Obama makes the US Shari’a compliant. He must resign- now [Reader Post]


There once was a Constitution in this country.

There once was free speech in this country.

No longer. Shari’a is the new law of our land, and Barack Obama has brought it to us.

The less bright among us still believe that the unrest in the Middle East is consequent to a ineptly produced movie denigrating Islam.

Utter boneheads such as Anthea Butler tell us that “Sam Bacile” should be arrested because his movie

denigrates the religion by depicting the faith’s founder in several ludicrous and historically inaccurate scenes to incite and inflame viewers.

Butler, who is either addle-brained or ignorant conveniently ignores events and items such as Piss Christ

and Virgin Mary complete with elephant dung.

Butler finds no offense in the offense of Catholicism, just like Barack Obama.

Michael Moore made a factually impaired movie about the Bush administration and the left loved it. If making movies with false premises was a crime Michael Moore would be death row.

It’s called free speech. It was guaranteed by the US Constitution. As Votlaire is attributed with saying, I disapprove of what you have to say but I will defend to the death your right to say it.

Until now.

Now it’s pretty much over.

Obama’s jackbooted a**hole Eric Holder and the DOJ have made the US Shari’a compliant. If someone offends Allah, he is screwed.

Someone professing to be named Sam Bacile made a terribly terrible movie about Mohammed. The Islamic prophet is broadly insulted in the movie. It turns out that Sam Bacile is actually an Egyptian Coptic Christian named Nakoula Basseley Nakoula. Like him or not, Coptic Christians are and have been under attack by Muslims in Egypt for some time. A guy can get sensitive about his brethren being killed and burned.

Well, he made this movie and by allah counts it’s terrible.

But that’s irrelevant. He had a right to make the movie under the Constitution of the United States.

At least, until Barack Obama came along. Obama’s DOJ is after Nakoula.

Firstly, they made sure everyone knew who he was. Holder’s Nazis first identified Nakoula and then they painted a target on Nakoula’s back by first identifying his house and car ( I am not about to post the link).

Now he’s been picked up by the Feds for “questioning.”

Just after midnight Saturday morning, authorities descended on the Cerritos home of the man believed to be the filmmaker behind the anti-Muslim movie that has sparked protests and rioting in the Muslim world.

Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputies escorted a man believed to be Nakoula Basseley Nakoula to an awaiting car. The man declined to answer questions on his way out and wore a hat and a scarf over his face. He kept his hands in the pockets of a winter coat.

Sheriff’s officials could not be reached by The Times, but department spokesman Steve Whitmore told KNBC News that deputies assisting the federal probation department took Nakoula to the sheriff’s substation in Cerritos for interviewing.

By golly, there must something Holder can nail him with:

On Friday, U.S. courts spokeswoman Karen Redmond said the Office of Probation in the Central District of California was reviewing whether Nakoula, who has been convicted on bank fraud charges, violated terms of his probation in relation to the video and its uploading onto the Internet.

Probation my ass.

Let’s not kid ourselves with this garbage. This is about placating Islam. This is about apologizing for America. Shari’a gains its footholds through umbrage and outrage and dins its opponents into submission. In fact, that’s what “Islam” means.


And submit is precisely what Obama and Hillary have done.

I agree with Glenn. Obama should resign.


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He won’t.

We just throw him out in November. Romney needs to start making the argument that if Obamee won’t resign immediately, the American people will throw him out. The argument must be made however that Obamee’s failure to defend the Constitution against Shari’a is so complete that it merits him losing the office of President.

It’s just one of his dozens of violations of the Constitution that merits immediate Article of Impeachment. Only Congressman Walter Jones of North Carolina has the guts to bring that up.

I don’t want to even think about a second term for Obamee, but should he be able to cheat his way to victory with the millions of fraudulent votes I expect nationally, then the first duty of the House in November is to vote and pass Articles of Impeachment. And I think there will be enough votes to impeach in the lame duck session.

Obviously, the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department were also not briefed on the U.S. Constitution. What right did they have to send at least five deputies to “detain” someone that the FBI simply wanted to “interview?”
Was he under arrest? If so, on what charge? How does making a film violate the probation from another separate crime? If the FBI wanted to talk to the man, why did they not go to his home and talk to him with his lawyer present?

