By AG Staff
Sixty (former) Republican National Committee (RNC) staffers received their walking papers this week, just days after new pro-Trump leadership took over at the committee.
The RNC voted on March 8 to replace Ronna McDaniel with new Chairman Michael Whatley and Donald Trump’s daughter-in-law, Lara, as co-chair.
Chris LaCivita, a top Trump ad, took over as the RNC’s chief of staff.
The firings are a clear sign that the Trump campaign is focused on aligning the Republican Party with the campaign after months of feckless leadership at the RNC.
Whatley, the former chair of the North Carolina GOP, said in his acceptance speech that the RNC “will be focused like a laser on getting out the vote and protecting the ballot” and “will work hand in glove with President Trump’s campaign.”
Former Trump White House adviser, who is set to become the RNC’s new chief operating officer, Sean Cairncross, reportedly sent an email that said a full evaluation of RNC staffing was being done “to ensure the building is aligned with his vision of how to win in November.”
The RNC staffing changes were also referenced in a memo sent by Whatley, which also said the RNC has “completed a joint fundraising agreement with the Trump campaign and has brought in a data liaison to work with other Republican committees and state parties.”
The changes appear to having an immediate impact.
Lara Trump announced the RNC had the “largest digital fundraising weekend since 2020.”
Trump also told Fox News that she “personally had $2.7 MILLION pledged to her on her first weekend as RNC co-chair”:
Lara Trump announces she personally had $2.7 MILLION pledged to her on her first weekend as RNC co-chair
"Things are changing rapidly… one of the things that's changing is going to be our fundraising"
— johnny maga (@_johnnymaga) March 14, 2024
I can finally start donating to the RNC once again after years of staying away.
Yes, and it would seem millions of MAGA will do the same. This is a yuge body blow to the establishment Republicans. Lets face it, ronna romney mcdaniel was doing the dirty work for mcconnell and the rest of the never trumpers. Thank God Charlie Kirk sank his reputation into the bad actors in the RNC.
They have to rid themselves of Eddie the butcher Cox in NY.
Trump’s followers could avoid the middle man by sending their money directly to Trump’s lawyers.
That is a viable option, since it is the DNC coordinating the fascist lawfare against Trump. It’s all related to the campaign.
Trump, not being a DC critter, allowed the establishment to almost ruin him. I hope and pray he learned his lesson; returning the government to working for the people instead of lining up lucrative investments was not very popular across DC. He needs people whose loyalty is to the nation, not themselves. He definitely had a problem with that the first time around. He also needs a successor that will follow through with his agenda.
The very survival of the nation depends upon it.
The truth? Trump lost hugely in 2020, crashed the 2022 red wave, has reduced the GOP House majority to nothing, has squandered contributions to pay his personal legal fees, and will suck the RNC coffers dry for the same purpose. If you want to know whose fault it is, look in a mirror.
Lies are actually the opposite of the truth. Trump got 75 million votes and Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden got MAYBE 50 million. The rest are fraudulent. Democrats cleated in Arizona in 2022 to rob Lake of a Senate seat. Now, because a MASSIVE amount of election fraud will be required to overcome the Democrat failures, they have resorted to fascist lawfare, which itself is failing. So, it will have to be fraud.
THAT’S the truth.
Trump cultists are so deranged by their Leader’s lies that Arizona’s chief election official needs a full-time body guard. That’s what Trump has brought America.
Arizona’s chief election official needs to be in jail. Swatting government officials is what leftists have brought to American, putting the lives of the victims and the cops at risk. Democrats promote hate and violence.
You don’t know what a cult is. THIS is what a cult looks like:
Obama chant in school
Student screamed and lied at for criticizing Obama
Obama song
Remember that repugnant shit? Communist f**king indoctrination of CHILDREN?
As noted, total derangement. Up is down, right is left, the grass is blue and the sky is green—all Trump has to do is say so. TicTok was a dangerous Chinese app before and should be banned; now it’s Okie Dokie because Biden wants to ban it and one of Trump’s billionaire donors objects.
I showed you the true cult mentality. The one you accuse is delusional, a lie created out of desperation. Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden wants to ban Tic Tok but uses it himself. I guess he’s in league with the CCP.
Republicans reject Trump:
“He is without virtue.”
Sad what happens to the Jabbed mentally. You are a prime example.
In 2012, Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney won the state by 10%, they had huge rally turn out, 70 mile long car parades all Trump Flags, not any of that for Mitt. Then the obvious cover up by the elections officials ignoring the state legislature. Not allowing machines to be audited.
Hey here’s a great district for you to move to. I’m sure she’d get your vote.
AOC’s NYC district slammed as ‘Third World’ as shocking video shows trash-covered streets overrun by migrants running ‘flea market’ and scantily-clad prostitutes brazenly soliciting men at ‘Market of Sweethearts’ | Daily Mail Online
I hope greggie finally quits FA when Trump wins. He wastes several wind mills production of electricity!
How much is wasted by reposting the mindless blather of Twitter Putin pimps and Trump propagandists?
Here? 1 little therm of nat gas.
Are you kidding? He’ll be here telling us how Trump is tanking the economy (it boomed and then Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden killed it) and other swings and misses by miles.
“Authoritarian Viktor Orbán used the same tactic to dismantle Hungary’s democracy.”
Orbán met with Trump at Mar-a-Lago last Friday.
Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden censors free speech, imprisons political dissidents, prosecutes political opponents, utilizes propaganda, uses the power of the government to harass people because of their religious beliefs, violates federal laws, encourages political terrorism and violence. That pretty much accurately describes an actual dictator, if even an incompetent and mentally deficient one.
The question here is, why does he not see that?
eyes wide shut

