Why Biden Uses a “Fake” White House Set

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Earlier today, we found out more alarming details about that bizarre White House “set” Joe Biden is using.
It turns out the set is a lot more elaborate than anyone thought and it’s in the Eisenhower building across the street from the real White House, according to a detailed report from Breitbart.
The odd thing is, the Handlers are presenting the set as if it’s really the White House, and that is alarming a lot of people.
If you look at the videos from the set, you’ll see that they claim it’s “live” from the White House.

This is what the room looks like from afar:

Clearly, that is NOT a regular ol’ room inside the White House.
Watch the video clip below. It’s clearly the “set,” but it says “live White House.”

So, what is going on here?
Many people are wondering why Team Biden is telling the American people that Joe Biden is inside the White House when he’s actually on a set made to look like the White House.
That’s not normal.
Well, Trump loyalist Stephen Miller claims he knows exactly why Joe is doing this, and it has do to with a “face-on” monitor that allows him to read a script with “teleprompter glass” that can be seen on camera.
Here’s what Stephen Miller said: “The reason Biden uses this bizarre virtual set for televised meetings—and not an actual room like East Room, Cabinet, Oval, Roosevelt, Sit Room, etc.—is because it allows him to read a script directly from a face-on monitor (& w/out teleprompter glass that can be seen on camera).”
And Miller goes on to address Biden apologists, with this follow up comment:
“And for Biden apologists making the incredibly asinine observation that you can read monitors in other rooms: yes, for formal addresses. WH created this bizarre set-up to create illusion that Biden’s running a normal human *meeting* when he’s actually delivering a scripted text.”

There is a lot of mystery surrounding Joe Biden’s so-called “presidency” and things like this bizarreness only add to the confusion, conspiracies, and mistrust.

Biden’s approval ratings are tanking even lower.
One very liberal-leaning poll has Biden at 38 percent, which can only mean, he’s probably about 10 points lower than that, on a good day.
It’s things like this with the odd fake White House that add to the overall feeling of mistrust and shadiness surrounding Joe Biden and his admin.

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Where else would a fake president* operate?

*fake, fraud, phony, false

I’m afraid delivering televised messages from a studio set doesn’t rise to the level of Trump’s phony tan or comb-over.

Trump lives rent free in your twisted head.

Everyone else moved out.

Actually, the bills for how Trump lives are currently arriving. The bill for a binge always comes after its over.

Trump saved us billions, saved millions of lives, and didn’t even take a pay check.

Indeed, the bill always comes due. Hope you and your unelected swine remember that.

Trump made billions and is the only President I know who got poorer, actually gave something, to become President. Didn’t take millions from Russia and China like you drooling boy playing dress-up on a oval office stage.

and greggie, just what are those bills. Biden canceled the border fence, but the contractor is still getting paid. Who left billions of equipment in Afghanistan? Who is going to be responsible for laying off millions of people who have natural COVID immunity? You really are a moron greggie.

It’s awesome how liberals never take responsibility for anything, yet they want run everything.

Hush, boy. The adults are talking.

Just remember the Control Voice in the opening title for the 1960’s Classic Sci Fi TV series THE OUTER LIMITS

The fake set fits this fake presidency quite nicely, I’d say.

Perhaps some psychology here, him not sitting in a chair he knows he didn’t win?

Biden thinks they’re real. He also thinks he’s President

The guy who “isn’t” President has just declined to extend executive privilege to another guy who imagines he still is.

Oddly enough, the first guy’s decision will have an actual effect.

Biden has no executive privilege. That comes at the will of the people, and most of us do not recognize him as anything more than a globalist installed puppet.

Trump continues to lead the country…because you can’t fake or rig executive competence.

Funny how that works.

Heeding Trump’s “leadership” could have resulted in a default on the debt and an economic catastrophe, with absolutely NOTHING beneficial to show for it.

The Democrats could raise the debt limit any time they wanted to. They simply want to turn around and blame the Republicans later. You know… like YOU’VE been doing.

Trump had demonstrated economic success. It’s fact. There are receipts.

Leftists don’t seem to understand that if over half of us now believe that they have broken the rules and the social contract is null and void, they don’t get the “prize” of having executive authority.

Biden runs nothing, and I don’t recognize the Federal Government.

I am a citizen of my state, and that is now my nation.

If biden got 81 million votes how is it that his polling numbers are in the twenties with independents and the thirties overall?
biden did not get 81 million votes. In all likelihood he got about 35 million total.
President Trump won in a landslide.

Biden Approval Rating Same as Trump’s Nine Months Into Presidency


Let us remember, Trump was under a constant Democrat and leftist media barrage of LIES about Russian collusion. Remember that? Meanwhile, until he totally f**ked up the Afghanistan withdrawal, idiot Biden had uniformly POSITIVE coverage, despite him screwing up the border, energy independence and the economy. Idiot Biden has been such a MASSIVE disaster that the corrupt media can no longer keep it hidden from the people that are usually fooled by the propaganda.

Trump was a success, idiot Biden is a failure.

And, 97% of all media coverage of President Trump was negative.

