“Bush, Bush, Support, Protection…”


And so the march of Democracy is moving again. This time it’s Iran’s turn hopefully (hat tip Regime Change Iran):

While hundreds of thousands of Iranians poured into the streets of cities all across Iran lastnight to both celebrate the victory of Iran over Japan in Friday ‘s Soccer match as well as to demonstrate their hatred of the Mullacracy, the regime’s television broadcast admitted to the widespread protests calling the celebrants “fools and champions of exhibitionist foreign invaders.”

The regime’s television, in a political analysis fraught with intense distress and exhaustion requisitioned the U.S., saying: “if the U.S. has good intentions and does intend to make a deal with us, then they must back away from supporting exiled, anti-regime Iranian media abroad which is entirely responsible for inciting such revolts.”

The whistle of the referee in the end of the Iran/Japan soccer game yesterday was the sign of the beginning of another [and more to come] of the anti-Islamic republic, nationwide demonstrations which in fact raged on throughout the night ending in the early hours of this morning.

People had come out in the streets of the nation and threw their homemade grenades and firecrackers (left over from the New Year’s festival of fire) and in unison loudly chanted anti-regime slogans. As a result, the 9 o’clock news was continuously disrupted and the deafening sounds of the fireworks and grenades which had the anchors frightened, forced them to cut the live feed to reread the news over and over again. READ MORE

Though the protests were intense and extensive, the protestors, as always were responsible and mindful not hurt anyone, continuously chanting their slogans; in certain parts of the capital plain-clothes mercenaries and the regime’s thugs brutally attacked and waged bloodshed. In one of the city squares where people had gathered, many of the demonstrators were women who refused to keep the scarves and vails on. As the anti-riot forces attacked people with metal pipes, clubs and chains thousands began chanting in rhymes: “People join us and condemn the executioners and oppressors…death to dictators…get lost hired killer mercenaries…”

In several areas of Tehran, the streets were brimming with protestors into the farthest discernable distance. In one of the streets off of Fatemi Square, someone shrieked so loudly that the crowd rushed to see what had happened when a young woman who was removing her regulation Islamic overcoat and had begun dancing was fatally beaten by a revolutionary guard with a metal pipe in his hand. She fell to the ground, bleeding; the crowd rushed her to Khomeini hospital where due to severe head injury, she was pronounced dead in the early hours of today. Her friends told our reporter that she was 23 year old Meetra. The news of Meetra’s death fuelled the protestor’s anger and action against the regime was further intensified. People chanted: “Death to those who kill our freedom-fighters. Death to a puppet parliament; Death to armed despots…” and with this, the revolutionary guards and mercenaries and anti-riot guards continued attacking people with tear gas and various other forms of restraint.

In areas of northern Tehran, people chanted slogans directed at the U.S. administration: “Bush, Bush, support, protection…”

Upon hearing these slogans the revolutionary guards stormed the protestors but the enormity of the crowd alarmed them into recoiling down the street to join their core of their street command units; these units were comprised of knife and machete-wielding career criminals who began stabbing and slashing people. This however did not stop people from continuing the anti-regime slogans. They repeated: “Referendum, referendum instead of your phoney elections…we want no mullah, nor sheikh, we curse YOU, Ruhollah…”

The protestors have made a pact to once again pour out into the streets of Iran, on March 30th, right after the Iran/Korea Soccer match and they promise that next time, they will be stronger and more powerful than ever in confronting the Mullahs and their hired killers.

The youth in Iran are now calling for Bush to help.

A good friend of mine who is Iranian, he came over before the revolution, has told me about Iran when it was ruled by the Shah and he now just shakes his head at the Iran of today. His parents just flew here from Iran a few weeks ago, they had to go to Turkey to get a visa since Iran wouldn’t let them come, and they tell him about how much support the US has over there. 95% of the public love America and want Democracy they tell me.

Hopefully someday they will get their wish.

But a sign that they will brutally protect the status quo:

Brutal militiamen were seen using clubs, chains and knives against demonstrators with the firm intention to kill anyone standing against the regime. Several female protesters were seen beaten to death in Guisha and Fatemi as they took off their veils.

Islamic regime’s propaganda tools, such as, the official so-called “Iran Students News Agency” (ISNA) have qualified some of these deaths as due to “having been trampled under the spectators’ feet” or “Dying of heart attack due to excitement”. Foreign news agencies, such as, Reuters, AP, Xinhua or AFP have ignored the existence of street riots while echoeing the official version due most likely of fear of seeing their correspondents expelled or due to their financement by major lobby groups interested in continuing business with the Islamic republic.

Arrested female demonstrators are to be lashed for their “un-Islamic behavior” before getting released. Such decision has been announced to some of the families who have searched for their missing members arrested following yesterday’s Soccer riots.

This repressive declaration is another desperate effort to put a stop to the increase of Iranian Women’s legitimate aspiration of seeing the end of the Islamist state’s instated Gender Apartheid policy.

Where is the MSM in all this? Wouldn’t they want to air news of this instead of the official party line from the Iranian Government?

The yesterday Soccer riots which happened just few days after the Tchahar-Shanbe Souri (Fire Fiest) clashes are confirming the increasing pattern of popular exasperation and Iranians wishes for ending the totallity of Islamic regime’s rule by all means. It’s more than three years, now, that Iranians and especially students are shouting the famous slogan “Referundum, Referundum, this is our Slogan!”. They do hope that a concerted International pressure and promotion of a genuine Secular-Democratic Opposition Council abroad, coordinated with the Civil Disobeidance Movement inside Iran will bring the Islamic regime’s leaders to step down from political power especially now that no one can anymore claim about possibilities of ‘reforms from within the Islamc system’.