I see Nazis, Nazis everywhere!
Sen. Chris Murphy sees Nazis everywhere
Sen. Chris Murphy sees Nazis everywhere
Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) says that Americans murdered by illegal aliens is a bullsh*t narrative. He says the grief and pain of the families of those raped and murdered is a bullsh*t narrative. Murphy is a scumbag.
The bodies in Texas weren’t cold when the moronic Senators from my state of CT- Murphy and Blumenthal- were already politicizing the tragedy. Both of these tools called …
Anwar Al-Murphy As you know, Donald Trump issued a temporary suspension of immigration and travel for the seven countries that obama compiled and was voted into law by democrats. …
US Senator Chris Murphy of Connecticut is a dim witted man who has risen to the level of his incompetence. Throughout his “campaign” Murphy carefully orchestrated events at which he …
It’s downright dangerous. And oh yeah, never let a serious crisis go to waste. The victims of the Boston bombing hadn’t even been identified when democrats began exploiting the tragedy. …
The Hartford Courant reports that the Connecticut legislature is going to disclose its proposed new gun laws. Among the proposals is the banning of high capacity magazines. The proposed compromise …
After tragedies there is often a call for action – any action- regardless of how ineffective it might be. This week Wayne LaPierre of the NRA made a speech in …