You have to wonder why the Federal government is bringing pressure on this man over a movie, when they ignore this:

I would say the threat from radicalized Muslims is a unique and greater threat. It is the greatest threat. Let me give you the reasons why I jotted down.

One. It’s been going on a thousand years, this problem Islam and the West. We’re dealing with a culture that is in its medieval era.

It comes from a hate-filled book, the Koran, which is taken very literally by its people.”

Bill Maher to Muslim Congressman Keith Ellison (D-Mn)

Go to YouTube.com and type in Bill Maher/Islam and see how many responses you get. The last 20 minutes of Maher’s movie Religulous is a screed that is equally offensive to Islam as his attacks are on Christianity and Judism. Maher has said things about Islam how they claim to be a religion of peace but then cut your head off.

Why has there been no riots over the many insulting things Bill Maher has said about Islam? Why is the FBI not wanting to talk to Maher about his “movie?” Oh, that’s right; he donated $1 million to an Obama super PAC.

Obama set about quickly destroying our 4th Amendment rights as soon as he appointed Janet Napolitano to the DHS. The Tenth Amendment? It means nothing to him or Eric Holder. Then he tasked Kathleen Sebilius with violating our “freedom of worship” rights. Now he intends to punish anyone who actually practices the First Amendment. That is, unless they are donating to his campaign.

The burning of Christian churches in East Texas. A couple of isolated news blurps. Fire bombs thrown at synagogues? Boring. Journalists insulting Mormans? Nevermind. But insult Islam and you need a $1 million dollar “get out of jail by donating to Obama’s super PAC” card.

that was well done, info and all,
if they don’t get OBAMA’S INTENT BY NOW,

Watch out, DrJohn, a couple days ago I pointed out how Obama would do Islam’s $#!+work for it so as to make us another one of their dhimmi nations, Mata jumped all over me for it!
That photo of Nakoula Basseley Nakoula being taken in for questioning is as brown-shirted/jack-booted as it gets!
Especially considering that Mr. Nakoula hasn’t committed a CRIME.
If it can happen to him today – it can happen to you and me tomorrow.
Not complying with our Muslim overlords used to be free speech, free expression.
Apparently Obama wasn’t kidding when he worked with Egypt to create that new international law (which HIS Supreme Court Justices would LOVE to use OVER US law) that made being critical of Islam a CRIME.
Flashback: Obama Administration Pushes UN Resolution That Bans Criticism of Islam
If Obama gets that 2nd term he is more animated about than the deaths of four Americans he will make sure we sublimate our on laws to this UN version of Sharia.

Mark Steyn on that photo:

What a pity Ambassador Stevens didn’t enjoy the same level of “protection” as Mr Nakoula. Why, if only the United States could bring the same amount of firepower to bear in its Benghazi compound as it brings to a probation-violation arrest in Cerritos. But it’s all about priorities, isn’t it?……..

Jim Bennett compares Mrs Thatcher’s response to the Ayatollah Khomeini’s Rushdie fatwa with Obama’s to the Muslim Brotherhood’s demands. Salman Rushdie had been a vicious critic of the Conservative Party and the Prime Minister – he called her “Mrs Torture” – but Her Majesty’s Government has provided him with safe houses and Special Branch protection for almost a quarter-century. By contrast, within 72 hours of Morsi’s demands, Mr Nakoula is in a jail cell – “rounded up at midnight by brownshirted men for making a movie that embarrasses El Presidente“.

The vacuum of American global influence is now swallowing the First Amendment.



@Nan G:

I hope you understand what the “detention” of Nakoula was. It was nothing more than a photo-op that was meant to be sent around the world with the unsaid message “You insult Islam, the Obama administration will punish you.” How long do you think it will take before that photo makes the front page in Arabic newspapers?

Does anyone honesty think Obama gives a hairy rat’s ass about four dead Americans in Benghazi? Why the man was so upset he traveled to Las Vegas for a campaign stop, spent time giving an interview to a radio talk show host called “Pimp With A Limp”, hosted a luncheon for the Olympian teams, spent 1/2 hour at a airplane hanger receiving the dead bodies of Ambassador Stevens, and the three other Americans slaughtered by 7th century barbarians, ignored the PDB so that he would have time to attend a dinner at a private residence given in his honor where he got to pass around the collection plate.

