Will Orlando Change Anything?

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Thomas Sowell:

However great the shock of the massacre in Orlando, it is only a matter of time before we start hearing again the fact-free dogma that “diversity is our strength.”

If there is any place in the Guinness Book of World Records for words repeated the most often, over the most years, without one speck of evidence, “diversity” should be a prime candidate.

Is diversity our strength? Or anybody’s strength, anywhere in the world? Does Japan’s homogeneous population cause the Japanese to suffer? Have the Balkans been blessed by their heterogeneity — or does the very word “Balkanization” remind us of centuries of strife, bloodshed and unspeakable atrocities, extending into our own times?

Has Europe become a safer place after importing vast numbers of people from the Middle East, with cultures hostile to the fundamental values of Western civilization?

“When in Rome do as the Romans do” was once a common saying. Today, after generations in the West have been indoctrinated with the rhetoric of multiculturalism, the borders of Western nations on both sides of the Atlantic have been thrown open to people who think it is their prerogative to come as refugees and tell the Romans what to do — and to assault those who don’t knuckle under to foreign religious standards.

The recent wave of refugees flooding into Europe include Muslim men who have been haranguing European women on the streets for not dressing modestly enough, not to mention their sexual molestation of those women.

Smug elites in Europe, like their counterparts in America, are not nearly as concerned about such things as they are about preventing “Islamophobia.” Legal restrictions on free speech in some European countries make it a crime to sound the alarm about the dangers to the culture and to the people.

In the lofty circles of those who see themselves as citizens of the world, it is considered unworthy, if not hateful, to insist on living according to your own Western values or to resist importing people who increase your chances of being killed.

But if you don’t have the instinct for self-preservation, it will not matter much in the long run whatever else you may have.

America’s great good fortune in the past has been that Americans have been able to unite as Americans against every enemy, despite our own internal differences and struggles. Black and white, Jew and Gentile, have fought and died for this country in every war.

It has not been our diversity, but our ability to overcome the problems inherent in diversity, and to act together as Americans, that has been our strength.

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Today Donald Trump spent one hour talking with National Rifle Association leaders about the need to prevent gun sales to people on other-than-criminal-records lists.
The No-Fly List is one, the Terrorist Watch List is another.
Traditionally the NRA has fought all these changes as if they are a ”slippery slope,” leading to total gun confiscation.
But in ONE HOUR Donald Trump convinced the NRA to endorse such a change!

That’s One change.

What’s another?

The gay community (with only a few exceptions) has been part and parcel of the progessive left’s home base for years.
All of a sudden, after this heinous act, this is changing.
Today I saw a rainbow flag with the snake of the military Don’t Tread On Me flag super-imposed on it.
I have read several gay writers saying they have left the progressive left’s side and are endorsing Trump.
Even entire LGBT charters have endorsed him.
Read: “The Left Chose Islam Over Gays. Now 100 People Are Dead Or Maimed In Orlando”
Or watch this news conference:
The quote toward the end is that Donald Trump will be the most gay-friendly president ever should he be elected and that he deserves the support of all gays who want to live free in the USA.

So, yes, things are changing because of this attack on Orlando at Pulse.
How is the media doing about reporting it all?

More should realize the price the left puts on their allegiance. Blacks have to be willing to live in perpetual poverty in exchange for liberal largess. Hispanics have to endure no end of promises of free citizenship that never materializes. And now, with more and more Muslims and the ever growing influence of radical Islam right here in America, combined with their inherent hatred of homosexuals, gays must agree to be sacrificial lambs on the altar of gun-control and divisiveness.

@Nanny G: #1
Can you provide a link to that NRA meeting, please? I can’t find it.

How about we ban people on the watch list from holding government jobs?
“Rep. Stephen Lynch (D., Mass.) disclosed that a congressional investigation recently found that at least 72 people working at DHS also “were on the terrorist watch list.””
After all, if having their name on a list means that they are so dangerous that their constitutional rights must be taken away without due process, aren’t they too dangerous to hold a government position?
Who knows, that might rid us of Valerie Jarret and Huma Abidin…

@Petercat: I would have no problem with people on a watch list being banned from buying or even owning guns… depending exclusively on how the names get ON the list. That is the point of contention and any government that would use the IRS and DOJ to attack innocent, law abiding citizens and businesses is not one I would trust with compiling that list.

This seems to be something lemming liberals cannot quite wrap their atrophied brains around.


If only it weren’t for all those Democrat voters, terrorizing and mass-murdering people…