Wisconsin Special Counsel Michael Gableman Calls for Decertification of Wisconsin 2020 Election Results

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This morning the Wisconsin Assembly Committee on Campaigns and Elections held an informational hearing on the Gableman 2020 Election Report featuring invited speakers Special Counsel and Former Supreme Court Justice Michael Gableman and Attorney Eric Kaardal.
During his opening testimony Justice Gableman listed a series of unlawful acts that took place during the 2020 presidential election.
Justice Michael Gableman: Our recommendations are fairly predictable considering what we just covered… The elimination of WEC (Wisconsin Election Commission)… At this point, I believe the legislature ought to take a very hard look at the option of decertification of 2020 Wisconsin Presidential Election.
— CannCon (@CannConActual) March 1, 2022

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The above story is factual. It’s a fact, and the credible evidence is FACT.

Who reported it means nothing. Any attempt to dismiss these empirical facts because of “Gateway Pundit” is a complete admission that the Wisconsin election was fraudulent.

Real evidence. Real fraud.

Biden is not the president. He never will be.

Amazing no registered voter died of covid in our nursing homes during the pandemic.

And the video has been now comes up as unavailable
How strange.

Video unavailable

This video has been removed by the uploader.
WEC is a criminal organization and should be disbanded and the members prosecuted they will get free lawyers from Zuckerberg.

biden did not get 81 million legal votes.

Decertification in Wisconsin followed by Arizona, and either Georgia or Pennsylvania and biden drops below 270.

In my view, the remedy is the House of Representatives

If it happened in Wisconsin, it surely happened elsewhere.

Oh, most assuredly. That’s why the Democrats want to make all these vehicles of election fraud federal law. Without it, they can never win. Idiot Biden shows all the benefits of Democrat’s policies and NOBODY wants this crap. Only fraud wins elections for Democrats.

No greg comments on this one…

Uh oh!

I caught greg in another thread in a flat out lie…

…and Rumors of War


Reply to 


 12 hours ago

That would be a lie. In 2020 there were 168.31 million registered voters in the United States.

Number of registered voters in the United States from 1996 to 2020


Reply to 


 12 hours ago

That would be a lie. In 2020 there were 168.31 million registered voters in the United States.

Number of registered voters in the United States from 1996 to 2020

Number of registered voters in the United States from 1996 to 2020(in millions)

Number of registered voters in millions











Simple elementary math results in this:

74 million votes for President Trump + 81 million(alleged) votes for biden = 155 million votes in total

Dividing 155 by the number of registered voters, 168.3 million gives a voter turnout % of .92097445

When greg realized this he produeced this gem:


Reply to 


 11 hours ago

Actually, 168.31 is also wrong, so I guess you’ve got me there. The number of registered voters in the US is around 213 million. The linked page shows the totals state by state, with the grand total at the very bottom.

Last edited 11 hours ago by Greg

The 213 million data is from 2022, not 2020 so again greg is putting forth mis-information

Conventiently, 155 million votes divided by 213 equals a voter turn out of 72%, perhaps more believable but not the real voter turnout for 2020.

Going further, taking the 72% turnout multiplied by the 2020 data of registered voters equals 121,176 million total votes cast for 2020. Then subtracting the 74 million votes of President Trump leaves 47,176 votes for biden.

That may not be far off if one considers that states where President Trump won, there is evidence that the vote totals for biden are inflated, thereby contributing to the excessive alleged vote total for biden of 81 million.

Then greg admits the actual voter turnout for 2020


Reply to 


 12 hours ago

There was a 66.8% turnout. You shouldn’t be relying on an internet propaganda poster for ANY figures.

Then there is this:

2020 Presidential Election: voter turnout rate U.S. 2020 …

Jan 07, 2021 · As of December 7, 2020, 66.7 percent of the eligible voting population in the United States voted in the 2020 presidential election.

So, now let us take this into consideration…

168.3 million registered voters multiplied by the actual turnout of 66.7% equals 112.3 total votes cast in 2020. Then subtracting Prsident Trumps 74 million from 112.3 leaves 38.3 million for biden. Statisticians have calculated that biden only received between 35-40 million votes total.