Where is the media outrage on Obama’s actions since 9-11-2012? Where is the demand for accountablilty as the State Department purges its website and creates a media shut-out? Why do we now have to rely on the foreign press to give us the information our own lapdog media should be giving us? Why has it been hushed up that it is suspected Ambassador Stevens was raped? Stevens died from “smoke inhilation?” Then explain the very obvious wound on his head. Or the bloody handprints at the American Consulate in Benghazi. Or why, if all this violence is over a little known movie, there has been no violence over Bill Maher’s movie that was seen by many more people, world wide, or why Bill Maher has been making derogatory comments about Islam for years, yet he has never been “detained” for qestioning.

The photograph of Christoper Stevens dead body needs to be emailed to every liberal in America. THAT is the Obama foreign doctrine.

@Nan G:

I would argue with Mark Steyn: it is not El Presidente. It is al presidente.

Andrew Klaven’s On The Kulture destroys Obama’s ”lead from behind” leading up into Sharia.

Exactly ‘who’ is this person STUPID IDIOTIC American voters elected in 2008 to be the Leader of the Not so Free World anymore….”FREE WORLD” ????????.

Important Note: “Islamic Supremacist” and “Islamic Supremacy”

We have previously used “Islamofascism” to describe Islamic supremacy. We understand Islamofascist to mean an individual who invokes Islam as an excuse to behave like a fascist. The Left, however, twists and distorts its meaning so as to imply that its users are equating all of Islam to fascism. We now recommend the use of “Islamic supremacy” and “Islamic supremacist,” because these terms leave no doubt as to what we are talking about: an ideology that demeans and even provokes violence against outsiders (infidels, kafirs, inhabitants of the Dar-el-Harb or “House of War”), much as white supremacists demeaned and, in the past, lynched non-whites. Think of Islamic Supremacists as the Ku Klux Klan or White Aryan Resistance, with Jews, Christians, Hindus, and the wrong “kinds” of Muslims being the Negroes. Two key points:

1 -Although a very tiny minority of those who call themselves Muslims are terrorists, almost all terrorists (Timothy McVeigh and alleged Holocaust Museum shooter James von Brunn are notable exceptions) call themselves Muslims.
We would no more call the terrorists Muslims, though, then we would call the individual who recently gunned down an abortion doctor in a church a Christian.

2 -Aside from spectacular exceptions like 9/11 and the Mumbai Massacre, most victims of Islamic Supremacist violence, such as women who are stoned to death or people whose mosques are blown up because they are the wrong kind of mosques, are Muslims.




What happens next?
Having published his name, his address, photographs of his home…
The justice department will announce loudly that he is being placed under house arrest.
Forbidden to leave his home.
So every terrorist presently in the USA will know where to find him, and that he cannot escape.
Wait for it…


Not all Muslims are terrorists, true.
But I would argue that those who don’t stand and condemn the lunatics who use their religion as validation for terrorist acts, support the terrorists by their silence.
Very few Muslims condemn the terrorists.
So, while not all Muslims are terrorists, the vast majority agree with and support the minority that are.

@Jack Moss:

Mac is a former HUMINT spook. And he is still “inside the loop” so to speak. And a must read.

We should be reminded that Iran’s Amadinejad wrote Dawa letters to then-President Bush as well as to Obama in 2010.
A Dawa letter is required before WAR can be declared against a nation.
Actually three Dawa letters.
Iran’s leader has already sent more than three Dawa letters to U.S. Presidents since 9-11-01.
Obama’s letter was never made public.
Nor was his response.

A leader, like the Egyptian Copts’ head of church, can make a binding agreement of Dhimmitude upon all of the people under his authority.
Egypt’s Coptic leader did just that decades ago.
Paying the jizya (as the little video calls it, ”the EXTORTION”) was enough for the Egyptians under other rulers.
But now that the MB is in charge, mere Dhimmitude and paying of the jizya is NOT enough.
Copts MUST give up all their wealth, their daughters and their homes and churches.
They may leave, they may convert, or they may die.
But Copticism is dying in its native land, Egypt.

