Well, the MSM is continuing to ignore the Air America scandal all the while one of the big guns in the MSM, the NYT, is spending it’s time searching for information on Supreme Court Justice nominee John Roberts. What kind of important information would they be looking for? Why, information about his adopted children: (via Drudge)
NY Times Investigates Adoption Records of Supreme Court Nominee’s Children
The NY Times is looking into the adoption records of the children of Supreme Court Nominee John G. Roberts, the Drudge Report has learned. The Times has investigative reporter Glen Justice hot on the case to investigate the status of adoption records of Judge Roberts? two young children, Josie age 5 & Jack age 4, a top source reveals. Judge Roberts & his wife Jane adopted the children when they each were infants. Both children were adopted from Latin America.
A Times insider claims the look into the adoption papers are part of the paper’s “standard background check.” Roberts? young son Jack delighted millions of Americans during his father?s Supreme Court nomination announcement ceremony when he wouldn?t stop dancing while the President & his father spoke to a national television audience. Previously the Washington Post Style section had published a story criticizing the outfits Mrs. Roberts had them wear at the announcement ceremony.
One top Washington official with knowledge of the NY Times action declared:
?Trying to pry into the lives of the Roberts? family like this is despicable. Children?s lives should be off limits. The Times is putting politics over fundamental decency.? One top Republican official when told of the situation was incredulous. ?This can?t possibly be true??
Yup, that’s right. Information on his adopted children is more important then the fact that Air America stole $700,000 from underprivledged children.
Brit Hume is reporting tonight that the NYT is conferring with lawyers on the best way to unseal adoption records. These are records where even the adopted children themselves have a hard time unsealing but for some reason the NYT wants them unsealed. Their excuse is that its a normal routine to check adoption records. They have got to be kidding….I would like them to name one public figure they have investigated where they wanted adoption records unsealed. This is just complete and utter foolishness.
This simple act show’s the public the utter disdain the MSM has against conservatives and their protection of the ultra-left agenda. Just plain disgusting.
Michelle Malkin writes on her blog today about the number of stories the NYT has done on this scandal so far:
Number of NY Times articles mentioning Air America since March 2004: 59
Number of NY Times articles mentioning the Air Enron scandal: 0
(Via Nexis)
The Captain also compared the coverage of Rush Limbaugh and his drug use, and the theft of close to a million dollars from kids:
The Exempt Media doesn’t have any biases, even though IBD noticed as I did in my Daily Standard column yesterday that they couldn’t run enough stories on Rush Limbaugh’s addiction to painkillers. When he tried to keep his court and medical records sealed during the investigation, the Exempt Media went to court to get them released and provided daily, breathless updates on the status of the legal action.
That was just one radio show host with a personal addiction and potential criminal activity in acquiring the drugs. At Air America, we have a whole radio network that got their hands on government grants intended for poor children and Alzheimers patients, illicitly using it to keep themselves on the air, and now find themselves the target of a city criminal investigation. Yet none of the same media outlets can find space or time to even report on the existence of the investigation.
Nope, no bias here. Just move along, folks. Look — Karl Rove! Over there!
Also, you will remember the company that owned Air America saying that they want to compensate the Club for their loss, but are waiting until the investigation is done:
“We’re committed to paying this money and the terms are being worked out… We are awaiting direction from the investigation into how to proceed.”
Sounds good so far huh?
August 4, 2005 — Air America’s foot-dragging on repaying $875,000 borrowed from a beleaguered Boys & Girls Club in The Bronx has nothing to do with a probe of the club’s controversial loans, city investigators said yesterday.
Officials at the ultra-liberal radio network have repeatedly said Air America intends to repay the money, but claimed they put those plans on hold because of the city probe.
“We’re waiting for directions from the investigators on how to proceed,” Air America spokeswoman Jamie Horn said this week.
But the Department of Investigation said there is nothing to prevent the radio network from repaying its debt immediately.
“DOI has done nothing and given no instruction preventing payment of money owed to Gloria Wise [Boys & Girls Club]. Any statements to the contrary are inaccurate,” said DOI spokesman Keith Schwam.
And then Hugh Hewitt adds his take on it:
[N]othing is so odd as the black-out of the story in the mainstream media. It took about a week from the first television mention of Eason Jordan’s Davos speech for that story to break out into the mainstream media. CNN’s Inside Politics blog segment covered the Air America story on July 29, so we may be getting close to break-out day. There is every indication–conflicting accounts, big names, big money–that the story has legs.
We know a lot about the medications Rush Limbaugh has taken.
We know a great deal about Bill O’Reilly’s troubles.
But thus far we don’t know much about how Al Franken got paid the big bucks last year, when all of the mainstream media seemed to be cheering his debut.
And still we wait for Al and Jeanne to say something, anything, about their company’s theft of money from children. We still wait for the MSM to say something, anything, about this crime….
And still we wait…..8 days and counting.
Check out USS Neverdock, Opinipundit, The Radio Equalizer, The Recovering Democrat, Boxer Watch, A Blog For All, The Florida Masochist, FullosseousFlap’s Dental Blog, Let Freedom Ring, & Brutally Honest for more.
The Corruption In Air America
The Corruption In Air America, Update
The Corruption In Air America, Update II
The Corruption In Air America, Update III
The Corruption In Air America, Update IV

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