Why Libs’ Hatred of Trump Can’t Justify Undermining the Constitution


Xitter thread by Mike Lee:

SCOTUS didn’t make the president above the law.

Not by a mile.

Presidential immunity is an indispensable component of having three co-coordinate branches of government, one of which (the executive branch) is embodied in one person—the president.

Without presidential immunity, the presidency couldn’t function properly.

If the presidency couldn’t function properly, neither could the executive branch.

Without the executive branch functioning properly, our entire constitutional system of government would be impaired.

I get it—libs hate Trump.

But libs’ hatred of Trump doesn’t entitle them to Supreme Court rulings against him.

Libs’ hatred of Trump likewise can’t overcome or justify the horrible things a SCOTUS ruling against Trump in the immunity case would do to our constitutional system.

As for the SCOTUS ruling on immunity supposedly being a threat to “our democracy,” this argument (1) is paranoid fantasy, and (2) ignores the fact that the Constitution itself is in countless respects counter-democratic.

That’s the whole point of having a constitution!

Libs did everything they could to influence the outcome of this case by trying to force the recusal of justices they deem unsympathetic to their (deeply flawed) arguments.

They obsessed over flags flown by Justice Alito’s wife.

They obsessed over the political views of Justices Thomas’s wife.

Libs did this not because they ever had a good argument to trigger the recusal of Justices Alito and Thomas, but because they knew their own arguments in the immunity case weren’t good and were especially unlikely to persuade either of those justices.

Now that they’ve lost this case and are losing their minds over the fact that they’re going to lose elections in record numbers this fall — including and especially the presidential election — libs are turning back to the shameful strategy of de-legitimizing the Court.

Ultimately, libs want to pack the Supreme Court, allowing them to remake the Court in their own, progressive image.

Packing the Supreme Court would be a colossal disaster for everyone in America—including for libs! I explain why in a book I wrote in 2022, Saving Nine.

This is one of many reasons why Democrats must win elections this fall—for control of the White House, the Senate, and the House of Representatives.

Our country has benefitted in countless ways from having an independent federal court system. It’s long been the best of its kind in the world. That’s one of many reasons why people around the world want to invest in America. We’d lose that if we resorted to Court packing.

If either party resorted to Court packing, the other would do the same the next time they controlled the House, Senate, and White House.

Before long? The Supreme Court would look and operate less like a judicial body and more like a political body—which it would quickly become!

Defiant refusal to accept a Supreme Court ruling you don’t like — to the point of deliberately undermining the legitimacy of the Court as an institution — is un-American.

It’s anti-Constitution.

And it should be politically unacceptable in either party.

Let’s call it out!

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