Obama’s actions tend to make one wonder if he isn’t trying to sell out Americans to Dhimmitude.
He has promised to continue to pay the jizya even in the face of Congressional ploys to hold the purse strings and stop him.
Now he is making photo ops of Sharia-compliant actions with regard a man who has committed no crime under current US law.
He has already helped write a law to supersede our 1st Amendment so that even we may not be allowed to criticize Islam.
He has placed Justices on our Supreme Court who will use International Law OVER US law.

@Nan G:

Nan, here is the one promise Obama has kept:

“That experience [living in Indonesia when he was just a toddler] guides my conviction that partnership between America and Islam must be based on what Islam is, not what it isn’t. And I consider it part of my responsibility a president to fight against negative sterotypes of Islam wherever they appear.”

Well, dumb me; I thought the position of the president was to foster partnerships between nations, not between our nation and a religious that covers many nations. My, my, how our foreign policy has changed since The Won took office. And obviously, that partnership doesn’t include the religion of Catholicism. He has declared war on that religion.


Precisely. His demise would not, of course, be Obama’s fault either.

@Nan G: Watch out, DrJohn, a couple days ago I pointed out how Obama would do Islam’s $#!+work for it so as to make us another one of their dhimmi nations, Mata jumped all over me for it!
That photo of Nakoula Basseley Nakoula being taken in for questioning is as brown-shirted/jack-booted as it gets!
Especially considering that Mr. Nakoula hasn’t committed a CRIME.

I didn’t realize that a felon who has a preponderance of evidence showing that he violated his probation terms (yes… a crime that can put you back in prison and negate your early release), should be given a pass under the bogus banner of the 1st Amendment. I always thought conservatives supported enforcing the rule of law.

Nan G: Now he is making photo ops of Sharia-compliant actions with regard a man who has committed no crime under current US law.

I didn’t realize that upholding probational terms was a Shari’ah thing, Nan G. Always thought it was the US obligation to enforce our laws.

Any of you can make up your own emotional reasons for the probation offices doing their job. But the reality is, Mr. “Bacile” can only be held, and possibly reincarcerated, for probational violations only… not for making a movie.

If the feds attempted to do the latter, he wouldn’t have to commit bank fraud for his money, or sell meth. He’d make a fortune with lawsuits for the violation of his rights.

But congrats on convincing the weaker minds that enforcing probation violations is now indication we are going Shari’ah. Natch, when it gets in the way of a bogus talking point, it doesn’t matter the feds are not (and can not) questioning or prosecuting Bacile for the movie unless they found he deliberately created and disseminated that movie as part of the plot against US interests overseas.

Out with him. No Obama . No Sharia

I agree. If he accessed the internet, then he is in violation of his probation and may be returned to prison to serve out the remainder of his term. I am a conservative, and I support the rule of law. For all of us. Equally.
Wether he should will be a point of contention, as will the dog-and-pony show put on to collect him from his home.

@retire05, #6:

Stevens died from “smoke inhilation?” Then explain the very obvious wound on his head.

He was on the receiving end of a rocket attack. That’s a very bad place to be. Shrapnel wounds and concussion injuries commonly result, if nothing far worse. Smoke inhalation? Note that his lips are blackened with soot, and his entire appearance suggests hypoxia. Any fireman could tell you what that means.

As to the other vile rumors you’re spreading, I’m too polite to comment on them.

@Petercat, his return to the hoosegow is up to a judge who will review the evidence. It’s not only accessing the Internet, it’s posting things to the Internet and using aliases… both of which were his #1 tools for the bank fraud. The nature of his crime, and his perpetration of that crime thru the Internet using false names is the mainstay of the probation terms.

When the judge reviews the evidence for his parole violations… which include tracing the YouTube postings and aliases back to his cell phone and his address… they will consider *ONLY* those and not address the film, or it’s content because it’s unrelated. He might get a slap on the hand, or they may consider his disdain for his terms unconscionable and toss his butt back in. Hard to say. But bank fraud ain’t like getting caught smoking a joint, and is some pretty serious stuff.