Bottom line, the alleged total vote count for biden of 81 million votes represents a massive amount of fraud. The democrats knew they need an excessive amount to defeat President Trump and the 81 million for biden is less and less believable day by day…

Last edited 2 years ago by TrumpWon

Breaking: Special Counsel Finds Mark Zuckerberg’s Election Money Violated Wisconsin Bribery Laws

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That’s one of the many troubling findings in the report submitted Tuesday by a state-appointed special counsel to the Wisconsin Assembly.

Nearly $9 million in Zuckerberg grant funds directed solely to five Democratic strongholds in Wisconsin violated the state’s election code’s prohibition on bribery. That conclusion represents but one of the many troubling findings detailed in the report submitted today by a state-appointed special counsel to the Wisconsin Assembly.

Last August, Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos authorized the Office of Special Counsel, headed by retired state Supreme Court justice Michael Gableman, to investigate concerns about election integrity and the 2020 election. Gableman delivered an interim report to the state assembly on November 10, 2021. Earlier today, the special counsel provided a second interim report to the state legislative body, noting the report “is final in the sense that it provides a list of commendations with time for the Legislatureto act before the close of its session in March.”

While the special counsel’s nearly 150-page report closed with recommendations for the state’s legislative body, Gableman stressed from the get-go that the report did not seek to re-analyze the re-count that occurred in late 2020. Nor was the report’s purpose to challenge certification of the presidential election. Rather, the report represented a small step toward fulfilling “the duty of all citizens of our State and our nation to work hard to secure our democracy for this generation and the next,” the special counsel explained.

From the details exposed in Monday’s special counsel report, the state legislature has much work to do to address “the numerous questionable and unlawful actions of various actors in the 2020 election.” The first unlawful action, according to the report, concerned the payment of grant funds to five Wisconsin counties that were used to facilitate voting. That arrangement, Gableman wrote, violated Wis. Stat. § 12.11, which prohibits election bribery by providing it is illegal to offer anything of value to or for any person in order to induce any elector to go to the polls or vote.

According to the report, Priscilla Chan and Mark Zuckerberg providing financing that allowed the Center for Tech and Civic Life to offer nearly $9 million in “Zuck Bucks” to Milwaukee, Madison, Racine, Kenosha and Green Bay counties. In exchange, the “Zuckerberg 5,” as the report called the counties, in effect, operated Democratic get-out-the-vote efforts. Those grant funds then paid for illegal drop boxes to be placed in Democratic voting strongholds.

The illegal use of drop boxes represented a second area of concern to the special counsel’s office. The report notes state election code limits the manner in which ballots may be cast, providing that an elector must personally mail or deliver his or her ballot to the municipal clerk, except where the law authorizes an agent to act on the behalf of the voter.

The Zuckerberg 5 also violated the federal and state constitutional guarantee of equal protection, according to the special counsel report. The grant money targeted specific voters for special voting privileges, to the disadvantage of similarly situated voters located in other Wisconsin counties. The report also detailed troubling evidence the Zuckerberg 5 counties allowing private groups working with the granting organization, the Center for Tech and Civic Life, to “unlawfully administer aspects of the election,” including in one county where one organization was unlawfully embedded in local government election administration.

The special counsel’s report also highlighted the Wisconsin Election Commission (WEC) illegal directive to clerks to ignore the state election code governing voting in nursing homes. In several nursing home locations throughout the state, 100 percent of registered voters cast a ballot in the 2020 election—an unheard-of rate that included many ineligible voters.

Non-citizen and incapacitated citizens also remained listed on Wisconsin’s voting rolls, in violation of the law, according to the report. Because some non-citizens qualify for driver’s licenses, the law requires non-citizens’ names be removed from the master roll, but that was not done, according to the special counsel. Likewise, individuals declared incompetent must, by law, be removed from the master list, but again that did not occur.

Special Counsel Gableman detailed many other substantial problems with the 2020 election, but equally troubling to the widespread violations of election law established in the report were the attempts by government officials to impede the investigation. Both the Wisconsin Election Commission and the state attorney general “have refused to cooperate with the Legislature’s investigation and actively obstructed it,” according to the report, with a separate appendix detailing how the Office of Special Counsel and the state Assembly have been blocked from investigating portions of the Wisconsin government.

Efforts by the special counsel’s office to obtain the information needed for it to complete its work for the Wisconsin Assembly continue, with litigation seeking to enforce the legislative subpoenas previously issued. Once those subpoenas are enforced, the special counsel noted he will “manage and process the voluminous responsive records, and will facilitate any available audits.”

