“We are not asking that he [Zimmerman] be convicted; We are asking that he be arrested”



How are George Zimmerman, Trayvon Martin, Pigford, Ryan Julison, the Black Panthers, Al Sharpton, Eric Holder and Barack Obama all connected?

The guys at Conservative Treehouse have put together an incredible piece. It shows how the Zimmerman-Martin case became the monster it is:

It begins with Tracy Martin reaching out on February 28th to his sister-in-law attorney Patricia Jones, she in turn contacted Benjamin Crump from Parks and Crump law firm in Tallahassee. Crump contacted Tracy Martin February 29th and took the case March 1st.

Chasing that initial “contact angle” takes you into another insane web of interwoven associations. So I’m skipping it, but you can READ IT HERE.

Crump then contacted Orlando Attorney Natalie Jackson to begin the process of formulating the offensive strategy. Natalie Jackson is a Seminole County NAACP board member and serves as a member of the Legal Redress Committee. In addition Natalie Jackson’s mom, Francis Oliver, is a major activist and historian within the NAACP.

Natalie Jackson and Benjamin Crump hire Media Communications expert Ryan Julison, who Jackson had previously worked with on the Sanford Sherman Ware case where they were able to extort leverage financial restitution from the son of a former Sanford Police Lieutenant; the son’s name is Justin Collison, and he was charged with beating Sherman Ware. In addition to money paid to Sherman Ware, Collison, the grandson of a very wealthy former federal judge, also paid off the NAACP. Ryan Julison ran the media campaign to support Ware.

While Julison went about pitching the racist white George Zimmerman murdering the innocent Trayvon Martin to the media, which he did very effectively, Benjamin Crump got in touch with his former cohorts from the Martin Lee Anderson case; namely Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and National NAACP President Ben Jealous.

The Zimmerman family quickly noticed the racist narrative being drawn and sold with reckless abandon on all the media, and they reached out to Sanford/Seminole County NAACP President Turner Clayton who they thought would support George Zimmerman from Clayton’s prior knowledge of how Zimmerman actively supported Sherman Ware within the black community.

However, if Clayton supported Zimmerman and admitted the non-racist knowledge, then he would be undercutting Natalie Jackson, who was, and is, a member of his board and now attacking Zimmerman.

So Clayton obfuscated and kept his mouth shut so he wouldn’t lose credibility within his own ethnic community, and most especially with the NAACP.

Ryan Julison continued selling his media pitch to multiple media outlets, and running cover for a few slip ups by Sybrina Fulton, such as when she said she thought the shooting was an accident. The frenzy was fierce and Julison kept chumming the media water.

Julison claimed to have worked with ABC News reporter Matt Gutman who posted this story:

ABC News has uncovered questionable police conduct in the investigation of the fatal shooting of an unarmed black teenager by a white neighborhood watch captain in Florida, including the alleged “correction” of at least one eyewitness’ account.

[…] Witnesses told ABC News a fist fight broke out and at one point Zimmerman, who outweighed Martin by more than 100 pounds, was on the ground and that Martin was on top.

“That was my baby, my youngest son,” mother Sybrina Fulton told ABC News in an interview in Miami. “He meant a lot to me, I don’t think the police department really understands that…I need justice for my family, I just want justice for my son.”

And this is the crux of the story:

“We are not asking that he [Zimmerman] be convicted; We are asking that he be arrested”

-Benjamin Crump Esq.
Attorney for Tracy Martin and Sybrina Fuller
(Quoted to Piers Morgan on 4/3/2012)



The Trayvon family is not seeking justice in the form you would think. No, they are seeking monetary justice, or more directly monetary gain. THAT is the motivation; and the absence of an “arrest” is what stands between them and their ability to sue in civil court”.

Ask yourself why would anyone want an arrest without a conviction?

“We are not asking that he be convicted; We are asking that he be arrested”

Why is that so important?

