The errand boys deliver for the grocery clerks
On Tuesday a number of left wing pundits were summoned to the White House. Ari Shapiro ✔ @arishapiro Spotted: @joshtpm @CapehartJ @ezraklein & other lefty columnists headed into the West …
On Tuesday a number of left wing pundits were summoned to the White House. Ari Shapiro ✔ @arishapiro Spotted: @joshtpm @CapehartJ @ezraklein & other lefty columnists headed into the West …
President Barack Obama: “I would put our legislative and foreign policy accomplishments in our first two years against any president – with the possible exceptions of Johnson, F.D.R., and Lincoln.”
President Obama: “I wanna make sure they [diplomats and workers in Iraq] come home [safely], because they’re not soldiers.”
Ezra Klein is a blogger/columnist for the Washington Post and an unabashed liberal. Klein has the good fortune of never having had to work a real day in his life. He is younger than my oldest son and hasn’t half my son’s brains. Klein is widely quoted by the left and he regularly pontificates broadly on a wide range of subjects with which he has neither familiarity nor experience.
In a recent column, Klein made an astonishing assertion:
First lady Michelle Obama to her husband: “You had BBQ? You didn’t tell me you had BBQ.”
President Obama: “Too many children can no longer expect to join the middle class, the president said, no matter if they work hard and play by the rules.” It is difficult to determine if these are his exact words. They are attributed to him, but without quotes. However, what this means is, what he has done so far for Americans has not worked.
MSNBC’s Chris Matthews: “The national media, which leans a little to the left, I could argue, could smash him [Mitt Romney].”
MSNBC’s Martin Bashir: “But if anyone’s dirty, it’s Newt Gingrich — a man whose personal morality has been drawn from the sewer, a man who pontificates about his Catholic faith and morality but repeatedly commits adultery.”
Chris Matthews on Barack Obama: “You know sometimes, Gene, he has that – he didn’t have it right there – but a minute ago he had that great, that little boy smile of his, which is so winning…He brings it out.”