We’ve Got Nancy Pelosi’s Glowing Funeral Speech For KKK Grand Wizard Robert Byrd

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Speaking of racism and oppression, did you know that Democrat icon and celebrated “hero” Robert Byrd, who died 9-years ago, was a Grand Wizard in the KKK?

Yes, it’s true, but he was never shunned from the Dem Party, because after he did as much damage as he could possibly do to black he simply said “whoopsie, sorry” and all was forgiven!

These same people who immortalized a KKK Grand Wizard are now accusing President Trump of being a “racist” and chastising all of his followers as “bigots” and “Nazis.”

Also, these are the same people cheering as violent mobs tear down Confederates statues – which ironically, are all part of the Democrat Party history.

In addition, most of the people who are getting “canceled” by the “Woke Mob” are elite white liberals – their past “racist” tweets, videos, and blackface are coming back to haunt them.

But tell me again how Trump and his supporters are the problem…It’s hogwash and most everyone knows it.

So, in keeping with the whole hysterical mob hunting down “racists” like this is the Salem Witch Trials, we thought it would be fun to take a look back at the GLOWING and heroic words Speaker Nancy Pelosi shared about her good friend and notorious racist Robert Byrd during his funeral 9-years ago:

“I bring, as Speaker of the House, I sadly have the privilege of bringing the condolences of the House of Representatives to Marjorie and to Mona and the entire Byrd family. As a friend of Senator Byrd, I do so with great sadness.

“But happily, thanks to the Byrd family, some of us had the opportunity to sing Senator Byrd’s praises in his presence in December, when he became the longest-serving Member of Congress in American history.

“I noted then that Senator Byrd’s Congressional service began in the House of Representatives. In those six years in the House, he demonstrated what would become the hallmarks of his commitment: his love of the people of West Virginia, his passion for history and public service, and his remarkable oratorical skills.

“And I am going to talk to you about his service in the House briefly. In 1953, this is one of his earliest speeches, he came to the floor of the House and he said: ‘I learned quite a long time before becoming a Member of this House that there is an unwritten rule in the minds of some, perhaps, which is expected to cover the conduct of new members in a legislative body to the extent that they should be often seen but seldom be heard; I have observed this rule,’ he said, ‘very carefully up to this time and I shall continue to do so… however…the book of Ecclesiastes…says: ‘To everything there is a season… a time to keep silence and a time to speak.’ And he decided it was time for him to speak.

“He went on in that speech; it was one of his earliest speeches. He went on in that speech to quote not only the bible but Shakespeare, Rudyard Kipling, and Daniel Webster. And, Mr. President, this was a speech about world trade.

“Though he thrived in the House, when he moved on to the Senate, Senator Byrd remarked that he was happy to leave behind the limitations on speaking time on the House floor.

“On a personal moment, I’ll never forget a dinner I hosted for him in the early 80’s when he was running for reelection at that time, in California.

“After dinner, we didn’t know what to expect. We were all so nervous to be in the presence of such a great person. And what did he do? He pulled out his fiddle and regaled us with West Virginia tunes and told us great stories about each and every one of you. That was an act of friendship that I will never forget.

“Later, when I came to Congress, I told Senator Byrd how my father, who had served in Congress, gave me the image of a coalminer carved in coal. It is the only thing I have from my father’s office as a Member of Congress. It had been a gift to him from Jennings Randolph, who had represented West Virginia so well, and it sat in my father’s office when he was in the House of Representatives.

“It now sits in the Speaker’s office. It is in my West Virginia corner, along with a silver tray from Senator Byrd which I love especially because it is engraved, ‘With thanks, from Robert and Erma.’

“In the beginning of my comments, I mentioned a speech of Senator Byrd’s on the House floor. That day, in 1953, he quoted the words of Daniel Webster. These words, when you come to the Capitol, are etched on the wall of the chamber high above the Speaker’s chair. And these words would come to define his leadership but he voiced them in that earliest speech. Senator Byrd said, ‘Let us develop the resources of our land, call forth its powers, build up its institutions, promote all its great interests and see whether we also in our day and generation may not perform something worthy to be remembered.’ Daniel Webster.

“Senator Byrd’s service, and his leadership, were more than worthy to be remembered for many generations to come. And as my colleague Mr. Rahall said, it is very appropriate that we are celebrating Robert Byrd’s life and putting him to rest in the week of July 4th; he was a great American patriot. And as Governor Manchin said, we shall never see his like again.

“May he rest in peace. Amen.”

Do you think the violent mob will cancel Pelosi?

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The KKK was founded by a Democrat Robert Byrd Grand Wizard wore his Bedsheet to and how many crosses did he burn?

byrd was one of the original founder of the KKK in west virginia. his signature in on the original character. he never hid the fact that he was an active member of the KKK. pelosi’s only asset to history will be a bar fly and demcorap political whore. she and her buddies got dressed up in African garb and after eight min. on her knees could not get up. in her college days she spent hours on her knees and back. kamala harris has a brand of knee pads named after her: BJ pads, the mattress on her back is now inflatable/deflatable and easily concealed under a jacket or coat. of course, both knee pads and mattress are color coordinated for her daily wardrobe.

Byrd wasn’t a Grand Wizard; he was a Grand Kleagle. Not a tremendous discrepancy, but a discrepancy none the less. Byrd was in charge of recruiting more racists for he Klan.

Democrats will make excuses like Byrd apologized. Well, the nation has apologized for slavery numerous times, but that never seems to be enough. And, people who never had anything to do with slavery, never supported it and certainly never supported institutionalized racism, as the Democrats did, are also expected to apologize profusely.

But, Byrd, the Klansman, apologized so… all is well.

Liberal Democrats dont get cancelled can have sex and all manner of things they forbid everyone else, yes Barry also gave eulogy for Byrd, then invited BLM to the white house playing both sides, but we know where democrats hearts are. Gee he got them all a “free” phone, see charges on everyones cell bill. Know anyone that has one of these? anyone?

@Deplorable Me:

he was very fond of attractive, young black women, just like king.