The answer can be found in the statutes of Florida law surrounding Justifiable Use Of Force (Statute 776) which outlines in Statute 776.032

Immunity from criminal prosecution and civil action for justifiable use of force:

(1) A person who uses force as permitted in s. 776.012, s. 776.013, or s. 776.031 is justified in using such force and is immune from criminal prosecution and civil action for the use of such force, unless the person against whom force was used is a law enforcement officer, as defined in s. 943.10(14), who was acting in the performance of his or her official duties and the officer identified himself or herself in accordance with any applicable law or the person using force knew or reasonably should have known that the person was a law enforcement officer. As used in this subsection, the term “criminal prosecution” includes arresting, detaining in custody, and charging or prosecuting the defendant.

(2) A law enforcement agency may use standard procedures for investigating the use of force as described in subsection (1), but the agency may not arrest the person for using force unless it determines that there is probable cause that the force that was used was unlawful.

(3) The court shall award reasonable attorney’s fees, court costs, compensation for loss of income, and all expenses incurred by the defendant in defense of any civil action brought by a plaintiff if the court finds that the defendant is immune from prosecution as provided in subsection (1).

Note that in section 2 of the immunity statute 776.032 a person is “immune” from criminal or CIVIL action if they are not arrested. The arrest itself can be interpreted as “Probable Cause” the force, or action taken, was unlawful.

Remember the key distinction between guilt or innocence in Criminal vs. Civil trials. In criminal trials the burden of proof is “beyond a reasonable doubt”. In civil trials the burden of proof is “with a preponderance of the existing evidence”; this is where probable cause comes into play. For the purpose of “monetary justice” it only takes an arrest; a subsequent conviction is not necessary.

Without an arrest there is no standing for a civil case awarding monetary damages to Tracy Martin and Sybrina Fuller against George Zimmerman, the HOA for The Retreat At Twin Lakes, and possibly the City of Sanford and all of their respective insurance companies.

Read the whole thing. Repeatedly. It’s a remarkable piece of work. It’s the stuff of Pulitzers were they to hand one out to someone who was anything other than a liberal whackjob.

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I think if it comes to a civil suit, Zimmerman ought to countersue Martin’s parents since their incompetence at parenting led to this whole mess.

Attack Watch!!!! is back.
Only this time the government wants you to email them about crimes you have become aware of George Zimmerman committing.
I wish the emails were public.
Here’s Legal Insurrection on this:
William A. Jacobson ends with this chiller note:

Hey, call me old-fashioned. I don’t think the government should be in the business of identifying political targets first, trying to figure out if a crime was committed second. In an era in which everyone is guilty of something, this is a prescription for prosecutorial tyranny, as Prof. Glenn Reynold wrote in Ham Sandwich Nation: Due Process When Everything is a Crime.

And I thought the prosecution couldn’t go any lower than when they tried to use ”child abuse” against Zimmerman.

Zimmerman is the victim of racial discrimination by the disgusting cracker haters!! It’s time for America to realize what a mess our racist President and his Administration has created!@!

@Common Sense: Zimmerman is the victim of racial discrimination by the disgusting cracker haters!! It’s time for America to realize what a mess our racist President and his Administration has created!@!

How true.
Liberals today think they are above hate.
But liberal race-baiters know that hatred is often a powerful motivator than love.
The Sharptons, the Obamas, the Jacksons and all sweep up their rabble into an induced a kind of altered hate-state. Then that rabble is directed towards the object of destruction.
In this case it is somehow ”whitey.”
Go figure.

The irony goes deeper:
Black Floridians have made about a third of the state’s total “Stand Your Ground” claims in homicide cases, a rate nearly double the black percentage of Florida’s population. The majority of those claims have been successful, a success rate that exceeds that for Florida whites.

Yahoo News takes the view that, because most blacks who benefit from Stand Your Ground laws have been found justified in killing OTHER BLACKS that this is NOT TRUE!
You can’t win with people who want blacks able to kill their intended targets without any chance of being killed first!

@Nan G: They are just “overcoming”

Thanks for the love! Very much appreciated!

@Jim S: #1
Zimmerman should at least be able to recover the cost of the bullet that he was forced to use. Ammunition these days is expensive!

Alinsky Rule 13: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.

Zimmerman is only the target of Trayvon’s family. Don’t be fooled here folks. The actual target is our 2nd Amendment rights. Zimmerman is simply another excuse for the far-left in an attempt to restart their oppressive and unconstitutional gun control bills before the 2014 elections.

@Common Sense: I like your comment (One of the rare-few)…so let’s think about this for a second…BLACK PEOPLE WANT POWER !!!!…I wonder if they are “ALL” part of the NO/LOW information voters…because what I see is the “I’ll lead from-my behind” better known as Urkel is mentioned to be the MOST POWERFUL MAN ON THE PLANET and “Top CopHolder” is the SECOND MOST POWERFUL MAN ON THE PLANET…aren’t these poeple BLACK or half WHITE & BLACK…which is it ?????…so “ALL” you wanna-beee Sharpton’s ( since he got his new squeeze) do-da Black’s have da POWER…you BETCHA …..and for EVERYONE that get’s called “TO CIVIC DUTY (jury)” save you and your families behind and due what alot did when they got thier draft notice during the VN War…move to Canada…because accordingly “ALL” 6 jurors and thier families are in “GRAVE DANGER”…are we clear ??…CRYSTAL…(a few words used from a “Few Good Men”)

Just a Hat Tip for the kudos to Conservative Tree House. Great site. They’ve been on top of this since day one, doing the investigative work that the ‘media’ refused to. George Zimmerman’s defense even used some of the facts they dug up.

many hundreds have been beaten some near to death, many killed, in racially motivated attacks.

but the media has been utterly silent about the over all scope of this epidemic.

the police have absolutely refused to allow them to be described as hate crimes yet thier is no other way to describe the way and reason the victims were singled out for vicious attacks.

the focuse of the nation is on the martin zimmerman case and a national dialogue is being demanded.

so here is some dialogue,

why is the black community complicit in the racially motivated hate crimes of mob violence, attacks and killings of random white people around the nation? why are we not talking about the black hate crime epidemic that has been going on around the nation for 3 years now.

white racism has been marginalized and shunned by the larger whwite society for years now. in the rare instances of group white on black random hate crimes the nation has exploded with self flagellation.

where is the discussion about the epidemic of violence by angry racist black mobs that has been documented by sites like white girl bleeds alot and gateway pundit posting stories about flash mobs and the knock out game?

@rumcrook™: Well said. I fail to understand how our press fails to realize that the black community is the most racist group in our country today!! It seems that no matter what they do or say it is acceptable because they are black!!

Because in the barnyard some animals are more equal than others.

Nan G and Common Sense call Obama a racist. Rumrock concurs. Strong statement to which I disagree.
There is racism in this country–that’s a given.
Common Sense If blacks were given a free pass wouldn’t Zimm be locked up?–the 5 White 1 Hispanic jury bought his story completely. Based on what they heard they had no other choice.To paint Zimm a hero is beyond absurd. The defense had him a helpless wimp beaten by a guy he outweighed by 46 pounds—lucky he is.


@ilovebeeswarzone: You continue to spout pure B.S. Otherwise How ya doing?
Why not more on the news about Canadian town incinerated in that train wreck?

Obama came into the WH press room to try to save face now that he’s learning there’s no case the feds can bring against Zimmerman and win.
He’s also looked at polls.
Blacks are just fine with the verdict.
Whites and Hispanics are, too.
So, what could he do?
He came after the ”Stand Your Ground,” laws all across the country….laws he CANNOT repeal.
But he used his bully pulpit to speak against them.
As I wrote above, the numbers do not lie: blacks benefit more from Stand Your Ground laws than any other group of Americans.
Obama is trying to insert himself where he can have no influence whatsoever.
All he’s doing to making himself look weak.
OK, he’s gotten pretty good at that.
But it is probably only another diversion he used from our real woes, Benghazi, the NSA spying on us, the IRS abusing our confidential information and other real scandals.
But this diversion was getting out of hand.
He had to try to apply the brakes.
Keep an eye on Long Beach CA today to see if he’s influential over the rabble who voted for him.

@Nan G: Not So According to Huff Post poll 75% of Blacks think Zimm guilty whereas only 34% of Whites think G.Z. guilty. This should surprise nobody.
I’m White and think not guilty was the correct verdict. Don’t find him innocent. Arrogant and stupid to exit his vehicle. Martin should have gone home and watched the game.

@Richard Wheeler:

Zimmeran outweighed Martin by 47 pounds of fat. Z was 5’7″ and TM was 6 ft. The guy who ran the gym where Z supposedly got MMA training said he was able, on a scale of 10, to improve Zimmerman’s fighting ability from a 0.5 to a 1.

That “outweighed by 47 lb” idiocy is an absurd leftist talking point.

@Wm T Sherman: I’ve already agreed Zimm was a fat oughta shape wimp. Stay in the damn truck and get to a gym.
Semper Fi

Richard Wheeler
don’t be so arrogant and insulting a person you have never talk to,
is far out stupid.

@Richard Wheeler:

If you believe a 47 lb weight discrepancy produced no advantage for Z, then why on earth did you mention it?

Z got out of the truck in response to a request for information from the dispatcher.

Z broke no law by getting out of the truck.

Z did not follow TM, also in response to dispatcher.

TM was well away and came back to inflict a beating.

In fact, no law was broken until TM punched Z in the nose.

Your contempt for Zimmerman is not supported by any facts. You sneer at him for being physically inferior to the budding thug who beat his head into concrete over ‘respect;’ what if he were 70 years old — your reasoning would be the same — “might makes right.” Perhaps you parrot leftist talking points because it gives you the illusion of community and belonging. Must feel pretty good, because you just can’t help yourself.

@Wm T Sherman: But he wasn’t 70. 28 carrying a concealed weapon–“might” advantage Zimm. He got out of vehicle to follow Martin unless you buy idea he was looking to identify street address.
Agree he broke no law and not quilty verdict correct. You can’t jail someone for bad decisions. The man was untrained,unprepared and physically lacking. A tragedy waiting to happen.
” parroting left wing talking points–illusion of community and belonging.” laughable psycho babble.
Semper Fi

@Richard Wheeler:

Semper Fi

Speaking of laughable.

A Marine in the mold of Congressman John Murtha.


@Wm T Sherman: WTS I don’t recall when and where you served. Pls refresh. Thanks

I didn’t serve. Most people don’t. It’s laughable that you think military service is an all purpose show-stopping argument. You, John Murtha, Duke Cunningham, John McCain, and various obnoxious dingbats I’ve encountered over the years are ex-military and it doesn’t excuse their dishonesty, and does not render a falsehood into truth.

@Wm T Sherman:

Forgive me if I’m mistaken, but weren’t you the guy predicting riots if Zimmerman was found not guilty?

one guy was attack with a knife,he had a bad cut on his body,
if there is one there are other,
he was right to predict attacks.

Tom –

I considered riots a serious possibility.
The summer is not over.

@Wm T Sherman:

So you were dead wrong, BUT you potentially still have something to look forward to. Got it. Nevertheless, I think I’m no longer considering you my go-to expert on “how scary black people act”.

Wow, the deterioration of this article to insults back and forth is disturbing but predictable. I respect Richard’s input as well as Sherman’s. Having said that, the point of the discussion and article appear to be given a back seat here. Point still remains Z has been found NOT guilty in a court of law. O-blama has once again fueled the flames of racism and versus being above the garbage he has jumped in with both feet!! He could have called for calm and respect of the rule of law, makes you wonder if he really learned anything about being a lawyer. I agree Z is fat, likely if Martin wouldn’t have jumped him, beat his head into the concrete, and tried to take his gun he would be alive today. Sadly he elected to do the opposite and is now dead due to his own failure of judgment. Doesn’t make Z a hero, doesn’t make him a murderer, and certainly doesn’t make Martin anything less than dead.

aren’t you tired to spit insults to the group, we are tired of it,

@Wm T Sherman:

BTW, mocking a marine veteran for being proud of his service? Disgraceful. Show a little class.


Thank you, little bee. I’m proud you agree with everything I write and love Obama.

you’re a pain in the butt


So you were dead wrong

There have been disturbances, freeway-blockings, burning, looting, threats, and beatings in the name of Trayvon. You ignore these as below some unidentified threshold for ‘riot.’

BUT you potentially still have something to look forward to. Got it. Nevertheless, I think I’m no longer considering you my go-to expert on “how scary black people act”.

Leftist troll shows his intentions. Had a few drinks? You state the exact opposite of my point and attribute it to me. The indicator is “how government officials and professional race-baiters are acting at this time.”


BTW, mocking a marine veteran for being proud of his service? Disgraceful. Show a little class.

I am mocking him for invoking the motto “Semper Fidelis,” “Always Faithful,” as he piles on to an abusive anti-constitutional government-sponsored attack on a private individual. But you already understood that, troll.

Duke Cunningham is in prison. Is criticizing him for selling his office the same as mocking his service? No. He served his country, and then he didn’t.

You are getting sloppy. Your disruptive trolling purpose is on display too obviously here. It will be more effective if you pretend to engage in a good-faith effort at communication.

@Wm T Sherman:


Is that what I am? And what are you, how do we label the guy who raises a hysterical alarm of impending racial strife aimed against the white man? And based on what? Your insulting assumption that all black people are simple-minded lemmings ready to be run off a cliff by “the Rev Al”?

@Wm T Sherman:

It will be more effective if you pretend to engage in a good-faith effort at communication.

No pretending here. Lessons from the guy calling people race-baiters and trolls because they point out the errors in your judgement and predictive powers? Amusing.

I’ve made plenty of overtures at good-faith communications, and those who have treated me well are always treated well in kind. You can’t say the same.

@Wm T Sherman:

There have been disturbances, freeway-blockings, burning, looting, threats, and beatings in the name of Trayvon. You ignore these as below some unidentified threshold for ‘riot.’

That’s a joke right? Maybe you need a refresher on what you actually predicted:

My Trayvon Moment

If Zimmerman is found guilty, it means that for all practical purposes that the law says that members of officially designated oppressor groups have targets on their backs and should meekly take their beat downs from offended members of officially designated oppressed groups; as a consequence the flash mob attacks and knock out games will expand and intensify. If he is found innocent, the paranoid enraged mindset trained into the officially designated oppressed groups will explode; as a consequence the flash mob attacks and knock out games will expand and intensify.

Look at you. You predicted “flash mob attacks” now you try and save face by insisting, “There have been disturbances”. Where are the flash mobs, Wm T? Did the “mindset training ” not take? What the hell does that even mean? Who is “training” whom?


race-baiter Is that what I am?

Calm down Tommy. I was not referring to you. You are a smug dishonest leftist troll, not a race-baiter.

hysterical alarm of impending racial strife aimed against the white man? And based on what? Your insulting assumption that all black people are simple-minded lemmings ready to be run off a cliff by “the Rev Al”?

Tom, how many people has Al killed so far in his career? I count eight or nine. You say he’s lost his touch, or can’t get his slimy mojo to work at the national level? Perhaps so. But we see him and Jesse Jackson and other fossils meeting recently with the President and the Attorney General in a high profile manner, and we see inflammatory remarks from the President and other public figures, we see message alignment with major news media who knowingly put out a false narrative; and what this provides is an indication of intent, as well as the appearance that there is high level permission for some sort of, shall we say, ‘collective action’ in the service of ‘social justice.’ It is the appearance of a tacit nod of approval from the Federal leviathan, supported by state-aligned news media; and if you can’t see the state alignment, you’re blind.

The high percentage of blacks who are certain that the Martin/Zimmerman affair was a racial incident tantamount to an old style lynching is not from my fevered imagination, it is reality, as is a general and concerted media/political/community organizer push to encourage this belief in the general American population.

I am not making any assumptions about some homogeneous social nature of American blacks nor indulging in tribal paranoia about ‘the other.’ There are deluded people of all backgrounds, you for example, people who did not make the slightest effort to follow the trial on their own and simply believe that the incomplete and factually incorrect condensed narrative being pushed by the mainstream media is as much information as they will ever need.

You also have completely ignored the violence that has happened to date. There has been post-trial mob violence and vandalism, and people have been beaten, explicitly because of their race,. I mentioned it and you had no response whatsoever.

It’s too small for you to notice? Doesn’t count? Well, how does one turn a small fire into a bigger one? Pour on gasoline like the Administration and its friends are dong. They have a choice and it’s quite clear what they have chosen.

I have never made an absolute prediction, and you know it — I have expressed my pessimism about what the future holds. Nobody, including you, knows what comes next. Hopefully no more violence will happen — but it is foolish to claim it’s impossible, or that none has happened yet at all.

@Common Sense: I find it ironic this guy who didn’t serve chooses the moniker of a famous Union General. Choosing to live vicariously through an honored soldier while ducking the opportunity to actually serve his country. Strange.
Thanks Corpsman.


Where are the flash mobs, Wm T?

Houston. Hollywood. Long Beach. San Bernardino. But you see, flash mobs were already a recurring feature of American urban life before the trial. This is a long term trend – I can’t say and did not say over what period of time this would have an effect — only that government sponsored race-baiting will aggravate the situation and i stand by that.

paranoid enraged mindset

This is also a long term trend. There is no single place it is inculcated. It is the schools, the media and the popular culture. It has recently been intensified as I described in the comment above. Trayvon Martin himself exhibited this mentality when he felt entitled to go back to beat a man he thought might be gay for showing ‘disrespect,’ and for, being gay.

There are months and years ahead of us. You think for some reason that the negative social effects I am describing refer to some short period immediately after the acquittal. I am talking about a longer trend. One of your troll quirks is to assert that some negative thing that I am against is in fact the opposite — a thing I want, a thing that will disappoint if it does not come to pass. This quirk is one of the reasons I’m rude to you, and I think that is reasonable. I do not want this future, but it is being constructed as we speak.

@Richard Wheeler:

Sherman was a significant figure, but also rather obnoxious and controversial in some ways. Very little thought went into the name at the time I first used it, and I have carried it forward out of inertia. I had considered dropping the name for the reason that you describe — that it gives the impression I personally identify with the famous general in some way. I do not. His was a world I am not part of. I do believe I’ll stop using it.

@Richard Wheeler: You are more than welcome and thanks for your service. Working with Vets really puts a lot of thing in perspective for me. I spent 35 years in Medical Marketing and Sales after leaving the Navy in 78. My wife works at Camp Pendleton with Marines every day and I am very proud of her and have a great appreciation for the heroes who currently serve. As a Viet Nam Vet the perspective on the approval of this effort is forever a question and a black mark upon America. It is sad that this war has forever divided our country. I think this division continues and thus we have liberals and conservatives who align similar to the attitudes of the Viet Nam War. Once again, thanks for your service and sacrifice for America. Semper Fi!!

@Wm T Sherman: Obnoxious and controversial you say—hmm

Common Sense I’ve been to a couple of concerts lately where bands from the 60’s and 70’s are thanking V.N. Vets. Never too late and I for one appreciate it. Thanks again to you and your wife for what she does for The Marines at C.P. and Semper Fi

@Richard Wheeler: I went to the Giants vs Padres the other night and they did recognize all who now serve or those who have served in the past and yes there has been a change in attitude. I also believe that part of this recognition is based upon the fact that it is a good marketing tool especially here in San Diego. None the less, appreciated for certain. I am a die hard Giants and Niners fan though. I know we don’t always agree on everything but I also know we agree on some very foundational values of service.

@Common Sense: We can also agree on Niners a big fan since days of Domer Joe Montana. I like Jints as well but I gotta go with this current Dodger team led by Mattingly.
I grew up in N.Y. loving the Yanks and still jog like The Mick.

@Richard Wheeler:

Obnoxious and controversial you say—hmm

Attitude towards reporters, caught by surprise at Shiloh, failed assault on Kennesaw Mountain, events during marches through Georgia and South Carolina, post-war campaigns against Plains Indians.