All of that and the absolute absence of the courage to face facts.
Your “political dissidents” weren’t arrested for dissenting opinions, they were arrested for participating in mob violence inspired by Donald Trump.
Biden is suddenly “censoring free speech” because he advocates removal of TikTok from CCP control, which Trump himself advocated until he smelled an exploitable political opportunity.
Your “religious beliefs” are being used as an excuse to suppress women’s reproductive rights and people who have differing gender concepts. Under the influence of right-wing political extremism, your “religious beliefs” have drifted far from the actual teachings of Christ. Other people have differing beliefs, you know, which are no less worthy of constitutional protection than your own.
You effin’ cult leader has inspired political terrorism and routine threats violence against election officials and politicians; he suggests there will be an end to democratic elections and a bloodbath if he doesn’t win. He kisses a Russian dictator’s posterior, blocks aid to the sovereign nation that dictator is attempting to destroy, meets with an authoritarian leader at Mar-a-Lago, and publicly states there are times when all rules and laws must be ignored—even those in the Constitution. Such “times”, of course are determined by he himself.
He believes he should be permanently beyond the reach of the law with regard to any official action he takes while in office—his attorney conceded under Appeals Court questioning that would even include having opponents shot, unless Congress first impeached him for such acts and found him guilty—what the hell? He could ALSO have threatening members of Congress shot.
Anyone holding such views is obviously mentally unhinged.
No, that simply doesn’t wash. Leftists rioted in DC, attacked the White House, they rioted in DC at Trump’s inauguration, they have even rioted recently, attacking the gate at the White House. How many of them were arrested, put in solitary confinement, denied bail (hell, the VP arranged bail for them, WHEN they were actually arrested) and then sent to prison for a decade for “parading”? The answer is NONE. Leftist terrorists get a pass. Those in jail right now for offenses around January 6th are there for one reason and one reason only: they oppose the leftist totalitarian regime and they are being used to set an example.
Trump incited no violence. There was none until Capital Police opened fire on the peaceful crowd, let onto the Capital grounds by FBI operatives.
It doesn’t matter what Catholic dogma “suppresses”; that doesn’t excuse the FBI targeting churches for surveillance or siccing SWAT teams on a pastor that did nothing but defend his son from an abortion zealot. There is no “right” to an abortion and murdering babies is as far from health care as you can possibly get.
The only political terrorism and violence we see comes from the left. Your leftists get a free pass to commit whatever violent acts they want. Even when they commit mass murders, the Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden regime blames the victims instead of the tranny murderer. The left is inherently violent and this regime encourages and promotes it.
You yourself admitted Presidents have immunity from prosecution for official acts while in office. You can stop trying to make the laws are rules start and stop with Democrats. Your fascist totalitarian socialist police state is what is causing the problems, not Trump dedication to this nation and the taxpaying citizens. Democrats don’t give one shit about any citizens, they just want to use them as the means to absolute power. Your attempt to deploy that stupid “bloodbath” lie only makes all that abundantly clear.
That would explain death threats to election officials and workers wherever Trump disputed election results.
That would explain leftists making fake reports of death threats. Meanwhile, the left plays their little SWATTING games, trying to get someone killed.
Old news geeze

