The one piece of information that would explain everything [Reader Post]


The mainstream media has largely buried the Benghazi debacle and cover-up.

The mainstream media's silence on the Benghazi disaster reached deafening levels on Sunday, as hosts of four out of the five major news shows–with the exception of Fox News Sunday–failed to raise the issue. Only Bob Schieffer of CBS gave it serious consideration, and only after it was raised by Sen. John McCain.

When the Benghazi issue did surface, other than on Fox, it was invariably brought up by Republican guests, and then deflected by the hosts, who largely ignored new stories this week that implicated the White House in the decision not to intervene to save the life of U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and other American staff.

The event as described by Jennifer Griffin is harrowing and tragic:

Fox News has learned from sources who were on the ground in Benghazi that an urgent request from the CIA annex for military back-up during the attack on the U.S. consulate and subsequent attack several hours later on the annex itself was denied by the CIA chain of command — who also told the CIA operators twice to “stand down” rather than help the ambassador's team when shots were heard at approximately 9:40 p.m. in Benghazi on Sept. 11.

Former Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods was part of a small team who was at the CIA annex about a mile from the U.S. consulate where Ambassador Chris Stevens and his team came under attack. When he and others heard the shots fired, they informed their higher-ups at the annex to tell them what they were hearing and requested permission to go to the consulate and help out. They were told to “stand down,” according to sources familiar with the exchange. Soon after, they were again told to “stand down.”

Woods and at least two others ignored those orders and made their way to the consulate which at that point was on fire. Shots were exchanged. The rescue team from the CIA annex evacuated those who remained at the consulate and Sean Smith, who had been killed in the initial attack. They could not find the ambassador and returned to the CIA annex at about midnight.

At that point, they called again for military support and help because they were taking fire at the CIA safe house, or annex. The request was denied. There were no communications problems at the annex, according those present at the compound. The team was in constant radio contact with their headquarters. In fact, at least one member of the team was on the roof of the annex manning a heavy machine gun when mortars were fired at the CIA compound. The security officer had a laser on the target that was firing and repeatedly requested back-up support from a Spectre gunship, which is commonly used by U.S. Special Operations forces to provide support to Special Operations teams on the ground involved in intense firefights.

CIA spokeswoman Jennifer Youngblood, though, denied the claims that requests for support were turned down.

“We can say with confidence that the Agency reacted quickly to aid our colleagues during that terrible evening in Benghazi,” she said. “Moreover, no one at any level in the CIA told anybody not to help those in need; claims to the contrary are simply inaccurate. In fact, it is important to remember how many lives were saved by courageous Americans who put their own safety at risk that night-and that some of those selfless Americans gave their lives in the effort to rescue their comrades.”

The fighting at the CIA annex went on for more than four hours — enough time for any planes based in Sigonella Air base, just 480 miles away, to arrive. Fox News has also learned that two separate Tier One Special operations forces were told to wait, among them Delta Force operators.

A story from the AP is largely congruent with the Griffin story:

TRIPOLI, Libya (AP) — It began around nightfall on Sept. 11 with around 150 bearded gunmen, some wearing the Afghan-style tunics favored by Islamic militants, sealing off the streets leading to the U.S.

Consulate in Benghazi. They set up roadblocks with pick-up trucks mounted with heavy machine guns, according to witnesses.

The trucks bore the logo of Ansar al-Shariah, a powerful local group of Islamist militants who worked with the municipal government to manage security in Benghazi, the main city in eastern Libya and birthplace of the uprising last year that ousted Moammar Gadhafi after a 42-year dictatorship.

There was no sign of a spontaneous protest against an American-made movie denigrating Islam's Prophet Muhammad. But a lawyer passing by the scene said he saw the militants gathering around 20 youths from nearby to chant against the film. Within an hour or so, the assault began, guns blazing as the militants blasted into the compound.

One of the consulate's private Libyan guards said masked militants grabbed him and beat him, one of them calling him “an infidel protecting infidels who insulted the prophet.”

The witness accounts gathered by The Associated Press give a from-the-ground perspective for the sharply partisan debate in the U.S. over the attack that left U.S. ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans dead. They corroborate the conclusion largely reached by American officials that it was a planned militant assault. But they also suggest the militants may have used the film controversy as a cover for the attack.

Again- no protests.

The past week, the AP has gathered accounts from five witnesses, including one of the embassy guards and several people living next door to the consulate compound who were present when the militants first moved in. Most spoke on condition of anonymity for fear of reprisals for talking about the attack.

