Xitter thread by Mike Lee:
The far-right radicals on the Court have essentially made the President a monarch above the law, the Founding Fathers’ greatest fear.
— Sheldon Whitehouse (@SenWhitehouse) July 1, 2024
SCOTUS didn’t make the president above the law.
Not by a mile.
Presidential immunity is an indispensable component of having three co-coordinate branches of government, one of which (the executive branch) is embodied in one person—the president.
Without presidential immunity, the presidency couldn’t function properly.
If the presidency couldn’t function properly, neither could the executive branch.
Without the executive branch functioning properly, our entire constitutional system of government would be impaired.
I get it—libs hate Trump.
But libs’ hatred of Trump doesn’t entitle them to Supreme Court rulings against him.
Libs’ hatred of Trump likewise can’t overcome or justify the horrible things a SCOTUS ruling against Trump in the immunity case would do to our constitutional system.
As for the SCOTUS ruling on immunity supposedly being a threat to “our democracy,” this argument (1) is paranoid fantasy, and (2) ignores the fact that the Constitution itself is in countless respects counter-democratic.
That’s the whole point of having a constitution!
Libs did everything they could to influence the outcome of this case by trying to force the recusal of justices they deem unsympathetic to their (deeply flawed) arguments.
They obsessed over flags flown by Justice Alito’s wife.
They obsessed over the political views of Justices Thomas’s wife.
Libs did this not because they ever had a good argument to trigger the recusal of Justices Alito and Thomas, but because they knew their own arguments in the immunity case weren’t good and were especially unlikely to persuade either of those justices.
Now that they’ve lost this case and are losing their minds over the fact that they’re going to lose elections in record numbers this fall — including and especially the presidential election — libs are turning back to the shameful strategy of de-legitimizing the Court.
Ultimately, libs want to pack the Supreme Court, allowing them to remake the Court in their own, progressive image.
Packing the Supreme Court would be a colossal disaster for everyone in America—including for libs! I explain why in a book I wrote in 2022, Saving Nine.
This is one of many reasons why Democrats must win elections this fall—for control of the White House, the Senate, and the House of Representatives.
Our country has benefitted in countless ways from having an independent federal court system. It’s long been the best of its kind in the world. That’s one of many reasons why people around the world want to invest in America. We’d lose that if we resorted to Court packing.
If either party resorted to Court packing, the other would do the same the next time they controlled the House, Senate, and White House.
Before long? The Supreme Court would look and operate less like a judicial body and more like a political body—which it would quickly become!
Defiant refusal to accept a Supreme Court ruling you don’t like — to the point of deliberately undermining the legitimacy of the Court as an institution — is un-American.
It’s anti-Constitution.
And it should be politically unacceptable in either party.
Let’s call it out!
That misses the entire Democrat point. As Greg inadvertently exposed, they believed this to be a question of TRUMP’S immunity. They don’t see it as precedent setting. No matter how many times they say “no one is above the law” or “there are no two tiers of justice” they feel and operate as if all the rules and laws apply only to their political opponents and they are unbound by them. This decision neither improves or harms Trump’s November chances. If the decision had gone the other way and Trump, as all indications show, wins in November, he would have the obligation to prosecute both Obama and Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden for having people murdered, Obama a US citizen convicted of no crimes, and Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden an innocent Afghan family. Had that happened, the left would then argue emphatically that they (THEY) had immunity.
Because they have no respect for the law or the Constitution, they simply don’t believe in precedents.
It’s a question of TRUMP’S immunity because Trump will abuse any and every power that he’s given. Under a second Trump administration, the word “republic” would soon become as meaningful as it was in Rome after the rise of Augustus Caesar.
Trump himself appointed the judges who are enabling his own unconstitutional empowerment. Somehow you don’t seem to be able to figure that out.
How Rome Destroyed Its Own Republic
So, we are “doomed” to repeat the resounding successes of Trump’s first term? HELL YEAH!! MAGA, MAGA, MAGA!!!
Greg is a total Moron just like with just about all Liberal Democrats
I remember Woodrow Wilson had a stroke , incapacitated for 16+ months and then we got into WWI.
Would a loving supportive wife allow her husband to be abused to satisfy the desires of a political party?
These are your people greg.
The Democrat’s default position: violence.