The fawning media are fighting to see who can change bidens depends diaper and wipe his ass

Same? Isn’t that failing???

Biden is a unelected clown who is failing on every measurable level.

Trump is a LOSER, who evidently received a VERY substantial undisclosed financial favor from a foreign bank WHILE IN OFFICE.

Once again, Russia’s favorite dirty-money laundromat is back in the news.

But Trump’s supporters are worried about the impropriety of the Biden administration’s video stage set?

The video set immediately to the rear is the one where they faked the Apollo moon landing…

Biden is not our president. We don’t have one currently, and we will not tolerate you and your fellow Marxists for long.

Be ready to form your own country, if we allow it.

It’s not up to Trump’s delusional followers to “allow” anything. This is one nation with one duly elected President, and one set of laws that even a president must follow.

Cheaters always tell you what they are going to do before hand.

We know they were going to rig the election.

We even know they were going to release Covid.

The set is just proof that even Biden’s team knows he’s not the real president.

Fake WH for a fake prez.

Greggie really needs to see his therapist more frequently. He compares Biden’s cozy financial relationship with China to the Trump organization not run by Donald Trump to getting a normal business loan. Maybe we can start a “Go Fund Me” for greggie to have more sessions.

Meh. Prove it.

Russia paid Biden. It’s fact. China paid Biden. It’s fact.

Your weak and groundless claims about Trump doing what your uninstalled puppet is CURRENTY DOING is pathetic.

Trump was elected and not installed by the Deep State.

That’s what you fear.

President Trumps January 20, 2017 approval was 45%

bidens approval on January 20,2021 was 57%

Given gallup has both at 38% 9 months in, President Trump’s fall was only a 15% drop while bidens drop is 33%.

So, we do not have an apples to apples comparison. In addition, President Trump had a floor. After that point he rose in popularity and maintained that throughout his Presidency.

In contrast, biden has no base, no floor from where he is at his lowest point. In other words, his poll numbers are going to continue to drop because his base of support is non existent.

But even more revealing is the approval among independents. Independents become a proxy when partisanship divides political parties relative to Presidential approval. In this instance, at the same time in (9 months), President Trump’s approval among independents was 33%. (https://news.gallup.com/poll/203198/presidential-approval-ratings-donald-trump.aspx)

On the contrary, bidens approval among independents is in the 20’s and trending downward, a stark difference…

bidens approval among independents is in the low twenties.

I don’t frankly give a shite if Talibiden reads his teleprompter and repeats what he hears in his ear piece from a tv stage, the White House or a shithouse. He is an idiot, always has been, and no staged video is going to change that.

Sane people have despised Talibiden since he (the racist bastard he is) tried to destroy Clarence Thomas.

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The set is in Delaware because Biden needs his most familiar surroundings. It’s a very common problem with dementia patients. It won’t be long before he starts hallucinating even at home.

The above should read, “the set needs to be in Delaware”.

Interesting, so when Republicans hold one or both houses and/or the WH, the democrat party does not engage in opposition party strategy? so, according to your screed, opposition by the Republicans is verboten, mein fuhrer….

It appears there is more masquerading with the biden regime…

Go figure, Kamala Harris Hired Child Actors For Rebranding Effort That Failed

The Washington Examiner dug a little deeper into the background of the Kamala Harris cringe video. Apparently, team Harris hired child actors to help create the illusion for her rebranding effort. There are many details in the report that represent just how artificial and fake the Biden administration is.
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WASHINGTON – […] Trevor Bernardino, a 13-year-old actor from Carmel, California, and one of five teenagers featured in the video, was asked to submit a monologue discussing something he is passionate about and three questions for a world leader, according to an interview with KSBW TV. Trevor then interviewed with the production director. “And then after that, like a week later, my agent called me, and he’s like, ‘Hey Trevor, you booked it,’” Trevor said.

Bernardino was joined by Derrick Brooks II, another child actor , Emily Kim, likewise a child actor , Zhoriel Tapo, a child actor and aspiring journalist who has interviewed former first lady Michelle Obama , and Sydney Schmooke.

[…] “I am so so so excited this project is out!” wrote Emily Keller, a YouTube executive overseeing progressive civics content partnerships, according to her LinkedIn . She was the Democratic National Committee’s social media director until June.

[…] Last month, the vice president’s office hired two messaging gurus to help finesse her communications efforts. One of Harris’s new advisers, Lorraine Voles, has a portfolio including “crisis management” and “marketing and rebranding.” (read more)

A fake stage set for Joe Biden to pretend he’s giving discussions from the White House. A group of kids hired by the White House to play the role of kids for a Kamala Harris propaganda effort. Well, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see just how fake this entire effort is as constructed.

Here is the cringe worthy video

Warning: Watching this will forever result in a loss of four minutes of your life…

Here is biden doing what he does best
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This was a previous piece about the same thing;

Rebranding Fail, Kamala Harris’ Handlers Create Extreme Cringe Video, Wait Till You See the Name of The Production Company She Used

his official White House video production; presented to improve the public image of Kamala Harris; was created by a production company called “Sinking Ship Entertainment“.

This video is even better, Adios -kamala


Tucker and Candace Owens break it down
