by Ace
I have a theory: they’re hiding it because the medical report says he died of a stroke, and suffered no injuries at all (that is, the stroke was not caused by the riots), and the feds are hiding this fact until their Democrat allies have their show trial for Trump.
Read this great article from Revolver.
I’m excerpting some but you should read it in context because he includes screencaps of media coverage which I’m not duplicating.
Narrative 1:0: The Brazen Lie
The day after Sicknick’s reported death, depraved toilet paper company and full-time libel factory known as The New York Times jumbo-tronned a massive, howler headline, later confirmed to be a Judith Miller-level damn dirty lie.
Narrative 1.0 absolutely saturated the airwaves, editorials, and social media. Every MSM outlet from USAToday to the NY Post to the Daily Dot repeated that Sicknick was “bludgeoned by a fire extinguisher.” Not “sources say.” Not “many believe” — just a totally unqualified, unequivocal statement of fact.
In an unforgivable shocker, the House Trial Memorandum itself, which sets forth the very impeachment charges for which the 45th President stands accused, names Trump liable for “insurrectionists” that “killed a Capitol police officer by striking him in the head with a fire extinguisher.” Their source? The New York Times.
But the toilet paper Times left a real stinker inside this one. Because every claim they made, every detail conveyed, was a lie.
Law enforcement officials now tell CNN that there was no fire extinguisher blow, no bloody gash, and no blunt force trauma to Sicknick’s body when he died.
Not only that, but it is increasingly unclear when, where and if Sicknick was even rushed to the hospital.
As it turns out, multiple hours after the protest had already concluded, Sicknick texted his own brother Ken that very night he was basically fine, other than being “pepper sprayed twice,” confirming he was safe and “in good shape.”
Revolver then relays a strange detail: Sicknick’s family was called on the phone Wednesday night and told, falsely, that Sicknick had died.
These calls were placed by the media.
Read the article for that.
…Ken Sicknick had been told his brother collapsed inside the Capitol building, then was rushed to the hospital…But the US Capitol Police’s statement that night told a different story: he had returned to his office at the police division first.
Sometime between Sicknick being fine, healthy, and back in his office on Wednesday night, and dead or effectively dead on early Thursday evening, Sicknick apparently suffered a stroke. The sequence of when and how that happened should be the easiest part of this story to put to bed. And yet we are being told to take this faith — or as the media likes to say: “without evidence.”
Note that the bit about the stroke seems like speculation, but so what? The whole claim that Sicknick was “murdered” and had a “gash on his head” from being battered with a fire extinguisher was speculation, rumor, and Twitter bullshit.
The New York Times made up a lie — or claimed they “verified” a fact, when in fact all they’d done is regurgitate TWITINT.
TWITINT is “Twitter intel.” Because so much of our “journalism” and even government intelligence is now based exclusively on something someone saw @RangersFan69 said on Twitter, we should have a name for it.
TWITINT: It sometimes looks like real intelligence, except, gotcha!, it’s just Twitter idiots, twittering nonsense.
4 Fortified facts don’t need to be verified! Posted by: The NYT
Meanwhile, Government Propagandist Andy McCarthy — who has such a child-like understanding of the world that he believes that because he’s not corrupt (according to his own self-evaluation), then no one in the government could possibly be corrupt — continues insisting that Sicknick was “murdered,” and a case can be made “without any ambiguity” that the president is guilty of conspiracy to commit this “murder.”
Now, McCarthy based that, probably, on the New York Times claim.
But now that the New York Times claim is known to be based on nothing but Twitter rumors and leftwing hopes and dreams — where is the retraction? Where is the apology?
This is no different than what the Demediacrats have done with Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Kate Stei… oh, strike that. That death didn’t matter. It had no propaganda value. George Floyd, Jacob Blake. They don’t care about the facts and they don’t wait for them. They see an opportunity to exploit a tragic death for political purposes and they go full bore, all ahead full, exploiting the living shit out of it. It will be a miracle if we ever see an autopsy report, after the spectacle Democrats made of placing Officer Sicknick in state in the Capital to promote impeachment propaganda. Don’t think about the fact that no Democrat has EVER given half a damn about any officer, alive or dead; just believe them when they pretend to care.
Democrats need every angle to try to sell this asinine impeachment hoax. They certainly don’t think twice about exploiting a death to make a few cheap political points. Anything else would be totally out of character for show without character.
Can you imagine not demanding a change of venue if you were being tried and then your jury were all claiming to be personal victims of your “crime?”
Donald Trump did not call for any violence at the Capitol, but elites, who never even once faced the terrors I used to face DAILY because I lived in a diverse neighborhood, are playing at all these roles:
and Victims.
I was incensed by these elites who have never endured having a laser aimed gun light up their bedroom wall nightly, having all 4 tires slashed, having entire gangs threaten them.
I have been thru all that and more, even finding a dead body (drug mule) in a trash bin.
These snowflakes are too delicate to represent people like me.
One breach of their office space and they are ready to criminalize 1/2 the adult population.
If I dared generalize about blacks or Hispanics based on my personal experiences being terrorized by some black gangster/dealers and some Hispanic gangbangers/illegals, these same snowflakes would excoriate me for my hasty generalization!
@Nan G:
Well, take heart. They don’t represent you. Or me. They don’t even try or want to. They represent Amazon. And Google. And Twitter. And Facebook. They represent the unions; not union members, but the union leaders that hand out the money.
The character of our lives are as alien to them as if from another planet.