Why did the democrats strategy of law fare against President Trump fail?
Now that the USSC has decided on immunity, are you in favor of biden ordering a hit on Trump?
Get some help.
How did biden beat Medicare?
You say that even though Obama and Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden HAVE but Trump HASN’T.
But, good of you to confirm you believe the law and Constitution are merely implements to be used as weapons against the left’s political opponents.
Is bidens golf handicap a 6?
He got a little mixed up. That’s his IQ.
This case was not exclusive to Trump. It protected ALL president, past, current and future. Your understanding of Constitutional law is zero.
Of course, you can’t name any presidential abuse done by Trump. Fast and furious? Killing an American citizen by drone? Ignoring not one, but two USSC decisions? Nope. Those things were done by those presidents who you favor and who the USSC has saved their asses.
How Rome Destroyed Its Own Republic
Immigration and the Fall of Rome – The Wynnewood Institute
1,700 years ago, the mismanagement of a migrant crisis cost Rome its empire | World Economic Forum (weforum.org)
Damn but you’re stupid, Comrade Greggie.
Of all the stupid fucking bullshit. Pedo Pete has openly said he’ll just ignore the Court when it doesn’t suit his vote-buying scheme. We had Trump for four years and there’s no evidence for your idiotic, paranoid ranting whatever. In fact, he could have gone a great deal further than he did within his constitutional limits.
That must be the reason he’s spent over $81 million to avoid its presentation in courtrooms.
06/13/24 – Trump fundraising off of conviction after sinking millions of dollars in donor funds for legal costs
It’s called “lawfare,” for a reason, greg.
Trump is not special in this.
It is meant to break you financially so you plea down to a lesser charge and look bad.
Already dozens of Jan 6 attendees have done that because they were faced with 20+ years over that mis-applied charge of obstructing at the capital.
Turns out they were only, at most, guilty of a misdemeanor, trespassing.
But who bankrupts his whole family’s future when he can plea down?
And most all these were, like Trump, non-offenders for their entire lives before dems pulled this lawfare on them.
Multiple state and federal grand juries concluded there is sufficient evidence to support all the charges brought against him.
His lawyers and propagandists call it “lawfare”, and want to simply blow it all off.
So what’s supposed to take the place of the rule of law in America?
SCOTUS just ruled that the lawfare of overcharging and bankrupting political opponents was unconstitutional, greg.
It wasn’t “the rule of law,” it was lawfare.
OR… he could order a REAL investigation of REAL crimes committed by Brennon, Clapper, Obama, Blinken, Morell, Garland, Mayorkas and the Biden Crime Family.
He should do it, if for no other reason than to just see the hypocrisy. Raid Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden’s home looking for more stolen classified documents.
How about a Seal Team Six test case?
That would be illegal, just as EVERYONE has recognized. Well, everyone but the whiny, crybaby, sore loser idiots.
Bringing down the government…
It pleases me to see you fascists that celebrated the lawfare campaign against Trump in anguish over a common sense and totally predictable Constitutional ruling from the Supreme Court. Now let’s see some of that “respect for the court’s decision”.
The Democrat Created KKK Lynched a lot of Blacks.. Moron
Russian Spy Plot To Sow ‘Panic and Terror’ in US Leaked in Bombshell Report –
And here we are with that potato, Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden, in the White House. Election fraud puts the nation in danger.
You’re the one ranting, J.D. What we just heard from President Biden was highly rational and clearly articulated warning.
“end of quote”
President Biden’s comments about todays Supreme Court ruling:
More from the Lying Peacock News and your the sucker who watches and believes it all
“Respect the courts whenever they act as a far left rubber stamp end of quote”.
Three years later…
“A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution. Our great ‘Founder’ did not want, and would not condone, False & Fraudulent Elections!”
~Donald Trump, December 3, 2022~
To this day, Trump has produced NO credible evidence of any significant level of election fraud anywhere.
He’s essentially saying that any rule, regulation, or article—even those found in the Constitution itself—can be terminated based entirely on his own assertion that fraud has occurred.
That still hasn’t sunk in yet?
Massive evidence of widespread Democrat election fraud. Trump’s quote is an explanation of what the Democrats have actually done.
Arrest him, keep him in solitary confinement and deny him access to any representation. Maybe even beat him a little. Just like he had done to the January 6th protesters.