There is no violation of 1st Amendment rights going on, but I’m sure that Bacile would rather there was. That way he doesn’t have to be a bigoted felon or drug manufacturer for big bucks. He can just use the American legal system to get rich instead.

And I’m sure the reason they took him in late at night was to try and minimize the media and rubber neckers who may be around, and perhaps minimize any possible protests and crowds.


Greg, I know some in the Obama lapdog media are reporting that Christopher Stevens died of smoke inhilation. Was that before, or after, he was raped by mad dogs?

You don’t know what the final event was that took his life, and neither do I. And you can bet your sweet ass that the autopsy report will be considered part of the FBI “investigation” and will be withheld from the American public. It wouldn’t serve the Administration to have Americans know that Ambassador Stevens was actually murdered while being raped, would it?

So how do you square the Administration saying the killing of Ambassador Stevens was a spontaneous event when the President of Libya comes out today and says it was a pre-planned event? How do you square the idiot representing the State Department telling reporters that they can no longer talk about a “investigation” and pretty much creating a black out?

Obama lied and people died. And since he has no control over the foreign media, and these attacks on the United States interests effect ALL Western nations, the truth will come out by not from CNN who allows their reporters to tweet to get people to donate to Obama’s campaign.

Wake up, Greg. You voted for amateur and now we are seeing the results of that election. An act of war was committed on the United States in Benghazi, as well as other places, like Cairo. And make no mistake, killing an American ambassador, and torching our consulate, is just as much an act of war as when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor. But when you have a president that has no balls, and sides with the Muslim world, we can only weep, and wait for the next time.

Oh, and to those “vile rumors” you claim I am spreading; NAME THEM.


I guess if he wants to use a computer, he’ll have to get his tail thrown back into jail. After all, according to the left it would violate the First Amendment rights of prisoners to not let them have access to the internet not withstanding constituting cruel and unusual punishment. Where do you think all their groupies, some who want to marry convicted murderers, come from?

BTW, has anyone seen an actual copy of his probation terms, or are we just relying on the LA Slimes and other lap dog media types?

@retire05, #22:

Oh, and to those “vile rumors” you claim I am spreading; NAME THEM.

I think I’ll just let people read over what you’ve suggested in your posts and figure that out for themselves.

Egypt’s Prime Minister Hisham Qandil said Sept. 15 that he expected changes in U.S. law and media practice.

Arab governments are stepping up their demands for regulation of American media to ensure Islam gets more favorable coverage in the United States, while President Barack Obama used his weekend message to again condemn criticism of Islam and to reassure Americans worried war in the Arab region.

Qandil’s statement also hinted at more violence if the Islamists’ demands were not met.

In Saudi Arabia, the government’s senior religious leader “called on the international community to take steps to criminalize any act of abusing great prophets and messengers such as Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad (peace be upon them),” according to a report in the government-controlled English-language paper Arab News.

The competing demands for regulation of American media reflect the political competition between the rival Islamist powers, including the Cairo-based Muslim Brotherhood and the wealthy Saudi government.

In his weekend speech, Obama did not try to counter Islamists’ increased calls for restrictions on U.S. speech.
Obama did not try to counter Islamists’ increased calls for restrictions on U.S. speech.
Obama did not try to counter Islamists’ increased calls for restrictions on U.S. speech.
Obama did not try to counter Islamists’ increased calls for restrictions on U.S. speech.
Obama did not try to counter Islamists’ increased calls for restrictions on U.S. speech.

Instead, he again suggested that the YouTube video was responsible for the recent violence.

“I have made it clear that the United States has a profound respect for people of all faiths… we reject the denigration of any religion – including Islam,” Obama said.

Read more

Think Obama isn’t capable of doing the $#!+work to put us all under Sharia as Dhimmis?
Think Obama isn’t well aware that it is SURRENDER to Islam for us to restrict US free speech as Sharia requires of all Dhimmis?
Think again.
He has shown no backbone to NOT do just that.


Here’s the story via Fox News. or The Dallas Morning News. Maybe USAToday? How about the Chicago Trib? Perhaps ABC News. Or perhaps The Wrap.

