The Real Democrats

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There is a article out in the Chicago Sun Times that speaks volumn’s about the true character of some Democrats.

“This is the story of a military veteran whistleblower. He spoke out against someone he thought was dangerous for the nation, talked to local newspapers, and appeared on talk shows. In return, he was vilified by reporters, threatened by a political operative, fired by his company, and now he’s broke.”

It’s about Steve Gardner, the soldier who actually served on John Kerry’s swift boat

“Gardner’s story is one that bears telling. He volunteered for the Navy, enlisting on his 18th birthday in February 1966. After training, he was shipped to Vietnam and served for two years as a gunner in the swift boat division. His superior, for four months, was none other than Lt. j.g. John F. Kerry.

“I had confrontations with him there. He nearly got us rammed by the VC one night because he wasn’t watching the helm. I heard the motor coming close, turned on the spotlight, and the boat was only 90 feet away, coming fast. The VC was aiming an AK47 at us. I shot him out of the boat. We pulled a woman and a baby off the boat. Kerry wrote it up that we captured two VC and killed four more on the beach. None of that was true. The only thing true on Kerry’s report was the date. The woman was catatonic and wouldn’t call her baby VC and there were no VC on the beach. If we had seen that report before Kerry sent it up the chain of command, he would have been court-martialed and never allowed to run for office. And that’s just the San Pan incident. There was much more. He is a self-aggrandizing bold-faced liar. I believe he caused the extension of that war.”

Yes, I know the election is over with and why should we care about this story anymore….read on young grasshoppers.

“he received a phone call from John Hurley, the veterans organizer for Kerry’s campaign. Hurley, Gardner says, asked him to come out for Kerry. He told Hurley to leave him alone and that he’d never be for Kerry. It was then Gardner says, he was threatened with, “You better watch your step. We can look into your finances.”

Next, Gardner said he received a call from Douglas Brinkley, the author of Tour of Duty: John Kerry and the Vietnam War. Brinkley told Gardner he was calling only to “fact check” the book — which was already in print. “I told him that the guy in the book is not the same guy I served with. I told him Kerry was a coward. He would patrol the middle of the river. The canals were dangerous. He wouldn’t go there unless he had another boat pushing him.”

“Twenty-four hours later, Gardner got an e-mail from his company, Millennium Information Services, informing him that his services would no longer be necessary. He was laid off in an e-mail — by the same man who only days before had congratulated him for his exemplary work in a territory which covered North and South Carolina. The e-mail stated that his position was being eliminated. Since then, he’s seen the company advertising for his old position. Gardner doesn’t have the money to sue to get the job back.”

I am trying to get ahold of the author to find out if there is any fund’s set up for him. I considered him a true hero for his service in Vietnam but after helping to defeat the Great Coward I think we owe him a bit more. For a great interview by Dean Esmay from Dean’s World go here.

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…..this Kerry = fraud tale reminds me of the TV news reporter at Channel Seven in Watertown, NY, whom was canned in mid-2004. This occurred appox four hours after he refused management’s request to deep six a lengthy probe into the missing year of service of Bush’s military service. The dude believed that those 10-11 months were spent by W working for the Texas GOP. Oh, yeah: the same mths Kerry was serving his nation in ‘Nam.