In the meantime, the special counsel presented the state legislature with numerous recommendations to address the problems and illegalities detailed in the report, including eliminating the Wisconsin Election Commission. How the legislature responds will be telling of their commitment to election integrity—just as the state attorney general and other government officials’ efforts to thwart the investigation speaks volumes.

Report: Zuckerberg’s Election Money Violated Wisconsin Bribery Laws (thefederalist.com)

comment imagecomment image
BREAKING: Wisconsin Republican Leaders Call for Emergency Meeting with All County GOP Leaders Following Explosive Report by Justice Gableman Calling for Decertification of 2020 Election Results

Wisconsin will decertify. Arizona should be next and either Georgia or Pennsylvania or both will drop biden below 270.

It is time to remove this moron from office.


Twelve Wisconsin Counties Called to Reclaim State’s 2020 Electoral Votes Before Justice Gableman Called for Decertification Yesterday

Wow, Wisconsin – Decertification is Imminent

The enemy sustained heavy damages yesterday in Wisconsin, where Special Counsel Mike Gableman delivered a running kick to their nuts in the form of an interim report on his investigation into the 2020 election coup before the Wisconsin Assembly.

No person who listened to this hearing, or read the report, believes Wisconsin should have been certified, period. The Zuckerberg confirmations were bad, but the stealing of votes from helpless old people is unforgivable on a whole other level.

Boris Epshteyn with the breakdown:

The Rumblings of Decertification in Wisconsin w/ Boris Epshteyn (rumble.com)

It’s horrible what the RINOs in Wisconsin allowed to happen to these elderly victims.

As for Zuckerberg, I actually don’t care about the bribery from him (it’s what Zuckerberg does if he wants to keep playing billionaire). The bribe is on the side of the corrupt government official, and the private party has no power over the individual who took an oath or is obligated to uphold the public trust.

The government officials who took the bribes should go to prison. The private individual had no say or authority in the matter any more than a child has a say with the parent in regards to eating chocolate cake for breakfast.

While Durham is lurking like a shark, ready to pop up and take another leg from the deep-state, and while it’s all hands-on-deck to protect their corruption in Ukraine, and while the CCP virus revelations continue to come to light (do y’all remember that Fauci guy?), the election coup continues to be exposed, which is ultimately the equivalent of storming the gates of the castle.

Worst of all for them, President Trump continues to maintain control of the GOP and play kingmaker with endorsements as Democrats resign en masse.

Gableman’s report was the second interim report:

Last August, Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos authorized the Office of Special Counsel, headed by retired state Supreme Court justice Michael Gableman, to investigate concerns about election integrity and the 2020 election. Gableman delivered an interim report to the state assembly on November 10, 2021. Earlier today, the special counsel provided a second interim report to the state legislative body, noting the report “is final in the sense that it provides a list of recommendations with time for the Legislature to act before the close of its session in March.”

The outlet who has been the most fearless in conservative digital media over the past few years is The Gateway Pundit, hands down. The other large publications, like Breitbart or Daily Wire, don’t DARE touch topics like the 2020 election coup, never mind report on it with the relentlessness as TGP.

Jim Hoft is the new Andrew Breitbart as far as I’m concerned. He’s pushing the stories and taking the arrows more than any other large site. Is there another publication with his audience size that fearlessly hits on the election coup or the CCP virus? If there is, I haven’t heard of it, and I know all the big sites.

I bring up Hoft because I saw his spot on Bannon’s show regarding Justice Gableman referencing ERIC, which was pulled out from the shadows by its scaly tail by TGP and held up to the sunlight for the world to see:

Jim Hoft – Gateway Pundit and Election Developments in Wisconsin (rumble.com)

Saving the best for last, as hit on by Epshteyn in the earlier clip, Justice Gableman brings credibility to this investigation. He was a State Supreme Court Justice, which means he knows the law pretty damn well as he’s racking up the soon-to-come indictments.

This is especially relevant for the decertification of the election for Wisconsin. This isn’t a big deal to us because we know there’s no other choice but for decertification and it’s completely within the power of the state legislature to do so, but Justice Gableman DESTROYED the RINOs’ argument that “it can’t be done” and “it’s unconstitutional.”

He dedicated an entire section to just that in his report (PDF), starting on page 131. Open and shut. Meanwhile, those mayors better be ready to answer some questions.

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Wow, Wisconsin – Decertification is Imminent (conservativehardliner.com)