No Photoshop involved:
Looks AI generated cartoon colors. Try again just cause they say no photoshop does not mean it is real.
Paul FeigAmerican filmmaker
It’s actually an eagle lamp on the wall of the White House cabinet room. (3rd picture down from the top.)
So Trump is the wind beneath its wings. Bette Midler is not gonna like that
The photographer is a Washington DC journalist, Samuel Corum.
You don’t think it odd and a bit sad that you have to INVENT things for you to hate about Trump? Why don’t you just accept that he was the best leader this country has had since Reagan?
Greg is a pathetic character Trump living in his head as a Dr. Evil while he ignores the actions of the party he votes for.

Kinda old but one of these guys has a new job with Biden
How embarrassing it must be to have his latest out-of-context bullshit lie blow up in his useful idiot face so quickly.
Trump says he didn’t know his immigration rhetoric echoes Hitler. That’s part of a broader pattern –
Its Q or Anon, there is no Qanon it isnt a thing. Your media has its head so far up the CIAs ass they are no longer anything but a voice for communists.

Pedos damn straight, how many of Epsteins customers have been brought to trial? In spite of the FBIs possession of possibly terabytes of video taken at Jeffreys mansions. It isnt just Democrats or liberals as we have seen with the pervs at the Lincoln Project.
Jill Covin has some type of love crush, woman scorn, mental issue when it comes to Don.
She is a sounding brass.
Kayleigh McEnany put that snarky lil piss-ant in her place more than once
Have you gotten around to holocaust denialism yet?
Research it yourself, You are the hamas lover.

And that’s just his public speeches. In private it is reported he yells and screams at people, cusses them out and even kicked his dog (no wonder they go after people). Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden is simply demented.
But the REAL worry is that Trump used the SAME WORD Hitler one time used… but that gets worse. Trump also uses the same adverbs, conjunctions and verbs that Stalin used!
Democrats are so desperate that they are absolutely pathetic.
Have you gotten around to the Democrats’ widespread racism and anti-Semitism yet, instead of constantly trying to transfer Democrat characteristics onto Trump?
Well, first, his border and immigration statements merely reflect the truth and what this nation needs. It is the left, who actually follows Hitler, his principles and his methods, not Trump. Second, remember every time one of Obama’s scandals blew up in his face, like his IRS scandal, he would lie and say he only learned about it in the news?
Your desperation is showing.
Do you remember that time Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden crawled on his hands and knees, kissed the Crown Prince’s asshole and begged for them to increase oil production to lower the prices that he had caused to skyrocket?
Should have been done 35 years ago! I hope its not toolset.
03/18/24 – Trump is unable to make $464 million bond in civil fraud case, his lawyers tell court –
I guess they know a very bad risk when they see one.
No worries. It probably isn’t a classified document.
OH MY GOD!!! You don’t reckon that could be photoshopped, do you?
Be fair he din nt have his new shoes and enter the belly of the plane back then

