What Joe Biden Demanded of Israel in Exchange for a Cease-Fire Will Infuriate You

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By Bonchie

tentative cease-fire between Israel and Hamas is currently holding in Gaza while tensions are high run in the region. Hamas stood on the ruins of a bombed building earlier today to declare victory, while the Biden administration is already seeking to take credit for the halt in hostilities. Secretary of State Antony Blinken will visit the area on Tuesday for a photo-op.
Meanwhile, details are coming out about exactly what Biden demanded of Israel, and it will likely infuriate you.

Let’s take all three of these things, because they only get more and more absurd as we go. In regards to the evictions in Sheikh Jarrah, those were Jewish-owned properties that Palestinians had been squatting on for decades, refusing to pay restitution. The cases were adjudicated through the courts over many years. Why should Israel simply abscond from lawful evictions because it makes terrorists mad?

Further, how is Israel supposed to lower tensions on the Temple Mount when Palestinians keep attacking Jews who go there, using the mosque as a staging area? The Temple Mount is already locked down in the sense that Jews aren’t even allowed to pray there. How much more appeasement is necessary? Of course, we know the answer to that. Hamas wants Israel wiped off the face of the map. They don’t care about “lowered tensions.”
Both of those demands are a resetting of the status quo we saw under the Obama administration, which led nowhere and only caused more violence and suffering. Donald Trump had successfully marginalized Hamas and the Palestinian Authority, leading to breakthrough peace deals between Israel and Arab nations. That’s all getting blown up now, in favor of yet more appeasement that will lead nowhere.
Yet, it’s the last demand that should really rub you the wrong way. Biden asked that Jews no longer celebrate Jerusalem Flag day, a holiday where Jews take the streets to celebrate their nation. Imagine if another country demanded we stopped celebrating the Fourth of July or Memorial Day, in exchange for them not bombing us. How well would that go over?
The entire thing is insane and what the Biden administration is doing is going to lead to worse outcomes than had they just stayed out of it. Hamas does not want peace, nor do they care about cease-fires.

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Just like idiot Biden funded Hamas attacks, these demands don’t seem aimed at progressing peace, but to illicit a response from Israel.

what did you expect from the Neanderthal, Alzheimer’s diseased brain of the pedophile. it was just a matter of hours when he would cave to his handlers and the gay terrorists’ muslin obama. where the hell does this feculent matter demand that Jerusalem Flag day not be celebrated. America has no right to lecture Israel, much less coming from a compromised idiot. OH! forgot, the pedophile wants to CX 4th of July in America.

I thought Trump had done the deal of the century and brokered peace in the Mideast

He had. Then some idiot came along and refinanced the terrorists.

Yep, to the tune of well over 100 million dollars.

maybe you should do some research before you make idiotic comments.

To quote Golda Meir about Israel and its Jews:
“If we have to have a choice between being dead and pitied, and being alive with a bad image, we’d rather be alive with the bad image.”

Smart woman, Mrs Meierson!

Joe Biden is the biggest world idiot. Kill him.

Careful, dude. Yes, he is an idiot of epic proportions, but… careful.

Yes be very careful.

Biden is a Globalists and a Traitor no doupt he stole the election now he makes such stupid demands Biden should be Impeached over this Keystone incident this is paying and giving favors as w ell as aiding the Enemy Russia Biden is a Traitor

Israel is an apartheid state that viciously oppresses the native Palestinians. It is a leftover of 19th Century European colonialism in which Europeans invade a country and subjugate or expel the native population. The only chance for peace is the dismantling of the Israeli state, in detail.

Of the 7 million Palestinians living between the River and the Sea, a little under 2 million have Israeli citizenship. But they are decidedly second class citizens, especially with respect to property rights. The 2 to 3 million Palestinians living in the West Bank are under direct military control and have no rights. Gaza is a concentration camp under Israeli blockade.

The gross, shameful immorality of the Israeli occupation cries out for intervention.

Your history is wrong. No such thing as native Palestinians.There will be peace if the Muslim world will make peace, But that will never happen.Israel is not an occupying force. They are a nation trying to defend their selves from terrorist
who want to kill them. Never again.

What country did the Israelis invade? Israel is the Jewish homeland going back 6,000 years, long before Islam existed.

Your beloved Palestinian terrorists are the apartheid proponents. They refuse to live harmoniously because they are encouraged NOT to and paid to promote division. They don’t seek peaceful coexistence, they seek the slaughter of Jews and taking their land.

How strange; a nation of 5 million surrounded by their age old enemies (that hold mostly 12th century views) that outnumber them by a factor of x 10+ can hold their own when attacked, and are then condemned for defending what was theirs historically for more than 3000 years. Make whatever conclusions you will, Long Live Israel !!

“Both of those demands are a resetting of the status quo we saw under the Obama administration”

This IS the Obama administration, third term. Biden is a cipher. These are not his ideas. He doesn’t HAVE ideas.

Biden’s VP was chosen by Obama/Jarrett. The Obama fraud machine got him elected. Everything done in the last 100 days is exactly what Obama would have done had he been able to run out front. Now his administration runs the country from the shadows.

Richard Moss in a review today in American Thinkers offers the following review:

Israel is a first-world nation that provides for its citizens the highest standard of living in the Middle East, equivalent to that of Western Europe. It is an open democracy governed consensually by the rule of law, with human rights, free speech, religious freedom, a free press, and a world-class free-market economy. It boasts the best hospitals, universities, museums, and symphonies in the world and leads the planet in any number of cutting-edge technologies. Its more than one million Israeli-Arab citizens are the freest Muslims in the Middle East. None is interested in joining his Muslim brethren under the benighted Palestinian Authority or Hamas, preferring instead to keep his citizenship in the Jewish State — for good reason.

Hamas, on the other hand, like its secular terrorist counterpart in the West Bank (Judea and Samaria), the Palestinian Authority: corrupt, kleptocratic, genocidal extremists. Of all the nationalist movements around the world, the Palestinians, Hamas, or the P.A., are the least deserving of a state — and should not be given one. The world scarcely needs another dysfunctional terrorist regime. There is no difference between either of them and ISIS or al-Qaeda except that for “intersectional” and anti-Semitic purposes, they enjoy good press from a left-dominated media — as long as it is Jews engaging them.

The Israelis treat people as they deserve to be treated. They treat peaceful citizens, regardless of ethnicity, as equals. They treat terrorists like terrorists.

We should be doing the same with BLM and ANTIFA.

Bibi Netanyahu should have told Dopey/Gropey Joe to stuff his demands where the sun don’t never shine! Oops! I forgot. That area’s already occupied! Biden is just a spokes-muppet. The people who are really in charge are the ones with their hands where I would have Netanyahu tell Biden where to stuff his demands.

Particularly if he thinks accepting Democrat demands makes Democrats appreciate their flexibility and open-mindedness. It only stokes their appetite form more demands. You know… like Hitler.

Aaron Keyak, Jewish Engagement Director at Biden for President, said for Jews to hide their identities, including their yalmakas, their star of David’s, their fringed vestments and even their earlocks that identify them as Jews.
In other words, expect no help from Joe as you get attacked for “being Jewish-looking in public!
Jew hatred is being encouraged by the Left.