That ought to be a wide enough variety to appeal to those with easily offended sensibilities when it comes to media and attacking messengers. And oh, BTW… both the Chicago Trib and The Wrap link to The Wrap’s copy of the Probation Commitment Order.

And while we’re speaking of media and messages, there is no confirmation as to the rape or sodomizing of Ambassador Stevens. But if one wants to be discriminating in their news choices, they might want to know that particularly ugly twist to the tragic death was originated by the Lebanese rag. the Tayyar News, and piled on with the Libyan Free Press. Both falsely attributed this lovely tidbit to AFP as their source. AFP has had to issue statements, attempt to force the removal of those articles from websites, and published a denial of such. (caveat… the news of that comes from the Washington Times… hope that measures up… LOL)

But apparently, some Lebanese and Libyan media are not required to live up to the same standards applied to some American media before it goes viral.

I find no need to pass on, and peddle in such rumors. And were they found to be true, I would find no need to dwell on details that I believe would be unnecessary and particularly painful for family and friends to bear. The event is already heinous in it’s intent and execution, and it’s outcome irreversible.


Yeah, Greg, like I thought; you got squat.

@Greg: Greg:

He was on the receiving end of a rocket attack.

Doesn’t that just crack you up? this was a ‘spontaneous’ attack. Everyone just happened to have their pocket rockets with them. Didn’t plan it, just happened.

RedTeam: Doesn’t that just crack you up? this was a ‘spontaneous’ attack. Everyone just happened to have their pocket rockets with them.

oooooohh… just can’t resist this bit of brevity in the middle of lots of heat. Little Feat being one of my favorite all time bands, and all… :0)

Libya is a nation that just deposed a powerful military dictator by means of a violent popular uprising. What people have got at home in the closet or what they’re carrying around in the trunks of their cars is anybody’s guess. Get a clue.

And the question remains: if the movie maker was in violation of his probation, why the wait on picking him up? It has been said that the movie clips were on YouTube since June. This is mid-September. Why didn’t the probation officer pull him in three months ago, if he is in violation of his probation?

Or did the probation officer not have a problem and the problem only arose when the Obama administration needed to find a scapegoat for Obama’s total foreign policy failures that got four Americans slaughtered in Benghazi?


Not to mention, Greg, that your Messiah (Obama) hasn’t got a clue where Gadafi’s weapons cache disappeared to.

But hey, thanks for reminding us of that.

You ask excellent questions, retire05.
Yes, just like the original Danish cartoons, there was a three month lag between publication and seething.
Apparently Muslims are SLOW.
Maybe it is all that consangual marriage.

Nan G, the Arab world was not aware of the production until the Arabic translations were posted by Bacile on YouTube Sept 4th, then pushed to the Egyptian press in the days following by Bacile’s “distributor”, Morris Sadek. Hard for them to get into an uproar when they were unaware it existed until conveniently shoved in their faces in the week prior to Sept 11th and the attacks. I’d say their reaction was anything but “slow”.

Prior to that, “Bacile” posted an English version to YouTube in July 2012, after a virtually empty theater showing in June. It did not get any traction until after the Arab world started responding, ergo was under the radar for the bulk of that time. The probation officers would have no reason to know that Bacile was Nakoula, in violation of his probation terms.

When the attacks came, and this film was being included as part (not the only) and puzzle piece of the uproar, both the feds and the media began investigating the wider view of all possible related events… as they should. As I said, what if this was a deliberately manufactured propaganda tool, provided as part of the event. Would you not want any possible linked individual or actions investigated? When both feds and media discovered the identity of Sam Bacile, it’s hard for the probation officers to overlook. And that only happened in the wake of Sept 11th.

@retire05, #31:

We don’t have a Messiah. We have a democratically elected President.

@Nan G, no US court at any level would uphold a law that restricts 1st Amendment speech merely because it criticizes Islam.

Civics 101… Obama does not make law. He cannot usurp the 1st Amendment. Nor is LA doing anything outside of our law.

Nakoula is not being “punished” for producing a joke called a film, or having his 1st Amendment rights violated. His probation is being reviewed. But if they did violate his 1st Amendment rights, he’d be a rich man, and he’s looking for bucks badly.