The neighbors all described the militants setting up checkpoints around the compound at about 8 p.m. The State Department's timeline says the attack itself began at around 9:40 p.m.

Khaled al-Haddar, a lawyer who passed by the scene as he headed to his nearby home, said he saw the fighters gathering a few youths from among passers-by and urged them to chant against the film.

“I am certain they had planned to do something like this, I don't know if it was hours or days, but it was definitely planned,” said al-Haddar. “From the way they set up the checkpoints and gathered people, it was very professional.”

The guard said he saw no protesters. He heard a few shouts of “God is great,” then a barrage of automatic weapons fire and rocket-propelled grenades began, along with barrages from heavy machine guns mounted on trucks.

Outlets such as the National Journal have taken Obama protection to new lows:

“It was clear from the outset that a group of people gathered that evening. A key question early on was whether extremists took over a crowd or if the guys who showed up were all militants,” said an intelligence official involved in the Benghazi assessment. “It took time—until that next week—to sort through varied and sometimes conflicting accounts to understand the group’s overall composition.”


Even now, intelligence officials say, the full story is not known. It is not even clear that the video-inspired protests in Cairo were unrelated to the attack in Benghazi, because some of the extremists who attacked Stevens and his colleagues may have been provoked by watching the demonstrations on TV. Officials say they are still compiling a list of suspects.

When you listen to Jennifer Griffin describe a plea from the Americans at the consulate one thing stands out

“Where the blank is the Spectre?”

THE Spectre. Not “air support.” THE Spectre. Not “a” Spectre. “THE” Spectre.

A Spectre gunship was expected.

Thus here's the one piece of information which would explain everything.

What was the status of the AC 130's?

It has been reported that there were two AC 130's in Libya for Operation United Protector. Help was being requested in the form of a Spectre gunship and it was expected. Exit questions:

Were two AC 130's stationed in Libya?

Why would anyone paint a target with a laser if no support was expected?

Why were they looking for the Spectre?

This would tell us just about everything we need to know.

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At what point does this become treason?

Four Star General debunks claims of Obama lies and dereliction in Benghazi-gate

The Benghazi arm chair generals on Fox News like Sean Hannity and Bill O’Reilly cannot be too happy today with the comments made by retired Four-Star General Jack Keane yesterday regarding “Benghazi-gate” and the laying of blame on President Obama. Being interviewed by Geraldo Rivera of Fox News, General Jack Keane basically debunked the theory that more could have been done to conduct a timely rescue mission at the U.S. consulate in Libya or that the President somehow screwed up or was incompetent. Here are some of the General’s direct quotes:

“The consulate was stormed.”

“There was no gunships in the region.”

“There was nothing that could have prevented it.”

“It was over in about an hour.”

“Forces got there as soon as possible.”

“To politicize this is very hurtful.”

FOX, of course, has deep-sixed the video–exactly as they did with a similar interview with Megyn Kelly a couple of days earlier. We can’t have credible people suddenly going off script and expressing opinions that run contrary to everything the right is saying about the Obama administration and Benghazi, can we?

MSM: To ask questions and to inform could unleash a shitstorm. Don’t ask any questions. None.

Asking questions can be dangerous and can boomerang. Blitzer and Williams would lose passes to the W.H., so just don’t ask questions.

. . . . Whew, a monster storm is on us, perfect for NOT having to ask questions.

Greg, they do not use laser designators without assets able to utilitze the targeting. These people on the ground forgot more than you will ever know. FOAD. Only an idiot would blame the messenger. By what you wrote, you are blaming the messenger. Idiot. Why did Panetta refuse access to requested access to miliary personnel requested by U.S. Senators? This will all, at some point, see the light of day. Obama may be guilty of treason as well as being impeached should he lie is way back in to office. Do you know what the punishment for treason is?

There are none so blind as those who refuse to see. Liberalism is a mental disorder. Progs and trolls hide from the light/truth.

@Zelsdorf Ragshaft III, #4:

Greg, they do not use laser designators without assets able to utilitze the targeting.

People keep saying that. It’s not true. The beam of a laser designator could be seen by a Predator surveillance camera, by a rifle-mounted night vision sighting scope, or by night vision glasses. Besides being employed to paint a target for a laser homing missile, a designator could also be used to direct the attention of a Predator surveillance camera, or by a spotter on the ground to direct small arms fire on the ground toward a target. A person with a night vision sighting scope could see where the beam was pointed.


