The Week in Radical Leftism, 9/24/21
Welcome back to Day 248 of the Harris* Occupation! Let’s jump right in: 9/17 – Local Detroit TV Asks For Stories of Unvaxxed Dying from COVID – Gets over 182K …
Welcome back to Day 248 of the Harris* Occupation! Let’s jump right in: 9/17 – Local Detroit TV Asks For Stories of Unvaxxed Dying from COVID – Gets over 182K …
History is usually written long after historical events played themselves out in real life. It’s rare, but not uncommon, to understand the gravity of historical events as they are …
If Donald Trump gets the GOP nod against Hillary or Bernie, I’m voting for Donald. Frankly, after watching the debate on Saturday night I’d probably want to take a shower …
“we don’t need to spike the football,” said Barack Obama in regard to the assassination of Osama Bin Laden. Then Obama went out and spiked the football at Ground Zero and elsewhere.
Obama addressed the troops at Fort Campbell
(Reuters) – President Barack Obama, basking in U.S. public approval for the killing of Osama bin Laden, flew to a military base in Kentucky on Friday to thank special forces who carried out the deadly raid and led a rally filled with cheering troops.
As he rightly congratulated all those involved in the mission, Obama could not avoid the first person reference:
After deciding to release the Osama Bin Laden death images Barack Obama has decided against releasing them.
“We don’t trot out this stuff as trophies” said Obama.
“…we don’t need to spike the football” said Obama.
And he added:
I never thought I’d say it, but I miss Janet Reno. I never thought I’d ever again see an Attorney General of such incompetence, yet here we are.
In what CNN calls “A long line of Obama shifts” Eric Holder announced that Khalid Sheik Mohammaed would be tried in a military tribunal instead of a civilian court. The poor man whined about Congress interfering and forcing him to try KSM in the military rather than the civilian system. He made it clear that he believes he knows better than Congress what to do with KSM:
Or another, bigger Oklahoma City. So says Mark Halperin The astonishment is palpable in Byron York’s column: Everyone knows Barack Obama is in a political fix. The coalition that elected …
The truth is offensive. It’s the new liberal dementia. Marwan al-Shehhi Fayez Banihammad Mohand al-Shehri Hamza al-Ghamdi Ahmed al-Ghamdi Hani Hanjour Khalid al-Mihdhar Majed Moqed Nawaf al-Hazmi Salem al-Hazmi Ziad …
Barack Obama’s support for building a mosque at Ground Zero has set Democrats in a sheer panic. The NY Times reported that Obama “strongly” supports the mosque and his remarks …
Kos opens a post with the suggestion that people are pretty ignorant about the Constitution: Nearly every oath of service in this nation includes the phrase “Defend and protect the …