Sure its a risk his assets are in NY commie shit hole where large buildings are dropping in value. He would need a billion liquid to get a bond.
Behold democrat rule.
Dec 19, 2023 New York’s population decreased by 101,984 residents 78K fleeing from NY city alone.
For years he’s played a shell game with debt and deceptively inflated property values.
So what none of it was illegal its what developers do,all of them.
The simple fact that people do things does not make those things legal or moral.
No, he didn’t. The entire case is nothing but leftist fascist lawfare. Why wasn’t he prosecuted before? Why hasn’t anyone else been prosecuted?
MANY of Trump’s political and business associates have been indicted and prosecuted. Gates, Manafort, Cohen, Flynn, Papadopoulos, Stone, Bannon, Nader, Broidy, Giuliani, Powell, Weisselberg, Smirnov, Navarro, Meadows, Eastman, Chesebro, Ellis, Smith, Cheeley, Roman, Lee, Floyd… It’s an endless list.
Why doesn’t joe defend his record?
We are not talking about get Trumps people we are talking about anyone else. Any other developer, building owner that fully paid back loans, can you find one?
Trump expert witness should sue the pants off judge for libel.
Yeah, the risk of the fascist federal government taking him out. As we have seen, fascist governments will do ANYTHING to hold on to power.
03/18/24 – Michael Cohen says possibility of Trump receiving foreign money to pay bills is ‘no joke’ –
Dont care, not a little bit. Qtar? pfft, they are up hamas ass like you. Maybe the Saudis. If he wins appeal the bond,less than a 1/2 billion would be paid back, it would show Biden is considered a true world threat to to Planet, so suck it. Some billionaire in Taiwan?
There are more than 3000 multi billionaires scattered all over the earth that might not want to see their nice stuff nuked by lunatics.
Worried ha you cheered for this shit.
03/18/24 – Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort is in discussions to help with reelection effort –
(Possibly in his former capacity as conduit to the Kremlin.)
Funny… there is solid evidence Hunter did the same thing and he isn’t in jail. Not even charged. Reckon there’s a two-tiered justice system that is weaponized against Republicans and protects Democrats?
Equal application of justice does not apply to democrats. We will have to teach our children and grand children to always ask the Sesame Street question;
One of These Things (Is Not Like the Others) – Wikipedia
“Trump is shockingly ignorant” about foreign affairs, Hill added. “Trump rarely read materials he was given before meetings. Trump is less a threat to Russia, and more to the US given his approach to governance.”
Is joe going to defend his record?
Ms Hill looks like a billy bass fish, is no expert on anything, was not adjusting well to the new administration and its new policies of no coups in other countries.
During the question-and-answer session, Hill calmly confirmed much of what we already know about the Ukraine story, including the circumstances in which her boss, Bolton, said to her, on July 10th, “You tell Eisenberg”—John Eisenberg, the N.S.C.’s chief counsel—“that I am not part of whatever drug deal Mulvaney”—Mick Mulvaney, the acting White House chief of staff—“and Sondland”—Gordon Sondland, the Ambassador to the European Union—“are cooking up.”
They were not going to go with the Presidents foreign policy, just keep on grifting for the CIA and Soros.
“Ms Hill looks like a billy bass fish”
Is that apropos of anything?
Just an observation, ugly ugly woman.
Just put a lure and line in that yap

You apparently don’t recognize intelligence and expertise when you encounter them.
She is both ugly and ignorant, how much time has she spent with the newly re-elected by a landslide President Putin, she knows Russian history, BFD. BBC is propaganda.
Trump cultists fool no one but themselves. Others can see with their own eyes and hear with their own ears.
OK, still voting. Cultist best ya got?
Would this be Michael Cohen, the perjurer? Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden has taken foreign money to pay HIS bills, and THAT’S when he was Vice President.
Note there is no evidence, unlike the huge tranche of evidence now held against Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden