Ghosts of Revolutions Past and Warnings of Futures to Come
Have you ever been listening to someone talk and have déjà vu, even though you’ve never seen or heard of the person speaking, and the interview you’re watching happened just …
Have you ever been listening to someone talk and have déjà vu, even though you’ve never seen or heard of the person speaking, and the interview you’re watching happened just …
Barack Obama is operating his own personal KGB with the express intent of spreading disinformation on private citizens in order to destroy them.
Kimberly Strassel’s article “Trolling for Dirt on the President’s List” describes the harassment and smearing of a Romney supporter and donor.
Obama once joked about using the IRS for purposes of retribution:
“I really thought this was much ado about nothing, but I do think we all learned an important lesson. I learned never again to pick another team over the Sun Devils in my NCAA brackets. . . . President [Michael] Crowe and the Board of Regents will soon learn all about being audited by the IRS.”