By Steven Richards
At one time, unfavorable outcomes in the four court cases against former President Donald Trump seemed likely to be politically damaging for the three-time campaigner, but as the cases have faced scrutiny and delays, public opinion has recently shifted.
Yesterday, the Georgia Appeals Court agreed to hear an appeal in the state election case brought by controversial Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis. Earlier this week, a Florida judge indefinitely suspended the federal trial in the classified documents case.
With the federal January 6 case delayed until the Supreme Court rules on an immunity argument it heard this spring, Trump is now set to see significant delays in three of the four court cases arrayed against him by both state and federal prosecutors. Only the New York so-called “hush money” trial is ongoing, though key witnesses such as porn star Stormy Daniels have appeared to undermine aspects of the case.
The delays come as the 2024 election fast approaches. The former president—and now the presumptive Republican nominee—has been plagued by the court cases since early 2023 frequently hampering his efforts to campaign. After recent developments, three of those cases appear increasingly likely to be delayed until after the November election, which bodes well for his campaign.
“President Trump has established a commanding polling lead in the battleground and Crooked Joe Biden is on the ropes. His Democrat party allies know it, so they continue to ramp up their ongoing Witch-Hunts, further abusing and misusing the power of their offices to interfere in the presidential election,” Steven Cheung, Communications Director for the Trump 2024 campaign said in a statement to Just the News Wednesday.
“President Trump and his team will continue to fight these unconstitutional hoaxes in the courts and the American People will ultimately hold Crooked Joe and his comrades to account this Fall,” he added.
When the Georgia Appeals Court on Wednesday agreed to hear an appeal from Trump’s lawyers in his Georgia election interference case, it marked the latest in a series of delays in the state case.
Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis, who brought charges against Trump in August 2023, accused him and several co-defendants of a racketeering conspiracy to undermine the election outcome in Georgia in 2020.
The first delay came when one of Trump’s co-defendants in the case raised accusations that District Attorney Fani Willis had engaged in an improper romantic and financial relationship with the lead prosecutor, Nathan Wade. She is alleged to have benefited personally from that relationship.
Fulton County Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee, who is presiding over the case, held hearings to assess calls for Willis to be disqualified. McAfee ultimately ruled that the District Attorney’s conduct was improper and that either Willis or her prosecutor, Wade, would have to step down from the case. Wade complied with the order, leaving Willis in place.
Trump and his co-defendants immediately moved to appeal his decision, which McAfee granted. Now that the Georgia Appeals Court has accepted that interlocutory appeal, it is likely to lead to even further delays.
Earlier this week, U.S. District Court Judge Aileen Cannon postponed the May 20 start date of the classified documents trial indefinitely in the face several pre-trial motions occupying the calendar.
“The Court also determines that finalization of a trial date at this juncture—before resolution of the myriad and interconnected pre-trial and CIPA [Classified Information Procedures Act] issues remaining and forthcoming—would be imprudent and inconsistent with the Court’s duty to fully and fairly consider the various pending pre-trial motions before the Court, critical CIPA issues, and additional pretrial and trial preparations necessary to present this case to a jury,” Cannon wrote in her order.
“The Court therefore vacates the current May 20, 2024, trial date (and associated calendar call), to be reset by separate order following resolution of the matters before the Court, consistent with Defendants’ right to due process and the public’s interest in the fair and efficient administration of justice,” she added.
This announcement marked a win for the Trump team, which had previously asked the judge to delay the case until after the 2024 election, which she declined at the time.
The Trump team brought forward another issue this week that could also further hold up the trial.
The biden WH and DOJ are up to their eyeballs in a criminal conspiracy to prevent President Trump from being able to campaign while tied down in court. Pure and simple, this is election interference. That is a felony. All of those involved will need to tried and if guilty, incarcerated.
When Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden and the Ministry of Propaganda proclaim that Trump will be a vindictive dictator seeking vengeance, they MEAN it. Because of how far back that Rubicon they cross is, they fear they are TOAST if Trump wins, which not only they may be, but they absolutely SHOULD be. They will fight bitterly, employing their Sturmabteilung, inciting violence wherever possible, employing massive election fraud and, as their final redoubt, trying to block Trump’s certification with extra-Constitutional and illegal “legislation”, which will trigger a true crisis.
The Walls are closing in on Soros, Bragg the DNC the UN/Globalists and the rest of the Kangaroos of the court or UN/DNC/Globalists
Trump is the most hated man in America.
We see that with the polls and rallies.
Thomas: Nick, what do you do for a living now?
“Nick”: I work for the Biden Administration.
Thomas (flabbergasted): You work for the Biden administration? Is it your job to wake him up? Or what’s your job? (Mimicking man trying to wake up Biden) “Hey, hey, there’s a war! Hey!”
Okay, what do you do for the Biden administration? What a sh*t show of a job you have!
“Nick”: (No response)
Thomas: I can’t believe you admitted that in front of all of these people! You have the freedom to lie. You could have said you were a hooker, and I would have been prouder of ya!
What do you do?
“Nick”: I travel to southern states.
(Thomas makes raspberry noises as the audience laughs, then pretends to walk off the stage)
Thomas: You go to the South and try to sell them on Biden?! You’re f**king r**arded! What the f**k?!
What are you talking about? That’s your f**king job?!….Wow. Are you ready to be unemployed or what’s your vibe?
Good riddance. Rapaport’s vulgarity disgusts me, no matter who he’s trashing.
I approve of Biden hitting the brakes on supplying munitions for Israel’s Gaza campaign. Netanyahu would drag us into a regional conflict if he had his way.
Except it is impeachable a violation the Impoundment Control Act he has no legal authority to unilaterally withhold what congress has funded. They were going to impeach Trump for this til they found out it was not by his orders so swapped the story and failed in the senate hearing. Rapaport is only a comedian a celebrity no one of importance. Celebrities should stay in their lane. Starwars actors in their lane as well.
Maybe Netanyahu is being a stereo-type Jew and the kick backs are not as profitable as in Ukraine. He says he will do it with or without the USA, that would be easier on taxpayers.
Apparently Biden is willing to risk impeachment.
War fucking sucks no matter where, the US bombing of German cities had a much higher toll, then dropping an atomic bomb on 2 cities in Japan. I would say with most of the men at war those were mostly women and children as well. You squealed they didnt get it fast enough, I find it all stomach turning.
oh if there was a buck in it for the Bidens they would be well supplied to murder and murder.
The past is beyond our control. The present is where we have moral choices. You know that as well as I do.
The same psycho types are in control, they belong in max security insane asylums. There is no humanity in them all they want is control. War, famine, poverty and fear are their age old tools. I see how they can not make peace treaties and keep their word. They have but one mind set its not the advancement of humanity. What we have been taught about the past are huge lies. Good guys and bad guys in any war.
That’s right. In the past, Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden lifted Trump’s sanctions on Iran AND gifted them billions of dollars to allow them to resume their funding of terrorism and Hamas. The result was October 7th. That’s now in the past; it’s done.
So now we are forced to deal with the present and prepare for the future. The only acceptable outcome for Israel, now that Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden has gotten this war started, is for Hamas to be eradicated. Israel is very close to success, but Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden is losing support from his terrorist anti-Semitic wing of his party, which is apparently large and powerful. So, he wants to satisfy them with more dead Jews.
Democrats like Omar and Tlaib need to figure out who they are serving: US citizens or terrorist supporting Palestinians. Likewise, US citizens need to decide what they support: funding terrorism or peace through strength. Trump is peace through strength.
Cry me a river. Israel has ridded the planet of pollution, for that you should be grateful.
Risk? With the corrupt Democrats and Ministry of Propaganda behind him? RISK? Why quote figures supplied by Hamas unless you support Hamas.
Refusing ordinance for Israel is support for Hamas.
Two side of the same coin. The democrats impeached Trump for allegedly withholding military aid to Ukraine because Trump dared to inquire about the biden crime family corruption and money laundering scheme.
So now, similar to biden threatening to withhold congressional aid to Ukraine in exchange for firing the prosecutor who was investigating burisma, now biden for political expediency, is withholding congressionally funded military aid to Israel because he needs votes for November.
On the one hand, it was necessary to impeach Trump to protect the biden corruption and on the other hand biden commits the same fundamental act for political reasons and the democrat say, nothing to see here, move along.
The House should impeach biden ASAP and send to the Senate. We all know the democrat Senate will not convict even though it is a way to rid themselves of biden before November.
Cabrera cited a poll by NPR/PBS NewsHour (hotbeds of right-wing thinking) that found that 53 percent of independent voters think Biden’s re-election would “weaken our democracy.”
The democrats do not want to be the first party to have a president convicted and removed via impeachment.
However, democrats lust for power and the current writing on the wall for November is a triple defeat, House , Senate and WH. Impeaching biden in the House for this egregious act that would have generational hardship in the ME, would strengthen the vote for the Republicans given their heretofore dismal 17 months in the majority.
Greg. Stupid and Getting worse
Netanyahu is fighting a war Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden himself made possible. Now the only acceptable outcome is for Hamas to be utterly destroyed. Instead, Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden wants to sacrifice Israel for a few thousand votes… OF TERRORIST SUPPORTERS.
That’s the piece of shit you support.
If your assessment is based on your hatred alone, it is an insignificant premise.
Only in your empty head, Comrade.
Greg is the kind of Idiot who Sees Wet Pant sign on a Bech and sits Down on it and ruins their Monkey Suit
Only in the minds of Globalists and Brainless little Pinheads like you and Micheal
He is hated by those that hate America.
Poles show your a total Moron Greg Go out in the Garden and Eat Worms
The Polls show otherwise you Moron
Also, the delays allow people to see more clearly just how worthless the cases are. As more “evidence” (or lack thereof, manufactured or manipulated) is exposed, it becomes all the more clear that these cases are absolutely NOTHING but DNC’s fascist lawfare.
Scaramucci on Trump: US must ‘gird for when he loses in November’ –
Your still a total Moron
Let’s see… remind me again who has used the IRS, FBI and DoJ to go after anyone and everyone that opposes this fascist Robin Ware/Robert L. Peters/JRB Ware/Pedo Peter/idiot Biden regime?