Grasping at straws, are we?

“The consulate was stormed.”

? That’s the point – to prevent it from happening, or make the cost extremely high.

“There was no gunships in the region.”


“There was nothing that could have prevented it.”

See #1 above.

“It was over in about an hour.”

8pm to 4am is an hour?

“Forces got there as soon as possible.”

4 hours later? Not even close.

“To politicize this is very hurtful.”

It’a an attack by foreign nationals on our territory. It IS political.

Is this the kind of “thought” you bring to everything? That might explain our “post turtle” president.

@alanstorm, #8:

The source of all of those comments would be 4-star General John Keane—a man you all seemed to consider to be a highly authoritative and reliable source, until he suddenly started saying things that you apparently don’t want to hear.

The guy is no friend of the Obama administration, so his motive for saying them obviously isn’t a political one.

@Greg: Pure Unadulterated Bull Excrement ! The “Mission” may have fallen within an hour, although Ty Woods and his small team were able to help the evacuation of, reportedly, up to 30 people during that period. But the main attack on “The Annex” didn’t begin until well after that, and both SEALS were killed roughly SEVEN (7) hours after the onset.

Maximum flight time from Italy in an F-18 is what – ONE (1) Hour? Flight time for an AC-130 is less than TWO (2) Hours. Those SEALS could be alive today is “someone” had done more than vote “present”.

Greg, I linked you to Megan with Gen Keane the other day.
Fox didn’t do anything to the video.
They have played segments of it multiple times since it was live.
And AGAIN, the Gen. did NOT debunk the idea that resources from EUROPE were within 1 hour of being on site.
In fact, it has been pointed out right in this initial post “Where the blank is the Spectre?” that at least one AC-130 in Libya!
They were part of Operation Unified Protector, an NATO operation enforcing United Nations Security Council resolutions 1970 and 1973 concerning the Libyan civil war and adopted on 26 February and 17 March 2011, respectively.

Since the day of the attack Obama has removed from their commands two top military men,
Gen. Ham and Rear Adm. Charles Gaouette.
Both for refusing to obey higher commands.
Ham has said he was FOR sending help to Benghazi.
For that he was removed.
The Admiral has not said what command he ignored.
But he, too was removed.

Neal Zerbe, a retired Navy Capt., who told ABC News that, “The particular commander being relieved, and you know translating that to just moving him back to a continental U.S. base while the investigation continues, is unlike anything I’ve ever seen before.”

Obama is in full passing the buck mode.


I see you continue to hang your hopes on the ONE General who, in the past has been sympathetic to the Obama administration, when all others are saying the very opposite thing.

So tell us, Greggie: when we have a hostile situation like we did in Benghazi, who has the ultimate authority to send in U.S. military forces or to order a drone attack?

I know you won’t answer that question because, among other things, you are a coward, and in that respect, you represent your party, and your hero, Barack Hussein Obama, Jr., quite well. Chinese eunuchs had more balls than you have, Greggie.

Your purpose is not to inform, or to even debate, your purpose is to discredit every conservative you can, no matter if you are honest/truthful, or not. You are one sick puppy.

@Nan G, #11:

Greg, I linked you to Megan with Gen Keane the other day.
Fox didn’t do anything to the video.

The video you linked is not the video in question. The exchange between Kelly and Keane that I was referring two aired a day or two later. You won’t find it anywhere.

The same is true of Geraldo Rivera’s interview with General Keane that was last aired yesterday evening. It also seems to have vanished without a trace.

@retire05, #13:

The list of generals you suddenly have little use for seems to be rapidly growing, doesn’t it? Colin Powell, David Petraeus, Jack Keane, Martin Dempsey . . .


Watch Greggie do his imitation of a Dervish as he dashes and dodges my question. You see, Greggie knows that in a situation like Benghazi, only the top can order someone to stand down or to send in reinforcement forces to aid American under seige. But answering that question, being honest about it, doesn’t fit with Greggie’s agenda to try to defend the worst president in the history of our nation.

He also knows, because I gave him the information from a Delta operator, how the laser system works. Greggie knows that the system doesn’t work unless it is in sync or linked to the receiving unit (an armed drone or AC130U). But he ignores that as well because it doesn’t help his cause. Ty Woods was a seasoned SEAL. He would have known that by “painting” the target, he also identified his own location and that would put him in greater harm. Ty Woods “painted” the target because he was under the assumption that THE Spectre was in play.

Instead, he comes here distorting what ONE general said because he thinks it makes him look smart and informed. It only shows that Greggie is nothing more than a useful idiot who probably is being paid by the Obama administration to try to distort the truth. If that is the case, Obama is not getting his money’s worth with Greggie, because Greggie is an idiot. And representative of the left.


Ah, Greggie, let’s talk about those generals, shall we?

Powell: who allowed his boss, and the administration he worked for, to be raked over the coals over Valerie Plame. Who informed Novac of Plame’s identity? Why, none other than Richard Armitage who said he called Powell the very morning of the article, and informed Powell he, not Scoot Libby, not Karl Rove, not Dick Cheney, but he, Armitage, was the leaker. Powell did nothing and sat on that information as the lap dog press crucified the Bush administration. Colin Powell forfeited any honor he may have once had.

General Casey: What a freaking idiot he is. When he was interviewed about the Fort Hood shooting, he said that while “workplace violence” was a tragedy, the greater tragedy would be not having diversity (i.e. Muslims) in the military. Got that, Greggie? Lack of diversity is a greater tragedy than 14 dead. The bastard should have been busted down to buck private and mustered out of the military ten minutes after he said that.

David Petreaus: Don’t you mean David Betray-Us? After all, that is what the left called him. Are you now a big fan of his? My, my, how quickly you left wing scum change your minds. Nevermind that Gen. Petreaus has NOT made any personal statements regarding Benghazi. Perhaps you are under the impression that Petreaus, the consumate soldier, is going to take the fall for The Won? We’ll see, but I don’t think so.

Tell us, Greggie, do you dream of grabbing your ankles for Obama?

Do you really imagine that the sort of behavior you’ve been displaying during discussions serves the interest of sincere conservatives? Or do you simply not care about that?

This goes beyong treason and needs to have murder added to the charges

One wonders, @Greg, whether the crowdsourced blogosphere, some of whom are “in the loop”, may have fresher information than *retired* Gen. Keene.

The retired, in any field, are still valuable for general background, but not for *specifics*. You are attempting to beat a nail to death with a screwdriver. Please, by all means, continue.



Do you imagine that the b/s you come here and spread doesn’t want to make the rest of us that live in the real world smack you with a brick?

Odd that you are worried about the image I present as a conservative when you seem to have no problem presenting an image that liberals are simply brain dead Obamatrons.

I’m simply stating the other side of the case, you jackass. That’s what happens in any intelligent discussion. Each side presents its case, and each side attempts to reveal the weaknesses in the argument presented by the other. The point isn’t to provide a place to exchange personal attacks and insults. Once a forum becomes that, it’s of no further use to anyone.


I’m simply stating the other side of the case, you jackass.

No, Greg, that isn’t what you have been doing. Not even close. You’ve been carrying the water for Obama. That’s all. And not very well, I might add.


The beam of a laser designator could be seen by a Predator surveillance camera

I’m not sure about this, but it seems feasible. The same operation techniques for the GLD to weapon systems could be used to guide the camera.

by a rifle-mounted night vision sighting scope, or by night vision glasses

This is not true, different laser. The GLD pulses and reflects light skyward for an airborne weapons system. There is a different laser for small arms weapons systems and night vision goggles. But if it was used to direct the drone camera, the big question would be why? What idiot would ask a person to expose themselves to small arms fire and mortars so someone else could have a live camera feed?

@johngalt, #24:

It seems to me as if billionaire media cockroach Rupert effing Murdoch is running the water in on tankers for the Romney campaign. Truth has gone totally out the window at FOX News.

“Sources tell us . . . sources tell us . . . sources tell us . . . sources tell us . . . sources tell us . . . ”

Right, Mr. Rupert. Please fill in the blanks. NAME ONE.

Anyone not wondering about the total absence of a single verifiable source for all of the critical details FOX is weaving into their elaborate conspiracy theory must have fallen on his or her head at some point.


Greg, you reminded me of that old NYTimes avalanche of stories about Al Qaqaa.
I bet you’ve blanked that out.
Supposedly Bush was COVERING UP something bigger than Watergate.
But the NYTimes tried to blanket cover a “foreign policy scandal” in the last days of a presidential campaign…. back when Kerry was running against Bush.
The moment the election was over and Bush won, the NYTimes dropped this ”scandal.”
It was NOT a scandal after all.
Just like we knew if we looked at other sources of news.

NOW, the NYTimes cannot be bothered with covering a REAL foreign policy scandal.
Look in their search feature for ”Benghazi Obama cover up.”
I guess it all depends on who is at risk.
NYTimes Friend or NYTimes Foe.


“Sources tell us . . . sources tell us . . . sources tell us . . . sources tell us . . . sources tell us . . . ”

Release the tape, drop the top secret classification, let those that know talk. Why slap a top secret classification on this?

Keane is likely correct that nothing could have prevented the CONSULATE from being over run. Th’at, however, is because the hapless and incompetent Obama Administration FAILED to upgrade security after Ambassador Stevens requested it be upgraded.

Keane’s statements were correct vis-a-vi the CONSULATE. B that IS NOT where the the two heros who ran to the sound of gunfire to save over 20 American’s lives were killed. The were killed at the CIA ANNEX almost 7 hours LATER while STILL fighting the same enemy that attacked the CONSULATE and followed the retreating Americans to the CIA ANNEX where the attack continued.

Drones circled overhead relaying live video feeds back to the the Pentagon, the CIA, the State Department and the White House situation room. Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty, the two former Navy Seals who ran to the gunfire at the CONSULATE and saved American lives, were killed at 4:30 a.m. in Bengahzi while ACTIVELY painting enemy mortar positions with a laser 7 HOURS after the initial attack on the CONSULATE at 9:40 p.m. the prior evening. They were killed by mortars launched by the terrorists and died, it appears, because no air support / calvary / backup / Navy Seal teams were sent to to help.

President Obama said, yesterday, that he directed that Embassy personnel / Americans be protected. Either he is lying or the order was ignored by the entire chain of command. This one is easy. Let’s see the order.


It’a an attack by foreign nationals on our territory. It IS political.

More than political – IT’S AN ACT OF WAR.

9/15/2012 – General Jack Keane stated, “there have been a pattern of terrorist attacks against western powers all through the summer in Libya, and that regardless of the anniversary of 9/11, we should have always had adequate protection of our consulate in Benghazi given the hostilities there.

Leaders accept responsibility.

One thing left out of the current narrative: it’s not that 4 Americans died, its the 30 who were LEFT FOR DEAD. Unforgivable.

Here is a source, a U.S. Congressman, who stated that his source, General Ham, said he had forces he could have deployed but that he was never ordered to do so. This directly contradicts Panetta’s assertion that Ham was one of those who decided not to send help.

Top AFRICOM Commander General Carter Ham Was Never Ordered to Save US Men in Benghazi (Video)

Just so we are all familiar with the chain of command, here is the high pecking order chain of command. Ham is the commander of a Unified Command. Notice how high up in the food chain he is. The decision not to send help came from one of three people- Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, SecDef, or POTUS.


Anyone not wondering about the total absence of a single verifiable source for all of the critical details FOX is weaving into their elaborate conspiracy theory must have fallen on his or her head at some point.

That’s quite amusing coming from the guy who took Harry Reid at his word, and that of his unnamed source, that Romney didn’t pay taxes for ten years. And the same guy who suggested that we all forget about Reid’s source, that it is the allegation itself that we should be concentrating on.

You want us to let the liberal/progressives play by a different set of rules than the conservatives are allowed to, and we are supposed to believe that you are some sort of ‘voice of reason’ on this topic? Please. Go try and sell your bridge somewhere else, Greg.

Question for you, though; If the allegations are proven to be true, after the election, that Obama somehow wins, will you be at the forefront calling for his impeachment?

Greg is a shill for the Obama administration. My recommendation is we carry on the converstaion here as though he does not exist for his opinion is worthless.


Yeah, it could also direct fire back to the source of the designator, hence the reason you don’t laze until the last minute and not like a freaking flashlight.

@johngalt, #33:

If the allegations were proven true—if it were proven that there was willful negligence followed by a deliberate cover-up—there would be abundant reason for impeachment.

On the other hand, if it were to turn out that the entire thing was a story contrived as a deliberate effort to mislead the American people to change the course of a national election, I believe everyone who knowingly took part in that effort should be held fully accountable. There should be full public disclosure of any such findings, so that the political and journalistic careers of any guilty parties would be would be effectively ended.

A full investigation into both possibilities should be made, no matter who wins the election.

