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Bravo. Glad to see our side keepin the gloves off. No rest until that empty suit is turned inside-out, shredded, and tossed into history’s trash heap.

In the interest of public service, and for the benefit of the citizens of America (Republicans, Democrats and Independents); I now show you, for the sake of clarity, the maximum amount of executive experience Mr. Barack Hussein Obama possesses:


There it is. If you can see the period above; that’s it! Obama’s total executive experience fits comfortably on that period with room to spare.

The joke is on Obama and the radical left wing communist democrats.

I only regret that I could not show Biden’s executive experience; you’d need a magnifying glass or microscope.

Have a great day.

now we just need these kind of ads to keep on coming. need to keep the american people informed becasue the msm doesn’t.