It’s quite curious and disturbing that while Harvard will expel the ROTC program they will allow a play such as this to be shown at their school. Kinda tells you everything you want to know about our universities in this country huh?
On May 12, the Loeb Experimental Theatre will premier a work by a Harvard undergraduate that carries on that tradition. “Abu Ghraib,” written and directed by sophomore Currun Singh, probes the meaning of the 2004 prisoner abuse scandal using a combination of dialogue, film, music, and dance.
Singh, a social studies concentrator who has participated in student theatrical productions both onstage and behind the scenes since his freshman year, said that the idea for a play based on Abu Ghraib evolved out of the shock and dismay he and fellow students felt as the news story unfolded. His concern about human rights and about tensions in the Middle East also contributed to the creative ferment, as did his desire to work on a production that dealt with more serious issues.
“I wanted it to be a serious piece,” he said, “a call to action.”
Meanwhile in Iraq:
The explosion enveloped the armored vehicle in flames, sending orange balls of fire bubbling above the trees along the Euphrates River near the Syrian border.
Marines in surrounding vehicles threw open their hatches and took off running across the plowed fields, toward the already blackening metal of the destroyed vehicle. Shouting, they pulled to safety those they could, as the flames ignited the bullets, mortar rounds, flares and grenades inside, rocketing them into the sky and across pastures.
Gunnery Sgt. Chuck Hurley emerged from the smoke and turmoil around the vehicle, circling toward the spot where helicopters would later land to pick up casualties. As he passed one group of Marines, he uttered one sentence: “That was the same squad.”
Among the four Marines killed and 10 wounded when an explosive device erupted under their Amtrac on Wednesday were the last battle-ready members of a squad that four days earlier had battled foreign fighters holed up in a house in the town of Ubaydi. In that fight, two squad members were killed and five were wounded.
In 96 hours of fighting and ambushes in far western Iraq, the squad had ceased to be.
Every member of the squad — one of three that make up the 1st Platoon of Lima Company, 3rd Battalion, 25th Regiment — had been killed or wounded, Marines here said. All told, the 1st Platoon — which Hurley commands — had sustained 60 percent casualties, demolishing it as a fighting force.
So you have a university openly hostile to the military while being openly accommodating towards those who believe the US is evil. The kids are brainwashed by the lefty professors to the point where they believe that the government is out to get them and the US is all evil (darth vader anyone? Plus, check out my posts on the DU wacko’s to get a feeling for what many of these kids will become) and then they complain that only the poor are sent to war.
Given all that, we still have some in these rich universities who join because they love this country and wish to serve. As much as these kids are brainwashed in our college system I am amazed that some come out of there still thinking clearly.
In the end a company of Marines from Ohio have died for the freedoms these kids in Harvard take for granted. As Blackfive said:
They were very likely, like most Marines, plain-spoken men. Men of deeds, not words.
Their families and the few members of “Lucky Lima” who survived will never forget the awful price of freedom, even when it is purchased for someone else. They will never forget what it costs to keep us secure here in our comfortable homes. They do not need to be lectured about civil rights, they who paid the ultimate price to bring the most basic of rights to others.
But I’m sure this play is great! We can all sit around eating popcorn crying about some terrorists with women’s panties on their heads. Sigh!

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