What Muslims do for the Norwegian culture

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NORWAY: A mainly Christian municipality submits to Islamic supremacism, with blasting of Muslim Call to Prayer and raping of very young Norwegian girls by Muslims

The mosque in Sandnessjøen begins its Friday prayers with an outdoor call to prayer which can be heard in the vicinity of the mosque. If that isn’t bad enough, a huge amplifier now will be installed outside the the mosque to ensure that the highly offensive Islamic call to prayer can be heard throughout the entire mainly Christian neighborhood.

Speisa The municipality has given the permission for this to become a weekly event (soon to become a multiple time daily one) in the town center, which has created angry reactions among non-muslim people in the municipality. “We are not in Mecca, and they need to see the difference between Mecca and Sandnessjøen,” says Stein Bjorn Mentzoni.

“It is completely outrageous. It belongs abroad, where they come from. I do not think it belongs here, but they do as they please,” says Elin Jørgensen.

Spokesperson for the Muslim Association Masjid in Sandnessjøen, convert Tanja Bryn Lund, is looking forward to implementing the outdoors call to prayer, and compares it to church bells. “What is new is that we take the call to prayer outside. It is part of the Muslim worship in the same way that church bells are part of the Christian worship,” says Bryn Lund.

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Well, I don’t know about Norway, but here in America, once you say you have a “right” (“He said that he had the right to do exactly what he wanted to a woman.”), the right instantly exists and, indeed, you have it.

Most rapping in Europe and USA is doing by NON-MUSLIMS, just read about crimes or read newspapers to see, this is just attacking islam.