@Rob in Katy, #35:

Yep. If the enemy were equipped with a laser sensor, or with night vision equipment that can detect light outside of the normal visual spectrum, it can do exactly that. It’s a bit like radar in that respect. When radar is in use to see an enemy target, you’re transmitting a signal that can also reveal the radar unit’s location.

What Greg, you think Stephens, the ex-seals and the info officer are still alive somewhere in the basement of Fox News? You are living proof you cannot fix stupid. How many time does Obama have to lie before you get it? Fast and Furious is not enough. He authorized the sending of weapons to the al Qaeda elements in Syria. That is treason. Obama’s relationship with the Pres. of Turkey is known. That they are shipping weapons out of Libya to those sworn to destroy us makes him an enemy of the state. Why would Stephens be in Benghazi on 9/11? You think he met the Turkish representative by accident? The good of this is when Obama is impeached and tried for treason, we will not have to support his freeloading family with an undeserved pension. I wonder if we will be able to get his college transrips and documents he is hiding during discovery. If it is found Obama was not eligible to be President, are all the laws he sighned legitimate?

@Zelsdorf Ragshaft III, #38:

You seem to be unwilling to recognize the fact that people who do very dangerous work for their country in very dangerous locations sometimes die in the process. You can often figure out in retrospect how such things happened, but it isn’t always the case that someone was at fault.

The right needs for this to be Obama’s fault, because they’ve selected a republican presidential candidate who can’t possibly win the election based on his merit alone. Half of the republicans who will vote for him next week will probably be holding their noses to do so.


Yes, Greggie, some Americans do very dangerous things to protect our nation, but they also expect that when their lives are on the line, they will have the full force of the United States government behind them. They don’t expect to be left hanging out to dry, and that is what happened in Benghazi.

You know, Greggie, you continue to show what a dark soul you have. No, conservatives don’t need to have Benghazi be Obama’s fault. That would be a trait applicable to the left wing when it comes to presidents like Reagan and George Bush. So basically, you apply your own darkness to conservatives, thinking that because that is the way liberals are, then everyone must be that way. What we need is to know that everything that was humanly possible was done to save the lives of Christopher Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty and Ty Woods. And if there was any stone unturned, any action that could have been taken that was not, and those men died because of it, those responsible should be drug through the court of public opinion until they are no longer willing to show their faces to any other living human being, oh, and be jailed for negligent homicide.

As stated I’d like to see the whole truth released NOW. I gotta agree that Fox unnamed sources not sufficient. I respect input from Aqua and though I don’t agree think Greg presents a reasoned defense.
The crude and personal statements from Retire 05 detract from her posts.

7 days to go and Ohio will decide the Presidency( as it did in 04) with the winner securing less than 51% of the Popular vote. Dems hold Senate 51-49. Repubs. pick up 3-6 seats in House.

“Variable this if Knife…do you read me?”


We don’t “need” for this to be Barry’s fault, we wish it wouldn’t, we wish he were a President of ALL the USA.
You mention the 4 that were there in service to their country, what about the other 38 or so civilians that the President left to die, or in most cases, face a fate much worse than a simple death.

@Richard Wheeler:

As stated I’d like to see the whole truth released NOW.

I’m all for that. And I’ll even agree with Greg when he says:

On the other hand, if it were to turn out that the entire thing was a story contrived as a deliberate effort to mislead the American people to change the course of a national election, I believe everyone who knowingly took part in that effort should be held fully accountable.

I think this boils down to one thing, why weren’t assets sent in to help at the annex? We know the consulate was overrun quickly, but our people retreated to the CIA annex. That is where the seven hour firefight took place and the former SeALs lost their lives. We have smart weapon technology, and aircraft could have been used to drop precise bombs with minimal collateral damage. Personally, I would not have given a rat’s a$$ about collateral damage to save American lives. A few drone hellfire missiles could have made a difference; but even if the drones were unarmed, F-16s or FA18s out of Sigonella could have dropped a couple of JDAMs that would have made this all go away.

@Greg: That’s the conservative way: To agree with someone’s authority when they’re in agreement; and to throw them under the bus when they aren’t.

@retire05: Talk about sick—you’re the one calling all the names. That’s a real sick was to avoid a rational argument.

@retire05: Calling names again, auntie Retire05?

@retire05: Auntie Retire05—did these generals do nothing good in their entire career?

@retire05: Auntie Retire05: Do ad hominems come naturally to you, or do you have to spend time thinking them up?

@retire05: Auntie Retire05: Ah, such a moving recapitulation of the essence of justice.