Kalifornia’s Home Grown Terrorists


While the left is working itself into a writhing mass of blubber about a few drops of urine touching a book and prisoners being forced to wear panties on their heads those of us who actually care about this country can worry about this:

A terrorism investigation in this quiet farming town has led to the arrests of a father and son who said he trained at an al-Qaida camp in Pakistan and planned to attack U.S. hospitals and supermarkets, authorities said.

Federal investigators believe a number of people committed to al-Qaida have been operating in and around Lodi, a wine-growing region about 30 miles south of Sacramento, FBI Agent Keith Slotter said Wednesday. He would not elaborate.

Slotter added that investigators did not have information about any specific plans for an attack, and the father and son were charged only with lying to federal agents about the son’s training at the al-Qaida camp. Two local Muslim leaders also have been detained on immigration violations.

The son, Hamid Hayat, was interviewed by the FBI last Friday and at first denied any link to terror camps. But the next day he was given a polygraph test and admitted he attended the camp in 2003 and 2004, according to an affidavit by FBI Agent Pedro Aguilar.

Hayat, 22, said photos of President Bush and other American political figures were pasted onto targets during weapons training, the affidavit said. At the end of training, participants were given the opportunity to choose the nation where their attacks would be carried out.

“Hamid advised that he specifically requested to come to the United States to carry out his jihadi mission,” according to an affidavit released through the
Justice Department in Washington. “Potential targets for attack included hospitals and large food stores.”

The father, 47-year-old Umer Hayat, lied about his son’s involvement and money he sent for the son’s training, the affidavit said.

Michelle Malkin found the arrest warrant here which has a few interesting tidbits:

9. Hamid admitted that he attended a jihadist training camp in Pakistan for approximately 6 months in 2003-2004. Hamid stated that Al-Qaeda supports the camp and provides instructors for the camp. Hamid later confirmed this camp was run by Al-Qaeda. Hamid described the camp as providing structured paramilitary training, including weapons training, explosives training, interior room tactics, hand to hand combat, and strenuous exercise. Classroom instruction included ideological rhetoric detailing opposition towards the United States and other non-Muslim countries. Hamid stated that during his weapons training, photos of various high ranking U.S. political figures, including President Bush, would be pasted onto their targets. Hamid further stated that he and others at the camp were being trained on how to kill Americans. Hamid stated that although he did not participate in all the available instruction, he was aware the other training was ongoing.

10. Hamid observed hundreds of attendees from various parts of the world at this camp. According to Hamid, these attendees rotated into the camp depending on their stage of training. Camp attendees were given the opportunity to choose the country in which to carry out their
jihadi mission including the United States, Afghanistan, Iraq, Kashmir and other countries.

11. Hamid advised that he specifically requested to come to the United States to carry out his Jihadi mission. Potential targets for attack would include hospitals and large food stores.

Michelle also has a link to a story about possible attacks towards Hospitals and Schools.

There appears to be a growing community of home grown terrorists in California ie John Walker-Lindh, Adam Pearlman, & Hamid Hadayat. I can understand why these types would want to set up camp here because this has got to be one of the most screwed up states in the country, especially for law enforcement. You basically have to be photographed with a knife in your hand while standing over a stabbing victim to be convicted of murder….anything less and the “intellectuals” who sit on our juries will let you off.

Anyway, my congratualations to those FBI agents and any other law enforcement who broke these guys….they better be charged with treason.

Check out The Dread Pundit Bluto, Scared Monkeys, Winds Of Change, Protein Wisdom, Sierra Faith, Jihad Watch, & Captains Quarters for more.