and seeing all the evidence. But in this case, political power and agenda seem more important than the truth. It is ironic. A rape victim refuses to speak with a fellow rape victim. Instead, she takes the side of the accused rapist in public forums.

Report of Sean Hannity show appearance – http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1500726/posts

Report of original challenge to Estrich – http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1504364/posts

Report that Broaddrick is willing to meet – http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1505356/posts

Report of Estrich refusal – http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1506863/posts

Although I can’t see spending any cash for that face, the hilarity is well worth it.

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Besides the picture, you get copies of the emails. I was amazed that Estrich even answered me. That was a mistake by her. The money I get from the auction is going to FreeRepublic. The whole purpose was to expose Estrich as a total phony.

Coming soon: the photo of David Kendall being confronted at the Appellate Court in Los Angeles as he fights to hide Hillary’s $1.6 million donation in 2000 that she has never declared.