The Benghazi Charlie Foxtrot Continues

We, the media complex of Obama, swear to put the president’s welfare foremost on our agenda. If this means we must sacrifice our honor and integrity, it is but a small price to pay, to insure the best image for the party and the Liberal/Progressive goals of the future.

The Benghazi episode has become an awkward situation for our leader; consequently, it has become imperative, for the state directed media to lead interference, until this inconvenient bump in the road disappears from the public’s consciousness. The Obama bootlickers have sworn allegiance to the Myth of Obama and it has never been more obvious to the semi-literate objective public.

The Butcher Of Benghazi Wants To Keep The Choppers and Jets

Watching men die, while locked in a state of indecision or having dubious motives that prevent you from sending in available assets that could have saved these men, is one of the most heinous acts of cowardice and malfeasance ever perpetrated by a sitting American President. For seven hours, the Obama Administration sat by and watched brave Americans fight for their very lives, but if the administration had its way, the death toll would be thirty instead of four. Adding to our disgrace is the fact that within 500 miles, there were several sources of help that could have changed the situation and saved some, if not all the Americans who were killed.

Valerie Plame is still alive [Reader Post]

The thing is, Valerie Plame is still alive. She has written a book, enjoyed endless TV appearances and even had a movie made about her.

Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty are dead. No movies, no TV appearances, no books.

Tyrone Woods was calling for help. Someone ordered that help to “stand down.”

And the press could not care less why.

The one piece of information that would explain everything [Reader Post]

When you listen to Jennifer Griffin describe a plea from the Americans at the consulate one thing stands out

“Where the blank is the Spectre?”

THE Spectre. Not “air support.” THE Spectre. Not “a” Spectre. “THE” Spectre.

A Spectre gunship was expected.

Thus here’s the one piece of information which would explain everything.

They watched them die [Reader Post]

The NY Post story outlines what I have been hearing this morning from former CIA operatives and former intelligence officers. There were assets available that could have been deployed to help those under siege in the Benghazi consulate. The Obama administration knew virtually immediately what was happening but chose to do nothing. Instead, they sat back, made some popcorn and watched.

The United States had an unmanned Predator drone over its consulate in Benghazi during the attack that slaughtered four Americans — which should have led to a quicker military response, it was revealed yesterday.

Iranian born Valerie Jarrett gets Secret Service detail, American born Ambassador Stevens denied protection in Benghazi [Reader Post]

First, some irony that captures the Obama administration’s Benghazi deception.

CNN: Stevens worried about AL Qaeda his list

CNN: Clinton: No sign that Stevens believed he was on an al Qaeda hit list

This adminstration has lied from day one about the Benghazi attacks.