White House blames Republicans for SF illegal alien killer

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White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest is blaming Republicans after an illegal immigrant who was reportedly deported five times was charged with murder in California.

When asked by reporters about critics of President Obama’s immigration enforcement policies, Earnest insisted that it was actually Republicans who are fault for voting against the Gang Of Eight bill last year, pointing out that it contained funding to increase border security.

“The fact is that the president has done everything within his power to make sure that we are focusing our law enforcement resources on criminals and those who pose a threat to public safety and it’s because of the political efforts of Republicans that we have not been able to make the kind of investment that we’d like to make in securing our border and keeping our community safe,” Earnest said.

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I guess what Earnest forgets is that in the immigration compromise of 1986, in exchange for amnesty, the Democrats promised to secure the border.

It’s Republican’s fault alright… for ever believing a lying Democrat.

I thought it was Donald Trump’s fault.
Or maybe George Bush’s fault.
Could it be Rush Limbaugh’s fault?
Oh, I know. It was the gun manufacturer.
No, it was the ammunition maker.
No, it was the lady’s fault for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
The conclusion is this: we are not safe. And we cannot arm ourselves. And the police will not protect us. So forget about it. The thugs will practice their thugee (a tradition in India) until we get tired of it.
#White lives do not matter.
We only care about the lives of persons whose deaths can cause race riots, since that is the Official Obama-Holder policy.
“If it bleeds, it leads” now applies to those whose deaths fit the O-H paradigm. No others need apply.

Republicans have, in fact, been highly critical of and resistant Obama’s efforts to prioritize immigration enforcement to focus on those whose illegal presence poses the greatest danger to the communities they’re living in.

When you have limited manpower and resources for the enforcement of immigration law, doing anything else is just plain stupid. Sometimes it’s a good idea to point in the direction the stupid is coming from, just in case anybody missed it. Josh Earnest just did.

@Greg: Obama is a liar that cannot be trusted to keep the compromises he makes. Immigration is far too important to undertake while such a corrupt liar is in the White House.


Republicans have, in fact, been highly critical of and resistant Obama’s efforts to prioritize immigration enforcement to focus on those whose illegal presence poses the greatest danger to the communities they’re living in.

Ummmm,. remind us again, Gullible Greggie, who was it that controlled both houses of Congress the first two years of Obama’s reign? And whose desk was it were legislation went to die during those two years? Hint: Harry Reid