The White House is denouncing comments from key Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber that a lack of transparency and the stupidity of voters helped in the passage of the health care law.
“Not only do we disagree with those comments, they’re simply not true,” White House spokeswoman Jessica Santillo said in a statement late Wednesday, according to Talking Points Memo.
“Transparency is a key goal of the [Affordable Care Act]: consumers now have more access to information about their health insurance than ever before,” she added, nothing that Obamacare was publicly debated for 14 months and pointed to dozens of hearings on the Hill as well as “countless town halls, speeches, and debates.”
“The tax credits in the law that help millions of middle class Americans afford coverage were no secret, and in fact were central to the legislation,” Santillo said.
Gruber has been causing headaches for the White House as conservatives have had a field day over comments the MIT professor made in 2013 after videos recently surfaced of his remarks.
“Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter, or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass,” Gruber said at the time.
And you can keep your plan and keep your doctor too
More at Politico
Apples and oranges.
Her ”talking points” had NOTHING to do with how ObamaCare was PASSED.
The wool was pulled over America’s eyes.
People, in the know, lied at every level.
Ignoramuses in media parroted their lies as facts.
Congress passed it without bothering to debate or even read it.
Congress had to.
This video from 2010 shows that Republicans and the people had ObamaCare’s numbers already:
The stupid American voters Gruber was referring to will buy the WH excuse.
Such GREAT LIARS – Huh?? How can the DEMOCRATS ever be TRUSTED again?? They ALL lied every dam one of them…in every Town Hall meeting!! To our Faces!!
The pathetic thing is how the Republicans, Conservatives, ‘Tea Party’ have been so “demonized” (Remember throwing ‘granny off the cliff’ As???) RADICAL Right Wingers??? Extremists?? ‘Haters’??? —
-ALL by the Demoncrats /LIBERALS Dem-politicians/UNIONS ! – Pelosi (ugh)!!
Liars will always be found out in end…this Proves it.
It makes me feel better to know the Tea Party was dead on target, ‘always’ saw through the bull and did not back down even in the middle of all the demonizing and every very false claims of racism…
Actually, they absolutely agree with the comments and it absolutely IS true. In fact, the Democrats depend on this to be true every election cycle.
Too bad these videos didn’t surface a couple of weeks ago. Virginia and NH probably would have went Red along with some other seats the dems won by the skin of their teeth.
I’d say that those “comments from key Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber that a lack of transparency and the stupidity of voters helped in the passage of the health care law” is probably one of the few transparent and open statements ever made by one of Obama’s high level minions. It sums up everything you need to know about the Democratic party and Obama administration in one simple, succinct Freudian slip.
Is it any wonder they want to obscure it?
I’m thinking of having T-Shirts made.