Obviously political characterizations do little to help the situation. But if you think characterizing this as Obama implementing Shari’ah is helpful for defining what is conservative in the months running up to the POTUS election, I think you’ll be sorely disappointed.


You don’t have a Messiah, Greg? I thought Obama was “the one we have been waiting for” as in waiting for a Marxist Messiah to overrule all those nasty conservatives who want to stop the move to the socialist cliff. Or is it that you progressives really don’t believe in anything but the utopia promised by so many failures like Obama?

Democratically elected? Gee, I think there are more than one Democrat in this nation who would argue with that. Perhaps in your excitement at the possibility of finally getting someone who would force socialist norms on this nation, you failed to look at the rampant fraud that was the Obama election. You know, like Hillary getting over 100,000 more votes in the Texas primary yet Obama won the caucuses? Or maybe the 22 law suits Hillary filed the day after the Texas primary because her supporters had been blocked from entering their caucus by Obama thugs?

I am really beginning to hate people like you, Greg. You are either blind to what Obama is doing, or you are in agreement with him. Either way, people like you disgust me.

@Nan G:

No, Nan, Muslims are not slow; but it does take time for the Imams to preach their hatred at Friday prayers, for them to pick a date, gather the weapons, convince other Muslims that if they get shot during the riots they will actually get 72 virgins, make up all those signs, buy the American flags to burn and design effigies of Obama.

Now there are those who will tell you that the riots in so many cities prove that they were not coordinated. Maybe that is so. Being such a backward people, Muslims in radical nations don’t have access to things like telephones, email (oh, wait, then how did they see the film clips), cell phones, anti-American jihadist websites (again, how did they see the film clips) and I am sure we can be quite confident that a radical Imam in Egypt is not talking on the phone to a radical Imam in Libya, right?

But wait, some are saying these riots were coordinated. Some in Libya are even saying there was no protest, just an attack on the Consulate.




But, nah, we are to assume that in just 7 short days, the Libyan “protesters” managed to learn that Ambassador Stevens was going to be in Benghazi on 9-11, rally the fundamentalists, gather up RPGs, make all those signs and stuff Obamas to burn, and glory be, Cairo just happened to be rioting on the same day. Believe that, and I have some ocean front property for you in New Mexico.



Were it not for the bullshit “Muslim outrage” this administration would not in a million years have had any interest in Nakoula, internet or not.

@drjohn, of course they would be interested in the events in the ME. Since many are busy telling us that “the film” had no impact whatsoever, these attacks happen with.. or without… it’s existence. And the attacks on both Egyptian and Libyan facilities could not be ignored.

I agree they would happen with, or without, the film. However the crowds in the streets would likely be considerably smaller and those with “rockets in their pockets” easier to detect. And it’s also possible that the other hotspots of protests wouldn’t be happening either.

Without “the film”, the attacks are baseless in the eyes of most of the world. With the film, moderate Muslims justify the protests, if not the attacks.

Bacile? He would have escaped the notice of the probation officers and the feds had he not had questionable intents, timing and actions that suspiciously tie this all into being related.

@Greg: I’m too polite to comment on them…..but yet as the good cake-eater you are, you continue to run your soup-coolers….There is absolutely no question as to why you couldn’t cut in in the military….yea, yea, you did a few months “in and around”, if not getting kicked out and then proceeding to fall head first into the liberal movement which came easy for you since you don’t have to stand for anything, just say the exact opposite of what anyone else is saying regardless of how illogical and grasping at straws it is, then go onto to say how you are not shilling for Dear Leader yet spew nothing but ankle grabbing support for him in every shape and fashion…Congrats, you’ve taken the title of First Clown from liberal1…


Thing is, the film’s been around since June. And one still cannot help but wonder why Muslims aren’t aflame with Maher’s movie, which also insulted Islam.

drj, how many times do I have to say the Muslim world wasn’t aware of it until Sept 8th airing on Egyptian TV, (or 4th at earliest). Hang, most Americans weren’t aware of it. Obscure, pathetically boring to watch, and certainly not of documentary caliber.

