By Alex Berenson
Nancy Reagan would be proud.
Americans are just saying no to mRNA shots.
The unvaccinated are staying that way, and demand for boosters continues to crater.
Barely 1 million third shots were given last week, and even that figure overstates real demand. Failed and now dropped booster mandates on health-care workers drove it.
Meanwhile, fewer than 75,000 unvaccinated people a day are rolling up their sleeves for the first time.
That number is also headed for zero, as companies like Google drop vaccine mandates and countries open their borders. No one who is not vaccinated now will do so voluntarily, and very soon none of those people will have any reason to submit.
The collapse in vaccine demand has gone basically unreported in the elite media.
No wonder.
It makes the public health posturing about how to handle Covid’s next phase even more insipid. While epidemiologists debate triggers for future interventions and the advantages of Omicron- versus original boosters, Americans are showing in the most profound way that the mRNA jabs are medicine’s version of New Coke. I got ya mandate right here.
All the hype in the world can’t save a lousy product.
Meanwhile, over 100 million jabs are sitting in freezers, slowly approaching their expiration dates. And even more are coming.
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The United States has ordered and paid for 1 billion mRNA shots, split evenly between Pfizer and Moderna, at a cost of almost $20 billion. About 533 million have been given out, which leaves 467 million to go.
Current vaccine uptake, including boosters, is about 10 million shots a month (and dropping). The vaccines have a nine-month storage life even frozen.
You do the math. Unless something changes, American taxpayers will spend several billion dollars on hundreds of millions of vaccine shots that are headed for the great mRNA factory in the sky.
Funny timing: Russia starts WWIII, and Covid suddenly goes away.
Curt, great article! I’ve done the Dr Zalenko protocol for the last year, I’ll be 66 soon and thank God, have not had the Rona ( that I know of!)
on GETTR @CaptBill56
Hi CaptBill56, I’m 73 and have gone the entire way with no problems. I take Zelenko’s Quercetin, Zinc, C, D, K2, B12. Neighbors all around me have gotten it, we all hang out together but so far, so good! Wife has done similar and she’s been fine too.
And, who’s this “we?”
Last I read Bill Gates still confuses live viruses with computer viruses!
Bill continued:
There is a great therapeutic, Bill.
Early medical intervention with it could have saved hundreds of thousands of lives here in the USA.
But “we” didn’t want a cheap drug that “we” couldn’t profit from.
Heck, “we” defined a medical protocol that caused more deaths as sick people were left to wait until covid hit their lungs. Then breathing inhibitors like fentanyl and opiods were administered to people on ventilators until they stopped breathing completely.
Someday there will be hell to pay for what you and you’re “we” have done.
*That therapueutic is Phizer’s version of ivermectin-light. It is extremely pricy, too compared with the original. Pfizer’s COVID-19 Oral Antiviral Cost $529 per Course while ivermectin does a better job for $12 per course.
Because idiot Biden and other Democrats are getting fat kickbacks, the production (and waste) will continue.
The Indian government has also declined to meet the U.S. companies’ requests for legal protection over any side-effects from the use of their shots, which are currently made only in the United States or Europe, two of the sources said.