The anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine has been working in COVID-19 patients, Secretary of Veterans Affairs Robert Wilkie said on Wednesday.
Wilkie’s comments come after a study looking at the effects of the drug in 368 patients in Veterans Health Administration hospitals found no evidence the drug is effective against COVID-19, a new disease caused by the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus.
Responding to the results during an appearance on MSNBC, Wilkie said, “That’s an observational study. It’s not a clinical study. It was done on a small number of veterans; sadly, those of whom were in the last stages of life, and the drug was given to them.”
The drug “has been working on middle-age and younger veterans,” Wilkie added. By that, he meant that it was “stopping the progression of” COVID-19.
@kitt: George simply doesn’t know what he’s talking about. He posts, and I quote:
Why bother? He doesn’t understand.
Does he care who lives or dies? I don’t think so. Quote:
@George Wells: See how it works?
@Greg: You sir think getting supplies to make home repairs as selfish you are a male Karen, also earning a living paying bills is selfish.
@Greg: What harm does short term usage of hydroxychloriquine have while under doctors care, dont forget the zinc and how dangerous that is.
Show us what an expert you are answer the question Karen.
@Deplorable Me:
Sure do. Been watching the news footage of all the revelers cluster-breathing, and I know what will come of that. A yet-to-be-counted percentage of them will infect a yet-to-be-counted additional cluster-f_cked group of friends and family, and in the aggregate some thousands of additional deaths will accrue. A sweet demonstration of the value of the survival of the fittest as applied to thinning the herd.
We’re not talking here about businesses that are doing their level best to intelligently adapt to the “new norm.” When both the businesses and their customers work together to do what they do safely, it works. People don’t HAVE to die to make money. You know that, or at least you should. But many thousands of people behaving as they did today in the midst of a particularly contagious pandemic is nothing more than idiocy. Some of them will pay the ultimate price, and I will be happy for that, as it will at least partially compensate for the deaths of the innocent people they will have infected.
No, life isn’t sacred. For many it’s just so much easily-squandered trash.
@kitt, #152:
I was there to pick up supplies to do home repairs. I managed that, despite the imposition on my personal freedom of a face mask. There’s a pandemic out there. Life can go on in spite of that, but we’ve got to do what we can to reduce spread. It’s both unwise and unpatriotic not to do so.
I don’t know that short term use while under a doctors care necessarily causes harm, or if it does any good. I think its promotion may have contributed to a false sense of security that could do harm. Believing there’s an available remedy may promote more incautious behavior and unwise decisions.
I have no clue who “Karen” is.
I would be interested in knowing what left wing idiot you gleaned that comparison from. Freedom of movement was never restricted during either WWII or the Great Depression.
No “license” issued by any state can violate our Constitutional rights of freedom of movement, the right to worship as we choose or the right to pursue happiness by being able to work and provide for our families.
You’re projecting again, Comrade Greggie. It was your party that created the #Me,Me,Me generations where they think they deserve everything and should not have to put sweat equity into what they acquire. Thank the current university systems where 97% of the professors are radical left wingers.
If you don’t like the actions of a free people in a Home Depot, keep your ass at home hunkered down. The term “common good” is nowhere to be found in the Constitution.
So you’re a non-believer. When you die, you better hope you were right and this has not one damn thing to do with God.
Those very people you are complaining about also have personal freedom; the freedom to NOT wear a mask.
It’s unpatriotic for you to think you can dictate to others.
Keep hunkered down, Commie Boy. It’s your right to do so.
You’re so full of anger and hate it’s a wonder you haven’t fallen over from the weight of it.
Not who, what a Karen is…your soul mate.
No, I’m not. I am concerned that people like you want to abolish my Constitutional rights and freedoms because you feel that I owe you something. I owe you nothing other than trying to protect the liberties you are guaranteed.
If you don’t like the actions of others that are fully within their right, then you should shop on-line (Home Depot delivers) and do what you think you have to do, on a personal level, to keep from getting the Chi-Com virus. Your health is your responsibility, not mine, not anyone else’s.
@retire05: Ruin our entertainment? the pleasure of seeing the Karens eyes get big and scurry away pushing their useless paper masks close to their faces? Off to the manager when they see an employee not wearing a mask or gloves? Just think of them rushing home getting naked next to the washer, then off to shower. Spraying their items with lysol shivering in fear. Then crying themselves to sleep cause the neighbor filled his woodstove.
@George Wells:
See the subtle difference a word makes? Full quotes or context makes a difference. I swear, I don’t understand the concept of CREATING issues to get pissed off about. What the hell does that accomplish?
The ultimate in selfishness is how Democrats have remorselessly exploited and EPIDEMIC for attempted political gain. Absolutely disgusting and despicable people. Scum.
@Deplorable Me:
It is called “control.” When you instill fear in people, they can be controlled by that fear.