The reason that Muslims aren’t aflame with Maher’s is that the content, that mocks pretty much all religions, isn’t translated into Arabic and pushed into the ME broadcast world for distribution. In other words, they don’t know it exists. Do you honestly think Muslims in the ME sit around and watch Bill Maher on HBO, or search YouTube for his movies? (Dang… he’s got his best ratings this year with 2 million… LOL). More likely, you’d get a blank stare and a “who’s Bill Mahers?”.

Nor did Maher get subtitles and foreign dubbing done so he can promote it in the Arab world. Let’s face it.. Muslim countries are not the best candidates for 1st Amendments… hypersensitive bunch that they are.

But if you’d like to prove a point to yourself, why don’t you contact Maher, ask if you can get it translated into Arabic, call Morris Sadek and see if he’ll help push it to the Egyptian TV networks, and wait for the result? Might want to give them some time to let this tidal wave pass so the terrorists can use it for their cover in a new wave, tho. They’ll be happy to take advantage of another “gift”.


Or how about all the comments Maher has made about Muslims (being the religion of peace and then they cut your head off) or the comments Maher made to Keith Ellison (Muslim slug) about Islam that are ALL on YouTube?

Why no mention from the Administration on Bill Maher’s insults toward Islam? I guess a million bucks buys one a lot of slack.

@Sua Sponte, #41:

Those preoccupied with protecting their egos assume that such a preoccupation exists in others, and believe they know a universal point of vulnerability to attack. They’re wrong about that. You’re wasting your time.

Obama lets gays in the military.
Obama is for birth control.
Obama smoked pot.
Obama drinks beer.
Obama is friends with Rahm Emanuel
Obama eats pork ribs.
Obama- Worst Muslim Ever.


What people have got at home in the closet or what they’re carrying around in the trunks of their cars is anybody’s guess. Get a clue.

So let me get this straight, these people that just happened to be walking by the embassy that night just happened to be one of those that had a little rocket in their pocket or the RPG in the trunk of the car. (The mortars at home in the closet wouldn’t have helped much, remember this was ‘spur of the moment’ thing) Okay, let’s go with that. Their are 6.7 million people in Libya. So if they captured 6.7 million weapons, then each of those ‘persons that just happened to be walking by’ would happen to have one weapon each. sounds logical. Now some of those weapons (according to Greg) are at home in their closet and some are in the trunks of cars and the rest happen to (luckily for them) have one or two slung over their shoulders. Now, as it happened that night, they went out to their local neighborhood theater, which happened to be showing (as their feature event) “Innocence of Muslims” and, not seeing the humor of this comedy, all said we should go down and kill those SOB’s that encouraged that guy to make this movie that makes fun of us. But, they said, “we don’t have any weapons” and then they were reminded that, yes, all good Muslims have weapons, remember that stash we got when we overthrew Gadaffi, go home, search your closets. There must be a lot of mortars, ak-47s, RPG’s hiding there in your closet or trunk of your car. Get them and kill those guys, teach them a lesson. sounds logical…….I’m sure that must be how it went down. Greg, keep on coming up with this logic and you’re gonna win over a lot of followers……. sure.


We have a democratically elected President.

It gets tiresome reminding far left radicals that we live in a Republic, not a democracy. But we don’t really expect much of them, do we?

Republicans don’t really seem to want a republic. They seem to want an oligarchy. Or maybe a plutocracy. It’s a little hard to tell sometimes.

@MataHarley: Excellent song and performance…


Republicans don’t really seem to want a republic. They seem to want an oligarchy. Or maybe a plutocracy. It’s a little hard to tell sometimes.

Only if you are loaded up with dumbass. I didn’t say a damn thing about Republicans. I said the US is a Republic, not a democracy. Did you skip grade school? They teach that there.


Republicans don’t really seem to want a republic. They seem to want an oligarchy. Or maybe a plutocracy. It’s a little hard to tell sometimes.

That’s quite amusing, Greg. Especially considering that conservatives support State’s rights while liberal/progressives want a strong, central government to give them everything. In that sense, I’d say that Republicans strongly favor a republic, while liberal/progressives would rather have a dictatorship based on Socialist principles. And it’s not very hard at all to tell what you lib/progs wish you had for a government. You tell us daily all about it.

Obama shouldn’t resign. Our Illegal-In-Chief should be in Guantanamo with his friends.